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Friday, August 13, 2021


Resume     : 15th ( Ke-15)
Date          : Friday, August 13 th 2021
Speaker     : Susanto S.Pd
Moderator : MAesaroh.,M.Pd
Topic         : "Proofreading Sebelum Menerbitkan Tulisan "

Never Risk disrupting your Audience in taking the messages from your articles, Proofread again.

Tonight the 15th meeting exactly on Friday The 13th. Have you ever heard a story about Friday the 13th before ?. If you have not maybe you remember a horror movie about Freddy Krueger ? . Yes. The monster man that always alive only on Friday the 13th. Spooky start huh? haha sorry. Can't help it. It was just a story but many Americans believe it was a legend.

Finally, after two whole weeks without Bu May on the screen felt rather lonely for me. And tonight she was the moderator, she opened the class with a hello and her typical words of prayers, Maesaroh, M.Pd. The Millenial Blogger.

Our class tonight was lead by the moderator and a great speaker named Bapak Susanto, S.Pd. or commonly called Pak D. With an interesting topic Proofreading. You know what? I am a proofreader myself for international Journals also articles in English.

Pak D Opening statement was quite intriguing too, he said that the last speaker's" discussion, from which he took consent, that many of the resumes wrote from, self-edit, editing after writing the article and must not edit while writing. Those sentences will be a bit different from what he explained today. 
publish your book.

 Maybe you would like to check on Pak D's Facebook for more info on him Pak D Facebook also you might need to check his blog on the link

Regardless of what Pak D informed us, that he is not a professional proofreader, he showed us the proof itself that he has been doing this proofreading job since his friend asked him to do so. Here are some of his proofread books.

1. Kunci Sukses Menjadi Moderator Online (Aam Nurhasanah), Desember 2020.
2. Patidusa Pujangga Wiyata, Antologi Puisi Nusantara Bergema (Aam Nurhanasa, dkk), Januari 2021.
3. Bait-bait Kerinduan, Antologi Puisi Ungkapan Rasa Rindu (Rofiana, S.Pd., dkk), Maret 2021, Januari 2021.
4. Haru Biru Perjalananku, Catatan Perjalanan Tugas Kepala Sekolah Daerah Terpencil dan Satu Atap (“Ambu” Tini Sumartini), Maret 2021.
5. Merajut Goresan Tinta Berbuah Karya (Herni Sunarya Banah, S.Pd.), Maret 2021.
6. Purwakarya Literasi, antologi peserta Gel 18 (2021)
7. Membongkar Rahasia Menulis ala Guru Blogger (Bersama Bu Noralia Puspa Yunita dkk), Juli 2021

Proofreading or sometimes called test-reading is rereading a piece of writing, the goal is to check whether there are errors in the text. ( Susanto,2021)

      I joined Pak D's class also with the same topic earlier, with a different group. And I really look up to learn more with him. Last time I learnt many things about editing and proofreading. 

    Pak D clarified that this proofreading step has to be done at the end of every writing, you don't want to be stuck in the middle (sounds like a song  𝆕𝆔, naa). I come around to the idea of ending the articles before publishing by proofreading, since every proofreading job I have been getting always after the journals or articles finished like 99%. 

    A proofreading job is basically to check on mistaken punctuations, spelling, consistency in the name using, and also word beheading. As I will have to add based on my personal experiences, proofreading is also checking on the use of suitable diction. The choice of words or phrases should also be the object of a proofreading job.

    Exactly to what Pak D pointed, the difference between editing and proofreading is that in proofreading, you are not only focused on highlighting the linguistics part but also have to focused on the substances or the content of the article, back to the use of the suitable phrase, words, and even the sentence pattern. Adding in English Proofreading you need to also focus on the structure and most common expressions.

 Here is a video of proofreading samples he shared 

WAG Pak D Susanto

Before publishing, we take a look at the preview and if there is an error, on the draft we press the CTRL + F key and then carry out the writing process as in the video

A simple example of proofreading:

Original text

Making fiction stories is a little different from non-fiction stories. But non-fiction stories can be delivered in a fictional style to make it more interesting. Of course as long as it does not conflict with the rules for writing non-fiction works that have been determined, such as scientific papers, research reports, and the like.

Repair Text

Making fiction stories is a little different from non-fiction stories. However, non-fiction stories can be told in a fictional style to make it more interesting. Of course as long as it does not conflict with the rules for writing non-fiction works that have been determined, such as scientific papers, research reports, and the like.


 non (adv) not; not: off; non-rice

 Commas are used before conjunctions, such as but, but, and whereas, in compound sentences (equivalent). For example: I want to buy a camera, but I don't have enough money. It's not mine, it's my father's

    Pak D uses online tools to help with his proofreading job1. online puebi; 2. kbbi online  As for English Proofreading you can find many tools to check on the grammar also the suitable phrase. I personally use Grammarly.

Here are some tips from Pak D for a proofreading job :

How to do proofreading?

In tune with Mazmo's message.

  1.  Spelling check. This spelling refers to KBBI, but there are some words that reflect the  publisher's style
  2.   Beheading words referring to KBBI
  3. Consistency of names and conditions
  4.   Pay attention to chapter titles and numbering

     The skill to master as a proofreader is the ability to specify the most crucial problems of a sentence, for instance when you find a not well-structured sentence in a paragraph, you need to find and restructured the sentence without changing the points and the messages within. You are required to have a sharp eye and an excellent knowledge of the source language's rules, used in the article.

In the Q & A session, I was still curious to ask some matters related to changing sentence structure, so I asked two questions and was responded to clearly. I took Pak D's response as an interesting quote 

"Tentang kekhasan, jika kekhasan itu "menerjang" kaidah, ya harus diluruskan, bukan? "

I took question from Pak Ries quite interesting 


N.saya Ries Muhammad Effendy dari SDN JATINEGARA KAUM 01 Jakarta timur 1. From Gel.19

1. Ketika swasunting biasanya kita sudah merasa bena dr dan sudah terbaik. Tapi ketika orang lain baca ternyata dari cara penulisan dan POEBI tulisan kita banyak salah. Untuk meringan kan para editor apa yang harus menjadi bekal bagi penulis ketika dia mau edit tulisannya? Terima kasih 

Pak D response was more interesting

 Itulah saya teringat lagu Bung RHOMA, kuman di seberang lautan tampak, Gajah di pelupuk mata tidak tampak.

Juga teringat ketika teman-teman nonton bola di tribun atau di televisi.

Bapak sebagai penulis adalah pemain bola yang menggiring bola ke gawang kadang tidak tahu di depan ada pemain yang hendak menjegal. Kami penonton di kejauhan tahu benar ke mana bola harus ditendang.

 Demikian pula menulis, jadi perlo orang lain untuk ikut membaca.

 Untuk meringan kan para editor apa yang harus menjadi bekal bagi penulis ketika dia mau edit tulisannya?

Pahami struktur kalimat, pahami PUEBI, buka KBBI jika ragu dengan kata-kata tertentu

 Mempelajari PUEBI yang tebal, kadang membosankan, 

So I add this video of Rhoma Irama Singing his famous song Ghibah, let's, dance people


    Restructuring a sentence does not have to change the message within, if it is too long or using too many compound sentences, cut makes it shorter so the sentence will be effective. As for finding the specialty in the writer's point, change it if it is structurally mistaken.

     Every writer needs to be a good proofreader since every publishing company also will eventually edit your writing, but they will not change the content, they do not have the right to change articles content. So, the writing itself should be the one to fix it, before it is published.


    Saking banyaknya pesan yang dikirim mahasiswaku, maka kubuat Part 2 dari kata mhasiswa ini tentang betapa pentingnya belajar dan menguasai English. bukan hanya untuk Mahasisswa tapi untuk semua orang.  

[Tiwi Firdayanti] AkuntansiPentingnya kuliah bahasa inggris biar pas lagi dengerin lagu galau bahasa inggris dapet rasa sedihnya bukan sedih karena gak tau artinya, selain itu juga bisa bahasa inggris dapat memperlancar karir dan memperluas pengetahuan.Dan di mata kulia ini sangat berkesan bagi saya karena saya dituntut untuk lebih percaya diri dalam berbicara bahasa inggris, serta materi materi yang mudah dipahami dan dipelajari.Terimakasih kasih banyak Miss🥰  

[ Ms.Fauziah Akuntansi]: Pentingnya belajar atau kuliah bahasa Inggris menurut fauziah itu sangat penting, karena di era yang modern ini semua pekerjaan dan berbagai macam kegiatan kemungkinan menggunakan bahasa Inggris, dan basic berbahasa Inggris jga sangat di butuhkan di dunia pekerjaan, bahasa Inggris sudah menjadi bahasa yang internasional bahkan di Gadget dan sosmed pun banyak yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris  maka dari itu sangat penting di adakan nya pendidikan atau kuliah bahasa Inggris. 

Dan kesan fauziah selama belajar di kelas General bahasa Inggris ini fauziah is very lucky because dapat dosen yang bener bener sangat luar biasa, yang membuat fauziah bisa lebih pede speaking english, dapat materi baru, pokonya banyak hal yang fauziah gatau setelah belajar disini jadi tau karena pemaparan materi yang sangat jelas. And i Just want say something for miss thanks you and so Sorry if sometimes we not talk when zoom meeting And just focus to materi Maybe we dont now harus bilang apa karena ya bingung bicara bahasa Inggris nya gimana Hehe, pokonya thank you very much miss , And i hope next semester kalau ada Matkul Inggris lagi dosen nya miss lagi 🤭😁🥰♥️ 

[Siti Karlinda Sari Akuntansi] Penting nya belajar bahasa Inggris karena bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa internasional. Kita mau ke negara mana pun cukup dengan bekal bisa bahasa Inggris sudah aman. Terlebih orang yang bisa bahasa Inggris lebih mudah dalam jenjang karier, perusahaan mana sih yang menolak orang yang pandai berbahasa Inggris.  

Kesan saya belajar matkul bahasa Inggris MasyaAllah happy banget, cara dosen menyampaikan materi sangat mudah di mengerti, dan tidak membuat takut mahasiswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris, mahasiswa yang tidak terlalu percaya diri dalam berbahasa Inggris pun bisa berpartisipasi ikut serta belajar bahasa Inggris dengan santai dan tentunya mudah dipahami. Terimakasih miss atas ilmu yang telah diberikan selama satu semester ini, semoga dilain semester bisa ketemu dosen seperti miss lagi 🥰❤ 

[Kania Akuntansi] Pentingnya belajar bahasa inggris karena bahasa inggris bahasa internasional yang paling banyak dipakai di dunia, bahasa inggris juga biasanyaa selalu ada dalam film yang beredar secara internasional, selain itu bahasa inggris juga menambah pengetahuan akan kemajuan zaman dan teknologi, kita bisa lihat informasi lebih banyak jika bisa bahasa inggris. Bahasa inggris juga membantu bila kita ingin pergi berwisata ke luar negeri atau melanjutkan pendidikan di luar negeri karena bahasa yang digunakan secara umum itu bahasa inggris. Maka dari itu bahasa inggris sangat diperlukan dalam semua aspek kehidupan saat ini. 

Kesan saya selama berada di kelas Ms. Phia sangat senang, penyampaian materi jelas dan rinci, mudah dipahami, dan kelasnya santai membuat saya tidak tegang untuk belajar. Cara Ms. Phia bertanya atau membuat mahasiswa aktif sangat nyaman, seperti "kita sedang proses belajar, jangan takut salah". Ms. Phia juga ramah di kelas jadi membangun suasana belajar. Makasih banyak Ms udah berbagi ilmu, semoga kedepannya bisa ketemu lagii sama Ms, sehat sehat Ms. Phia♡ 

[ Stie Winda Akuntansi] ~ Importance Learning English~ I think English Language is very Importance for Communication, And of course for my job In the future, For now english language be a categori for jov vacancy,and for the last thank you ms, So proud have a good teacher like you, I hope one day we can Meet as student and teacher at another place ❤️ 

[nala yuliabi Akuntansi]: Kuliah bahasa inggris sangat penting karena bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa internasional, sehingga dengan belajar bahasa inggris dapat memudahkan komunikasi antara satu negara dengan negara lainnya. Manfaat belajar bahasa inggris yaitu menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan, mudah dalam mengembangkan karir dan masih banyak lagi. 

Kesan belajar bahasa inggris dengan ms Phia sangat menyenangkan. Cara ms Phia menyampaikan materi mudah dipahami, enjoy sehingga tidak membuat mahasiswa tegang. Ms Phia ramah ke semua mahasiswa, dalam belajar ms Phia selalu mensupport mahasiswa agar tidak takut salah dalam berbicara bahasa inggris. Terimakasih banyak ms atas ilmu yang ms berikan. Semoga semester selanjutnya dapat bertemu kembali dengan ms Phia🥺❤ 

[Sylvia Clarissa Akuntansi] Pentingnya bahasa inggris karena bahasa inggris saat ini sudah meng-global. Seperti yg kita tau bhsa inggris  merupakan bahasa internasional yang digunakan seluruh manusia didunia. Tentu saja ketika kita menguasai bahasa inggris, kita akan mudah bercakap dengan siapa saja, dan pastinya memudahkan kita dalam menonton film, karena film yang beredar secara internasional itu memakai bahasa inggris

Kesannya dalam belajar bahasa inggris bersama Ms. Phia sangat menyenangkan walaupun tidak bertatap muka, dimana saat belajar suasananya santai dan seru

Makasih banyak ms buat semua ilmunya, semoga sehat terus, pjg umur, dan bisa ketemu lgi nantinya. Pokoknya Ms Phia tuhh best bangetttt😃 

[Dita Aura febrian Akuntansi] Pentingnya belajar bahasa inggris karena bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa internasional yang akan menunjang komunikasi dengan orang lain. Selain itu, dengan perkembangan zaman dan kemajuan teknologi, semua informasi² rata-rata menggunakan bahasa inggris. Saat ini juga banyak referensi penunjang perkuliahan yang menggunakan bahasa inggris. Dengan kita mempelajari dasar² bahasa inggris sangat membantu kita dalam pekerjaan,kuliah,dan kegiatan lainnya.Maka dari itu belajar bahasa inggris sangat penting, setidaknya sedikit atau banyak nya kita paham dengan bahasa inggris meskipun pasif.

Kesannya belajar bersama ms Phia itu menyenangkan, kelas nya santai dan seru, cara menyampaikan materi nya mudah dipahami. Selalu mensupport mahasiswa nya. Ms phia itu orangnya positive vibes banget, bikin seneng ngeliatnya. Terima kasih ilmu nya ms, semoga kita bisa bertemu tatap muka dan semoga semester selanjutnya bisa bertemu lagi dengan ms phia♡🥰 

[Fahira Akuntansi] Belajar bahasa inggris sangat penting karena bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa internasional yang pasti digunakan oleh banyak negara. Dengan kita mempelajari bahasa inggris tentunya kita akan dapat mudah berkomunikasi dengan siapa saja, dan dapat membantu dalam urusan pekerjaan. 

Kesannya belajar bahasa inggris dengan Ms. Phia sangat menyenangkan, penyampaian materi yang jelas dan mudah dipahami, menciptakan suasana belajar yang asik dan tidak menegangkan. Terimakasih banyak Ms. atas ilmu yang diberikan, sehat selalu Ms🥰 

[Iyes Akuntansi] Bahasa Inggris sangatlah  penting karena merupakan bahasa ilmiah. Dan jika suatu bangsa atau individu dapat menguasai bahasa dalam ilmu pengetahuan tersebut, dipastikan perlu menguasai bahasa Inggris.Menguasai bahasa Inggris dapat menguatkan nilai atau value seseorang dimata orang lain dan juga akan lebih di hargai di dunia kerja internasional. Selain itu, manfaat belajar bahasa inggris dalam kehidupan sehari-hari adalah sebagai penambah wawasan dan pengetahuan kita akan berbagai bahasa dunia, karena bahasa inggris adalah bahasa ibu ketiga yang paling banyak dituturkan seluruh dunia, setelah bahasa mandarin dan bahasa spanyol. 

Kesannya belajar bahasa inggris bersama Ms. Phia sangat menyenangkan dan untuk materi yang disampaikan sangat mudah untuk di pahami.… 

[Marsha Akuntansi] Belajar B.inggris benar benar sangat penting, karna b.inggris adalah bahasa internasional. Sehingga skil b.inggris banyak di butuhkan di dunia pekerjaan, atau pendidikan di masa yang akan datang. Seseorang yang memiliki skil b.inggris yang baik memiliki nilai lebih di dunia pekerjaan, maupun aspek lainnya. Karna mempermudah komunikasi dengan orang orang asing. 

Kesan belajar dengan ms Phia sangat memyenangkan, bnyak aura positif belajar dengan ms. Phia. Walau daring ms. Phia menyampaikan materi sangat mudah di pahami, Dengan sistem belajar yang tersusun. Sehingga menyenangkan untuk saya. Thanks you Ms. Phia you are so special ❤️ 

            [Fajrin KBB]: Pentingnya kuliah bahasa inggris: 

Menambah wawasan,ilmu pelajaran bahasa inggris. Bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa internasional, jadi dimana2 sudah memakai bahasa inggris, mau tidak mau kita harus meng upgrade diri kita supaya lebih mengerti bahasa inggris. Karena beberapa perusahaan besarpun harus menguasai bahasa inggris untuk masuk keperusahaan tersebut, jadi memang penting bahasa inggris itu.  

Kelas Ms.Phia :

Selalu aktif dosennya, komunikatif, selalu update jadi gakan ketinggalan informasi 😊 thankyou miss untuk pembelajaran semester ini mudah2an selalu diingat pembelajarannya. 

 [ Stie Kbb Husen]: Penting nya kuliah bahasa inggris:Di jaman yg sudah modern ini tentunnya semua menggunakan bahasa inggris dan bahasa inggris adalah salah satu hal sangat penting selain dari komunikasi juga pemahaman untuk menjelajahi dunia internet atau global dan memang sangat penting bahasa inggris tersebut di era jaman yg sudah modern ini. Dan terimakasih untuk ibu dosen walau materi di sampaikan secara online , ibu tidak pernah lupa selalu memberi materi,  dan penyampaian nya pun sangat mudah di pahami walaupun secara online terimakasih sudahmemberi ilmu nya kepada kami bu phia, sehat dan sukses selalu bu phia🙏🏼  

 [Anis Akuntansi]: assalamualaikum miss... 

makasih untuk ilmunya, mohon maaf anis telat pokoknya miss bener bener menyampaikan dan memberikan ilmunya bikin nyaman banget dan bikin kangen terus tiap pertemuannya ..semangat miss... ❤️

I Love you miss jangan lupain anis ya miss... sedih padahal ini favorit banget 

Wednesday, August 11, 2021


Resume     : 14th (Ke-14)
Date          : Wednesday, August 11th 2021
Topic         : "Menulis Buku mayor dalam seminggu"
Speaker    : Prof.R.Eko Indrajit
Moderator : Mr. Bams

It Is Not Only About How fast to reach the Finish Line But Also About How Time is used Effectively and Reflectively. 
Ms. Phia

The 14th meeting of Belajar Menulis, it's on Wednesday evening the second day in New Hijriyah year . A brand new day taking a great big step in a new beginning a great best seller books author. (I'll get there  he he)

Tonight the class moderator was Mr. Bams. The funny and motivating moderator, who always started the class with his typical line of small jokes that encourage the participants to relaxedly focus on the speaker's explanation. Mr Bams directly shared the speaker's CV link on the group so that we can learn about it prior. Here was the opening from Om Jay that I shared so that it will be usefull for Indonesian speaker. I also shared the Intriguing opening from Mr.Bams.

I just couldn't help myself to eagerly start the class, since the speaker was Prof.R Eko Indrajit. BOOM. a major knowledge from a major speaker. I joined one of his online classes several days ago, it was absolutely great. He has this typical style of giving a powerful speech, explanation, knowledge sharing, and personality, yes a strong personality excellent interpersonal skill, and of course an awesome experience. Here is a link to his full resume and curriculum vitae. Prof Eko's Resume.

Picture from

I chose to put Prof Eko's picture here, even his picture is a state of the art, I took it from CV. That famous, and I was in his class today Discussing a topic entitled " Menulis Buku mayor Dalam Seminggu".Mr Bams added the fact about Prof Eko, He said that Prof's name is shorter compare to his titles, He has more titles than his name is, it was counted 61 characters from name and titles included.  It is time to focus people!

Prof Eko's first quote that  I got was " The requirements for writing a book are simple, namely, they like to talk about various things every day, and can type on a computer, using either 10 fingers or 11 fingers" from this quote alone I can conclude that being a writer is as easy as speaking, talking, telling stories, advising people, practically those are the things that we d every day. 

Prof Eko has been a YouTuber with his channel named EKOJI CHANEL ( subscription, like and share, are highly recommended), since March 16th, 2021. This study Fanatic 52 years old Man, finished one graduate study, 5 Master degrees, 3 Doctoral studies and is still in process of finishing his fourth doctoral study, blowing minds resume.
As for entertainment, tonight Prof Eko shared his singing video, he sang with his beautiful and famous wife. For your joy please check on the link

Video from EKOJI YouTube Channel 

He who continuously become a keynote speaker on webinars, workshops, and seminars, took the opportunities to use every one of those activities of speaking to create content for his youtube channel, and once he checked he had about 500 content in it.

Om Jay took this as a chance to challenge Prof Eko, on Prof's 50th video related to education Om Jay challenged him. 
"Pada saat saya membuat video mengenai pendidikan yang ke-50, saya dihubungi Oom Jay untuk membuat terobosan bagi guru-guru bloger binaan beliau - di situlah secara on the spot timbul ide "gila" yang ternyata berhasil diwijudkan"
 On the 50th video uploaded to my youtube channel, Om Jay contacted me to create a breakthrough for teachers on his fostered blogger program for teachers. And that was when he got a Crazy idea to do.

The idea is that teachers who are interested in becoming major book writers are welcome to choose one of the 50 topic titles in the EKOJI CHANNEL, After each teacher chose a title, then we agreed that within two weeks to a month, the teachers were asked to WRITE EVERYTHING I EXPLAINED IN THE VIDEO, using words or sentences from the author's teacher.

 After the challenged teacher writes it then they will have to add more writings, and references to complete the task. After they finished at least 100 pages then he will send the writing to Andi Publisher which is a major publisher. those teachers will have to finish it in two weeks tops aand a month the latest.

All challenges taken made him very proud, in the first tryo ut for this challenge there were 19 books published. Prof Eko emphasizes that they need only to have a strong will and focus on what they want to achieve.  It was difficult at first because this initiative was relatively new to teachers, but with passion, self-motivation, and mutual help, everything was beautiful in its time.

Prof Eko as I can learn from his resumes and how he explained the topic thoroughly. He is a very determined person in reaching his goals. I would say his life is my life goal. To learn many things and to still focus on the main goal of life. 

The tips and the tricks in writing a good book even good books as fast as a speed of light, is only to be passionate, motivated, and help each other. yes, helping people will eventually help us. The topic today build so much encouragement in me. I can finish my doctoral studies then take another study. If Prof Eko can do it then I can also.

The most intriguing question I would say question came from Bapak Mangatur Panjaitan, Whereas he is also a well-experiienced teacher, who is still very eager to learn more. 

Nama: Mangatur Panjaitan
Asal: Batam
Untuk mengikuti angkatan MERDEKA MENULIS bulan Agustus ini, langkah cepat apa yang dilakukan agar bisa mewujudkan impian dalam DUA MINGGU naskah selesai dan dikirim ke penerbit ANDI?
Terimakasih. Salam Literasi dari Batam

Prof Eko :Mas Mangatur Panjatian, pengalaman memperlihatkan bahwa intinya adalah pada MOTIVASI MENULIS dan KEMAMPUAN MENULIS. Jika keduanya bisa dipertahankan dalam dua minggu, maka nischaya 100 halaman buku minimal tercapai. Bukankah 14 hari dikali 10 halaman = 140 halaman? Ayo ikutan, ditunggu.... Salam literasi kembali. Saya sudah kangen sama Batam. Saya dulu kecil di Riau, tumbuh di kota Dumai selama Sekolah Dasar.

Wrapping up the explanations and the Q &A session into one big motivational quote, use your time as effectively as you can and reflect to see what you can do better in life, writing is one way for everyone to reflect on themselves and to also encourage others, people, to do better things.

You just need to love what you do and do what you love then time will be effective also will be worth spending, and here is Prof Eko's tribute to all the teachers in Indonesia

Ekoji Youtube Channel

Tuesday, August 10, 2021


Alhamdulillahirobbil "alamiin

Kelas General English untuk mahasiswa semester  II tahun akademik 2020-2021 di kampus STIE PGRI Kota Sukabumi, tempatku mengamalkan ilmu ku, telah selesai . Semester lalu aku responsible for tiga kelas reguler dengan jadwal Senin, Selasa dan Rabu mulai pukul 17:00 hingga pukul 21:00. 

Buatku mengajar dan berada di antara anak anak muda yang antusias mencari ilmu itu, selalu pengalaman yang sangat menyenangkan dan tak terlupakan. Selama 6 tahun terakhir sudah bergabung dengan Sekolah Tinggi ilmu Ekonomi di kota Sukabumi ini sangat membuat ku bersemangat. Selain lingkungan manajemen yang super ramah, bersahabat, apresiatif dan tepat waktu dalam jadwal, suasana kampus dan mahasiswanya selalu hangat. 

Sebelum penutupan kelas Via Whatsapp setiap kelas aku selalu meminta feedback dari mahasiswaku yang keren keren, dan hari ini Selasa, 10 Agustus 2021 adalah hari terakhir aku berintyeraksi dengan mereka di grup Whatsapp tersebut. ku tuliskan pesan penuh semangat 

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb. Dear STIE fellows. 
Thank you for always being actively involved in my general English class. 
Hope to give benefit for your life as it has for my life. 
Sebelum saya leave grup karena perkuliahan sudah selesai. Saya Mau minta satu tulisan terakhir dari teman teman. Tentang pentingnya kuliah Bahasa Inggris. Dan kesan teman teman dalam Mata Kuliah saya. 
Tulisan boleh dikirim ke group ini. Saya tunggu hingga hari Selasa besok yaa  .
Terimakasih sekali lagi  mohon maaf atas segala kekurangan saya selama membersamai teman teman di kelas ini
Saya tunggu tulisan singkatnya yaa . 🙏🎉🎊

Tidak menunggu lama Group pertama GE MNJ (general English Kelas Manajemen) lalu dari group WA GE AK REG ( General English Kelas Akuntansi reguler) sudah mengirimkan banyak sekali feedback yang bikin sedikit merinding, I am so proud of you guys, always.

[08:40, 09/08/2021] Stie Reg D Mnj Bagas: Waalaikumsalam baik miss 🙏( Mas Bagas ini adalah Ketua Kelas dan yang selalu paling duluan mengingatkan kelas akan dimulai, thank you mas BAgas)

[09:10, 09/08/2021] Stie Reg D Mnj Bagas: Penting nya kuliah bahasa inggris : sangat penting untuk kita sebagai kaum muda dan generasi penerus, untuk  memiliki wawasan yang lebih luas, memiliki pergaulan dan teman yang lebih banyak. Mendapat lebih banyak informasi dan pengalaman, dan juga Meningkatkan nilai diri sebagai orang yang berkualitas untuk bangsa dan negara. Kesan mata kuliah b.inggris : Mendapatkan bnyak pengetahuan baru dan ibu dosen yang baik dan seru.

Saran dan masukan : Penyampaian dan   menjelaskan materi jangan terburu buru ya miss 🙏😊 

The importance of learning english. (Hafiza ) Ms hafiza ini dengan English yang paling keren, selalu speak English in any chance given. actively speaking English in my online classes. Sukses ya Miss Hafiza  

As a college students we really need to learn how to speak other languange, especially english wich is the international language. We face the future that is though by competing with other countries in all aspect, so we really need to learn english for starter. I agree that if we mastering the language our confidence automatically boost. But also practicing confidence for using english in public sircumtance is important too, most of us, Indonesian, often feels ashamed if we did some mistakes when we speaks english that is not our native language. End up we didn’t really like to use english in daily basis because of afraid to be wrong. So teachers should have tell the student that it’s okay to be wrong sometimes cause we learn from that. And we should normalize people using English in daily basis even tho they are not perfect at using it.

For our beloved teacher ms.phia. Thanks for sharing with us and teaching us this whole smester. And for never judging our poor ability in using english heheheh. I personally really enjoy times learning english with you. May god always bless you❤️ 

 The  importance of studying english:( Melinda D.R).English is one of the important aspects possessed by students. In addition to being an international language that will support communication with other people, especially now there are many references to supporting lectures that use English. So students need to improve their English language skills.

keep the spirit miss, the best miss of all time may you always be healthy, thank you for your knowledge that has been given to us❤️  

( أنديكا رحماوان فوترا). English is one of the important aspects possessed by students.  In addition to being an international language that will support communication with other people, especially now there are many references to supporting lectures that use English.  So students need to improve their English language skills.  Therefore, students must improve their English skills by doing various activities related to it.  “Activities by writing articles, participating in discussions, debates and speeches in English.  This will not only improve English language skills but also overall knowledge. 

[ Alvirsa Aprilia]  One of the most important reasons for learning English, one of which is the opportunity to get a more decent job. By having the ability to speak two languages, of course it will be an added value to us. and now, times are advancing. Therefore, this reality seems to force us to follow this path of progress as best we can so that we are not considered old-fashioned by others🙂My impressions and messages while taking English lessons are very pleasant but sometimes I find it difficult to learn English because of my lack of ability in English, I am happy because the English teacher can be friendly and easy to get along with🤍 

[DL] : It is very useful to learn English, by mastering English, we will easily achieve higher education abroad. Good at speaking English is an important requirement for continuing education abroad. This is because when studying abroad, the language of instruction used is English, so learning and mastering English is very important.❤️ 

[ Stie Sallsa Mnj]: Penting nya kuliah bahasa Inggris dan kesannya : Banyak hal menyenangkan ketika belajar bahasa asing , terutama untuk bahasa inggris , bisa mengerti dan memahami bahasa inggris menjadikan modal untuk menghadapi era globalisasi , untuk kosa kata menjadi lebih banyak diketahui , sehingga bisa dipraktekan dalam berkomunikasi dengan orang lain dalam kehidupan sehari hari. 

Untuk miss phia terimakasih banyak ya untuk ilmu yang udah diberikan sama kami semua..❤️❤️ 

[Stie Siti Mnj]: Learning English is important, especially in terms of education. because by learning English we can communicate with outsiders, and make it easier to find work. In addition, through English we can introduce the diversity of culture and language of this nation to those who want to know about Indonesia. 

my impression while learning English with miss, I feel happy and every material  conveys is delivered well, but sometimes it's too fast, I still feel happy to be taught by miss. 

[Rima Aulia MNJ] The importance of learning english. In today's super-advanced era, the use of English has become commonplace. Starting from the environment itself, as a means of communication, and much more. Therefore, especially now there are many references to supporting lectures that use English. So students need to improve their English skills. Surely there are many reasons that encourage how important it is to learn English as a provision to face the world. 

Thank you, for the knowledge that has been given to us, always healthy miss🥰 

[Kha Kay] everyone should learn for have a better life. Be a bilingualism can help get a better job and we can learn knowledge that is not in our own language. We can communicate with foreign people, and learning about their culture and technology. I'm having fun while learning english with you, miss. Thank you for the knowlegde that you given to us.   

[Yunia WahyuniMNJ] Learning English is very important, especially in terms of education. In addition, through English we can introduce the diversity of culture and language of this nation to those who want to know about this nation. English is very much needed in the national and international arena, to One of the most important reasons for learning English, one of which is the opportunity to get a more decent job. By having the ability to speak two languages, of course it will be an added value to us. it's fun, learning like it's not boring I hope you are always happy and live in peace thank you☺ 

[Dita Aura febrian Akuntansi] Pentingnya belajar bahasa inggris karena bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa internasional yang akan menunjang komunikasi dengan orang lain. Selain itu, dengan perkembangan zaman dan kemajuan teknologi, semua informasi² rata-rata menggunakan bahasa inggris. Saat ini juga banyak referensi penunjang perkuliahan yang menggunakan bahasa inggris. Dengan kita mempelajari dasar² bahasa inggris sangat membantu kita dalam pekerjaan,kuliah,dan kegiatan lainnya.Maka dari itu belajar bahasa inggris sangat penting, setidaknya sedikit atau banyak nya kita paham dengan bahasa inggris meskipun pasif.

Kesannya belajar bersama ms Phia itu menyenangkan, kelas nya santai dan seru, cara menyampaikan materi nya mudah dipahami. Selalu mensupport mahasiswa nya. Ms phia itu orangnya positive vibes banget, bikin seneng ngeliatnya. Terima kasih ilmu nya ms, semoga kita bisa bertemu tatap muka dan semoga semester selanjutnya bisa bertemu lagi dengan ms phia♡🥰 

[Fahira Akuntansi] Belajar bahasa inggris sangat penting karena bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa internasional yang pasti digunakan oleh banyak negara. Dengan kita mempelajari bahasa inggris tentunya kita akan dapat mudah berkomunikasi dengan siapa saja, dan dapat membantu dalam urusan pekerjaan. 

Kesannya belajar bahasa inggris dengan Ms. Phia sangat menyenangkan, penyampaian materi yang jelas dan mudah dipahami, menciptakan suasana belajar yang asik dan tidak menegangkan. Terimakasih banyak Ms. atas ilmu yang diberikan, sehat selalu Ms🥰 

[Iyes Akuntansi] Bahasa Inggris sangatlah  penting karena merupakan bahasa ilmiah. Dan jika suatu bangsa atau individu dapat menguasai bahasa dalam ilmu pengetahuan tersebut, dipastikan perlu menguasai bahasa Inggris.Menguasai bahasa Inggris dapat menguatkan nilai atau value seseorang dimata orang lain dan juga akan lebih di hargai di dunia kerja internasional. Selain itu, manfaat belajar bahasa inggris dalam kehidupan sehari-hari adalah sebagai penambah wawasan dan pengetahuan kita akan berbagai bahasa dunia, karena bahasa inggris adalah bahasa ibu ketiga yang paling banyak dituturkan seluruh dunia, setelah bahasa mandarin dan bahasa spanyol. 

Kesannya belajar bahasa inggris bersama Ms. Phia sangat menyenangkan dan untuk materi yang disampaikan sangat mudah untuk di pahami.… 

[Marsha Akuntansi] Belajar B.inggris benar benar sangat penting, karna b.inggris adalah bahasa internasional. Sehingga skil b.inggris banyak di butuhkan di dunia pekerjaan, atau pendidikan di masa yang akan datang. Seseorang yang memiliki skil b.inggris yang baik memiliki nilai lebih di dunia pekerjaan, maupun aspek lainnya. Karna mempermudah komunikasi dengan orang orang asing. 

Kesan belajar dengan ms Phia sangat memyenangkan, bnyak aura positif belajar dengan ms. Phia. Walau daring ms. Phia menyampaikan materi sangat mudah di pahami, Dengan sistem belajar yang tersusun. Sehingga menyenangkan untuk saya. Thanks you Ms. Phia you are so special ❤️ 

            [Fajrin KBB]: Pentingnya kuliah bahasa inggris: 

Menambah wawasan,ilmu pelajaran bahasa inggris. Bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa internasional, jadi dimana2 sudah memakai bahasa inggris, mau tidak mau kita harus meng upgrade diri kita supaya lebih mengerti bahasa inggris. Karena beberapa perusahaan besarpun harus menguasai bahasa inggris untuk masuk keperusahaan tersebut, jadi memang penting bahasa inggris itu.  

Kelas Ms.Phia :

Selalu aktif dosennya, komunikatif, selalu update jadi gakan ketinggalan informasi 😊 thankyou miss untuk pembelajaran semester ini mudah2an selalu diingat pembelajarannya. 

 [ Stie Kbb Husen]: Penting nya kuliah bahasa inggris:Di jaman yg sudah modern ini tentunnya semua menggunakan bahasa inggris dan bahasa inggris adalah salah satu hal sangat penting selain dari komunikasi juga pemahaman untuk menjelajahi dunia internet atau global dan memang sangat penting bahasa inggris tersebut di era jaman yg sudah modern ini. Dan terimakasih untuk ibu dosen walau materi di sampaikan secara online , ibu tidak pernah lupa selalu memberi materi,  dan penyampaian nya pun sangat mudah di pahami walaupun secara online terimakasih sudahmemberi ilmu nya kepada kami bu phia, sehat dan sukses selalu bu phia🙏🏼  

 [Anis Akuntansi]: assalamualaikum miss... 

makasih untuk ilmunya, mohon maaf anis telat pokoknya miss bener bener menyampaikan dan memberikan ilmunya bikin nyaman banget dan bikin kangen terus tiap pertemuannya ..semangat miss... ❤️

I Love you miss jangan lupain anis ya miss... sedih padahal ini favorit banget

Terimaksih semua yang sudah selalu terlibat aktif dikelas ku, dan terimakasih kepada mahasiswa mahasiswa hebat calon pemimpin dunia di masa depan, yang tidak bisa saya sebutkan satu persatu.  

Bahagia sekali rasanya ilmu yang aku bagikan bermanfaat untuk sebagian besar mahasiswaku, tak banyak yang bisa aku katakan lagi , selain terimakasih banyak sudah selalu antusias mengikuti Kuliah ku yang walaupun dengan sisa tenaga setelah kerja, sisa fikiran setelah masalah kantor dan rumah, sisa semangat yang mampu menyemangatiku selalu di setiap pertemuan tatap muka virtual, yang kadang terlewat karena sakit dan jadwal yang bentrok olehku. 

Mohon seikhlasnya maafkanku akan segala kekurangan ilmu dan kemampuan diri, buatku Mahasiswa adalah teman yang terbaik, tempatku berkaca dan belajar tanpa henti. bertemu dan bersama kalian adalah anugerah terbaik untukku. Pendidikan itu adalah proses pembentukan manusia yang lebih berkarakter dan siap menghadapi tantangan zaman. 

Pendidikan tinggi bukanlah sebuah alat untuk menghasilkan uang saja, pendidikan tinggi itu ditujukan untuk membentuk manusia yang siap membuka lapangan pekerjaan, manusia yang siap berproses menuju lebih baik, manusia manusia dengan mindset membangun dan memperbaiki. See you guys somewhere in your bright future.

Monday, August 09, 2021


Resume     : 13th (ke-13)
Date           : Monday, August 9th 2021
Speaker    : Sudom, S.Pt.
Moderator : Aam Nurhasanah, S.Pd.

Life is an interesting and Intriguing Story, Writing about It Will Add More Colour to It. Write Today, Story Books tomorrow

Beautiful number 13 (thirteen), my favorite number. Despite all the legends, folklore, and mystical stories about the number I have watched or read from time to time. Thirteen has always been my favorite number. On my behalf, I was born on the thirteenth of the ninth month, forty-one years ago. Yeah, I am in that glorious full-of-life learning age, and I am still very happy.

As Om jay opened the class with the always cheerful yet powerful greeting to all the participants

 " Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh" He greeted.

 I then focused again on my goals of becoming the best audience and hope to finish my resume better this time.

 " Selamat Malam guru hebat Indonesia, Selamat bertemu kembali dengan OmJay, guru blogger Indonesia " He added, 

and continued his ending his opening by letting Ibu Aam Nurhasanah as our moderator to start the class.

"Wow". I mumbled silently in my mind. Openings for this class of writers have always blown my mind. I was motivated, highly, I would say. Ibu Aam then moved on by introducing the class Speaker.

" Malam ini kita akan ditemani narasumber hebat." She complimented,

 " Beliau adalah Bapak Sudomo, S.Pt. He was graduated from the 6th class, who has been successfully written a resume in fiction style." She proudly continued.

Ibu Aam, the friendly yet motivational moderator then shared a link on the group. My head said 

" OK, fingers type as good and as fast as you can tonight, fighting !". 

She shared a blog link that directed everyone in the group to Bapak Sudomo's infamous blog. happily, she suggested

 " Silahkan main sejenak ya", here is the link I have been waiting to browse tonight 

" a-ha. It's time to visit a blo ha- ha" 

" do visit the blog". My head suggesting, with a smirk.

"Wooohooo" again my brain talked to me in excitement. "Bapak Sudomo our speaker is another successful book writer" jumping all around in my head.

" I better be a good writer too, after this class ends," I said again in silence. My head snapped a bit when I saw Bu Aam shared another file with the group. And to my surprise, it was the speaker's self resume. And I Kind of really waiting for that one to come. 

"Berkat sang tokoh anaknya Opin, besan (that's how Bu Aam called pak Sudomo), sudah menciptakan resume  dengan gaya fiksi yang menarik " She then explained in her cheerful style. I was also got absorbed into that cheerful and spiritful words of hers. Her next question made me smile in content

 " Penasaran kan ?"

And the excitements changed into infinite eye-to-eye focus. I read again, back and forth, pak Sudomo , that's how I decided to call him now.:). To my surprise, He is an exact science fanatic. He is a farming science graduate, and he teaches Science also indulged deeply in a writing hobby.

"karena saya seorang Sarjana Peternakan yang mengajar IPA, tetapi juga mencintai dunia menulis fiksi " He then explained . And I was like " Oh My god, Pak Sudomo is the type of person i represented in me " I thought to myself. 

" ha- ha, yeah right" my brain mocked. 

" Oh Shut Up brain, He is and you know it !"

 Ok, I need to stop fighting with my brain and focus on what Pak Sudomo was explaining.

 " Huffttt..."

 Pak Sudomo shared a PowerPoint for us to read and learn and I was like " Oghey, On my way there"

Surfing my eyes and mind to every slide he shared, made me eager to show it to my brain.

" Ok, brain wait till I share some pictures, you'll go mad with it ha hahah"

He wrote so many books for the past few years, he is actively writing until today and all the books he has written and published are interesting books. Knowledge, books for students, short stories, poems, stories of Sasak tribe. I can not even tell you every one of it.  

"I am a big fan .!" I am overwhelmed reading his writing resumes.

" Hey, focus you doodle doo." My brain reminds me again " Ooops, sorry brain"

Here is the video of the slide he shared about his experiences in writing, trust me it will blow your mind too " ha ha ha" Ok here is his fictions books,

 " check on the link brain, like, right now !" 

Pak Sudomo enthusiastically explain


his Tips to write fiction, from his first question 

" Why do we have to write fiction? "  Boom ideas came up to my head.
He then explained again in detail that writing fiction is one of the criteria in the Minimum Competencies assessments test.

 " Ah that's figured it. " well I am not a school teacher so it never came to my mind the reason we have to write fiction?

" I just love it, " I said in quiet " I love to read fiction especially about werewolves ha ha ha " I joked to myself.

Then " Kedua , syarat menulis fiksi ", 

I was pushed back to reality, Pak Sudomo informed us that in writing fiction we have to fulfill the terms, they are Commitment, Do the research and Read more fiction, of course, to learn the Bahasa Indonesian language rules will be the best part. Then I check on his next explanation. 

" Work with me, brain " I forced my brain to cooperate.

"Ketiga, " He added

 " Bentuk bentuk Fiksi, yaitu fiksimini, flash fiction, pentigraf, cerpen, prosa, novela, dan novel."
Flash fiction I get it but other stuff he said ,

 "what was that ??"

"Perbedaan terletak pada kompleksitas konflik cerita. Selain itu ada juga batasan kata dan ada juga yang menggunakan batasan paragraf." Pak Sudomo smirk at us as he detailed my question earlier.

In the fourth part, he explained the elements that make up a fictional story, namely the theme, premise, plot, characterizations, setting, and point of view.

 "Of all the elements there is a premise that may be new to you."

He mentioned something about premise," what is that brain?" 

"The premise is a summary of the story in one sentence. Consists of characters, character goals, obstacles, and resolutions." reading the explanation written on the group brain then elaborate that to me.

Fifth, tips for writing fiction, pak Sudomo urged us to pay more attention to 

"Intention, it is  related to self-motivation to start and finish writing, read other people's work, reference materials, storytelling style, add diction." he elaborated again

 last but not least he said 
"Outline, related to the framework of writing based on the elements that make up a fictional story" 
 " where's the slide girl ? " brain asked in a bit of exhaust. 
" wait I am downloading it right now. Hold your thought brain!"

another one of self argument as I was about to share the slide of Pak Sudomo presentaton to make brain happier.

I can not stop my brain to think about what's next, what will come up to my mind after this 
" will I be able to write fiction again ?"
" Will I be as good as Pak Sudomo ?"
or  " Will I just stop myself from writing and move on with the writer's block? " Nope, No way. No writer's block in me."

After the explanation I felt so content, I am so grateful that now, Great people surrounding me and motivating me to do good things, to write my life, my stories into a good book that many people will read. Everything we have written will be a good book If we only focus on developing our writing skills.

" Yes, true brain." I applauded for  my smart brain ( just another self-love act people >>>😆)

The explanation that came  next was about writing and the process of it

" Writing." He said, 

"Related to opening stories, introducing characters, reinforcing conflicts, using story logic considerations, short and clear sentence structure, word choice, show don't technique tell, and a good ending".

" Self-editing", He then continued

 "Done after finishing writing, don't edit while writing, editing focus on writing errors, spelling, standard words, writing rules, and story logic. Besides that, you have to be cruel to your own writing. The last is to hold on to the KBBI and PUEBI".

After his explanation ends, the question and answers came in a drastic time. 

" Don't exaggerate dear " Brain told me, Yeaah I was exaggerating. it wasn't drastic it was slow but sure. I got my eyes stuck on a question from a lady named Nur hayati

She asked 
" Bagaimana membuat cerita itu hidup dan menarik pembaca untuk membaca hingga akhir ? "

Before I can even try to find the answer from my very limited brain capacity 

" Heeey , Not Good Phia " Brain snapped " haha sorry brain, your smart, I Know, God, Come on "
Came another question from the lady 

" Akhir cerita yang baik adalah yang menjawab konflik cerita. Berlaku juga untuk akhir yang menggantung. Agar disukai pembaca bisa dibuat menggantung atau Plot twist" 

"Brilliant question girl.!" brain exclaimed

What happened next was shocking, Bu Helwiyah, the lady I came to have interest in lately. asked another question, yes questions. Pak Sudomo had not even answered the first one, she asked two questions. 

" Go Girl ! " with that girly high tone and hand raised style, brain imposed
Bu Helwiyah asked 

" bagaimana aaturan tanda baca pada cerita fiksi ?'
" kapan harus menggunakan tanda kutip atau tidak pada dialog "

 Two boosting questions. Again I processed the ans wer myself, Pak Sudomo might have a little problem with the reception that time, since he had not answered the questions give. I believe it will be given pretty soon. 

And as time flies, the knowledge stays in me. Brain-Body and Soul are now working together to start a new day in the writing country, where people writes all their stories in beautiful sentences and published books with entertaining line. 

I let myself zoned into the ideas of " what's next fiction I should Write", sleepless in the comfy of mind-blowing passion to start a new life with new goals. to become a famous writer of both fiction and Non-fictions articles and best seller books. See you in publishing books people. Brain signed out

I wrote this resume in a fiction style. Most Conversations are between me and Myself brain. Enjoy Guys. Hope you like it