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Saturday, July 10, 2021

Writing Class Opening



That's me in the picture, it has nothing to do with  this content I am writing here, though. But the picture reminds me of how enthusiastic I have always been to take tests, join classes, and meet lots of new people to share. My heart always beats faster when I want to put out my ideas into words in front of many people, On Line or Off Line. For me, having people who listen to what ideas or opinions  I want to say, has always been a great excitement, almost like I can jump all around of joy to have it. Yes, I Love to share what I know and take what people know, so I can learn new things all the time. 

Tonight, was the Opening meeting for a new online Blog Writing class. Amazing as it sound, right?, yes, tremendously amazing. I met so many great writers, Bloggers, IT experts, teachers from all over Indonesia On Line. Isn't it weird how in this unbelievably, God Given pandemic of COVID-19 year, can give us a bit of a benefit?. Odd, huh? Benefit? Out of COVID-19? Yes, benefit, if not for this condition, It will be almost impossible for me to meet those 'knowledge rich" people, who are willingly to share their richness for free  even if it's  by On Line Media. It will be almost out of this earth, for me to be in the same room with them too. But, today I was with them, getting their "secret weapons", " War Strategies" And " Chicken soup" Of becoming a good  writer. And I was mesmerized. 

The Opening meeting was not only and opening, but also a meeting full of scholarly advice and tips. The participants was  also as excited as me, for sure, questions after questions of curiosity were asked, far before the discussion session was even opened. Eagerness has control everyone's mind in the meeting, we were so enthusiastic to put all eyes and ears on each word and slide that the speaker showed. Every one of us tried to seriously involved with the explanation, and absorb every important points so we can start to write on our blog as soon and as great as possible. Although the first meeting will start two days from now, but the spirit of writing has built up so strong and high in our minds. 

These are the things I have expected, appreciation, self awareness building and excitements, has made me a real humans once again, after ages I have not been involved with a mind blowing activities like this one, and I was lost for several years. Now, I have found my way back. I will be the agent of change once more. I will create  new things, I will do amazing things again. May all the good spirit and prayers be with me to finish this new path. 

The Agent Of Change

Sukabumi, Jully 10th, 2021

Ms. Phia

Monday, July 05, 2021

My Papaya Story

My Papaya Story

I have been joining this writers community club on WhatsApp group, it has been going on for maybe a month or two. For the last two months, I have never even tried to write anything in the group, while everybody else there posted so many things including their blog's writing. I was a fiction writer when I was very young, even published one of mine in a teenager magazine, but, then I stopped writing, exactly why? believe me, I have No Idea. Few years since I stopped I just lost it, lost the ideas, the spirit may be even lost my mind too a little, ha-ha

Today, at 5 PM, the admin of the Writers group sends this picture of papaya, there he urges everyone in the group to write something about the picture and post it on the group, he even offers a reward for the best essay. I was encouraged, why ?? well, simply because papaya reminds me a lot about my late mother. yes, My Mama, when I was a little girl, we many times got a visit from my mother's older brother, wak haji , that's how we use to call him, He had a huge papaya garden, in Indonesian we call it Pepaya Bangkok. a sweet and large type of papayas, and every time he or his sons visited us they always brought so many of the Pepaya Bangkok, I love it a lot since it tastes so sweet. My mama used to peel, cut, and serve it for us, we had papaya and shared stories that time, stories like how I can play so far with my friends and how she always gets mad when I came home late, happy things, you know family time.

Yes, I finally write a little story about my papaya memories, it wasn't a good one, though, it was short and maybe a little boring story about sweet papaya and family time stories of mine. I wrote it in Bahasa, I did not win the prize, ha -ha, but after I wrote it, the memories travel to when my Mama was still here with us. I have three other siblings. two brothers and a sister, I am the second kid in the family. We don't really meet a lot, now that we have families of our own. My older brother is married and stayed in a different city, my youngest brother stays with me, he has been having problems with his health, my youngest sister is also married and now she's 7 months pregnant, living with her husband in a different town too. We are different people, we have minds of our own, you know it's different now after  Bapak and Mama passed away, things happen, and some said I am bad at choosing people. I never regret my decision, though. 

Yep, the memories travel to My mama and Bapak too, a father is the Pillar of a house, and a mother is a roof, when they are around, no matter how bad the house condition is, the wall always stands strong and the roof always protects us from the rain and storm. But, after they passed, it seems like we show who we really are, you know, the real you, the stubborn, arrogant, selfish, and grumpy us. perhaps it's true that all along our arguments stop due to our respect towards Bapak and Mama, now that they are not around, no one to respect, no one to ask solution no one to look up to anymore, By no means all I still respect them. Bapak, My father, he is this man I always look up to, my first love, the man who had never hurt me, he used to say " Kalau orang jahat sama kita, gpp, yang penting kita gak jahat sama orang " He can easily forgive people, even the baddest, he maybe was not a perfect person, but that is how I see my father, forgiveness, wild heart in soft emotions, a man that would smile when a neighbour friend, with his son's age, grab his collar and cockily tried to show him something. He is a wise man that would willingly open his arm to help people who hurt him. Mi Papa Mi Amor.

Still the memories travel to the old days, while my eyes focus on the three girls I have now, they are not only mine, my children, but they are also my teacher. I can live through the toughest times in my life, cause I have them. and I want to be the same person my father taught me for them, I want to be their first hero. I want to be their unforgettable story to tell, I want to be their papaya story, just like papaya you'll find a bit of bitterness outside, sweetness on the inside, and freshness all around. 

My Papaya Story
Sukabumi, July 5th,2021