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Showing posts with label Resume. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Resume. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 08, 2021


Resume    : 26th
Date         : Wednesday, September 8th, 2021
Topic        : "MENULIS ITU MUDAH"
Speaker    : Dr.Ngainun Naim
Moderator : Maesaroh.M.Pd

I got an exciting challenge in the class tonight, yep, exciting, shocking, and intriguing challenge from Bu Aam Nurhasanah. She promoted me to Moderator, what??? how did that even possible?? I just can't believe what I was reading in the group. But, a job is a job, just have to take it and make a life learning out of it, as I always do.

While preparing for a Business English class by zoom meeting, I also sent Bu Aam some pictures of mine just like she asked me, unfortunately, I have a little stock for formal photos. So, I decided o send more photos for her references to chose from, by far tomorrow.

The speaker was Dr.Ngainun Naim, as I surf his Resume from the internet my mind went blank for a little while. This gentleman with a soft voice and an incredibly fascinating experience has written 40 Solo Books, 90 Anthologies, 30 forewords, 50 Journals, and thousands of articles. Below is Dr.Ngainun's Primary blog, inside there are 434  articles for you to read.

Dr.Ngainun Naim's Blog 

He wrote a book entitled "MENULIS ITU MUDAH" He said writing is easy, Bapak also shared some tips for us to make writing as easy as a piece of cake, here are the Tips for you to learns:

  • Build your MINDSET: Set it in your mind that writing is easy.
  • Build a strong Intention/Will, be determined!
  • Write what you know !
  • READ MORE; Someone who reads but does not write is like a good tree without a single fruit.
  • Experience and Practice or Flight Hours ! The more you write the better you will be.
  • Be PATIENCE with the process.
On the Q & A session, I get the first question from Miss Omma Babys, 

Unindra Sist May: P1

Mat mlm bapak Ngainun.mohon izin bertanya.
Nama : Omma Babys
Asal.   NTT
Pertanyaan: mengapa ketika memulai menulis itu susah/ sulit?apakah karena kurang minat atau kurang membaca? Trm ksh bapak.
 Unindra Sist May: Silakan Dr. 🙏
 P1: Terima kasih Omma Babys. Memang memulai segala sesuatu tidak mudah. Tidak hanya menulis. Semua hal juga sulit kok. Belajar naik sepeda kan juga sulit. Kuncinya ya tekad. Tekad harus kuat, lalu iringi dengan rajin membaca. Beberapa kunci yang saya sampaikan tadi jika dipraktikkan akan memudahkan proses menulis.

From this class tonight I can wrap up that, when you want to make things easy, the most important thing to do is setting a mindset, because You are who think you are. If you think that writing is easy then it will be easy for you. The same when you think that it is hard then it will be hard for you.

Monday, September 06, 2021


Resume         : 25th
Date              : Monday, September 9th 2021
Speaker         : Prof.Moch.Khoiri
Moderator     : Wijaya Kusumah,S.Pd.,M.Pd. (Om Jay)

Courtessy of WAG Belajar Menulis

NoBody is really Busy, They just put priority list on top of the Job. Ms.Phia

On the 25th, as I skipped two resumes and two classes, finally I have the courage to write more in the meeting again tonight. It has always been a nice challenge to write a resume while absorbing the topic on Whatsapp group, moreover, the class is always quite an interesting one.

There was something new from the class today, the speaker Prof.Khoiri. asked to have the class by Zoom meeting, so we can all listen to him explaining and see how this interesting yet powerful topic is to be explained. Writing when you are at your busiest time.

The class is kind of unique too, tonight Bu helwiyah shared the slides to WA group, while Pak Deni shared the narration of the explnation. Great people always find ideas to write even if it is ony in a short tima. Love How Pak Deni narrate the explanation from Prof.Khoiri. The text pictured how an excellent writer he is.



This class is the coolest ever. empowered everyone to write at any cost. Also encourage people to feel how writing can change lives. Prof Khoiri said. Creative WRITING MAKES YOU COMFORTABLE!

Coutessy of WAG Belajar Menulis

I would Highlight the class tonight with one of Pak Deni's Narration

Kesibukan selalu menjadi alasan untuk tidak menulis . Setiap profesi mempunyai kesibukan masing-masing, namun dibalik kesibukan akan ada peluang dan kesempatan, sebagaimana kesulitan akan ada kemudahan
You may be busy, and you are not the only one. But never stop writing as bu Kanjeng always say, Make it as if you are snacking.

Wednesday, September 01, 2021


Resume    : 23rd 
Date         : Wednesday, September 1st 2021
Topic       : "Gerakan Literasi Sekolah dan Masyarakat
Speaker    : Mr.Bams ( Bambang Purwanto, S.Kom.,Gr.
Moderator : Maesaroh,M.Pd.

23rd night, although I skipped the 22nd night, and felt bad about due to my lack of enthusiasm lately. Nothing will bring me down, so don't you bring me down today.

Tonight, the moderator Ms Mae opened the meeting with her typical style in saying hello, a series of beautiful wordds and phrases in arranged sentences, that is so her. Beautiful and sweet lady in the class. Her friendly gestures of words always made me amazed. 

The speaker tonight was Mr Bams, Om Jay team Call him Mario Teduh, His complete name is Bapak Bambang Purwanto,S.Kom. I have come to recognize Mr bams as a friendly moderator and a good one too, His sweet line opening the class was. Ayo siapkan minum dan sampaikan salam pada keluarga tercinta, senyum dan rileks dalam menyimak topik hari ini "

Adng here is Mr Bams Resume fro the link Mr Bams' Biography and here are the slide to tell about this incredible man 

Mr BAMS took the benefit of using Voice Note feature on Whatsapp group to explain himself and the topic today. At first he was telling about how he started a Reading Room or Taman Bacaan at his house, and how he named the room with Taman Bacaan Ayah Salwa , how he used to sing before he tell a story for kids, and how he named it Ayah Salwa taken from his beloved daughter named Salwa, who is now studying at univ in bandung.

Taman Bacaan AS Lebak Wangi have now about 6000 books collection and encouraged more people to read and be involved in literacy, as amazing as it sounds this activity booster has also brought Mr bams to have another house. Also many achievements as the reference for you here in the link of  TB AS Lebakwangi's activities

Besides that he is actively developing the taman bacaan, he is also developing School Literacy at SMP Taruna Bhakti Bandung. here are the video of their activity

This You should really watch and learn!

Every achievement and motivating activity has done are the prove that Mr bams is a role model. To be successful is to do the things you like and like the things you do. Things will be beautiful in the end, just gotta enjoy it, feel it in your heart, live with every soul you have.


Friday, August 27, 2021


Resume    : 22nd
Date         : Friday, August 27th  2021
Speaker    : Dedi Dwitagama,M.Pd
Moderator : Aam Nurhasanah,S.Pd.

Just Be you and write about You

The 23rd, amongst running out of things to write here people, "Come on give me ideas" for the past few days I have been losing words , brain freezed, couldn't even finish one article that I have been writing since last week. I don't  know what's got  in to me. Just feel like really tired lately. Maybe it's my cholesterol, hope not , have not checked that.

Dedi Dwitagama, I would call him bang Dedi, I was in his class on Belajar biara class for teachers. Stunning, is all I can think  of. Check on the link to see how stunning this man is 


As I always do in my English to Speaker of Other Language /ESL. I start with creating a question, participants giving questions. then I will give a clear explanation for every question they made. That way they will be encouraged to read before the class and prepared for questions to ask, and do 3 BIG PROCESSES.

What are the 3 BIG PROCESSES that the student will do in their brain when they want to ask one question?  here are the processes :

1. Finding Ideas to ask: Opening memories related to the topic (Opening Unconscious level ), This includes handling nervous, and finding courage.
2. Arranging the sentence from memories of words and phrases in First language /L1. This includes finding the best way to ask it in an L1 manner, intonation, word stressing, facial expressions
3. Arranging Sentence from memories of Words and phrases in the second language ( if the question is in Other languages). This includes manners, intonation, etc in L2

So, if it is only a short question, teachers need to really appreciate it. Exactly how The speaker today, appreciates, responds, be happy, and is enthusiastic to reply. Two thumbs Up Mas Dedi Dwigatama. Since, sometimes as the person who is asked a lot of questions for years will find a time when we feel " Aaaah come on, not that again " " Ahh pertanyaan yang itu itu terus." Remember the process they have to accomplish before asking you the question, so appreciate it.

That is what I have learned tonight in the Belajar Menulis Class, amongst all the questions asked by the participants and well responded by bang Dedi. I wrote simple not because this one is a simple meeting, or the topic is lame. it was purely because this is an amazing class, and I can hardly say enough to show it.

Bravo bang Dedi Dwigatama, you open my horizon, and soon I will have the world in my hands.
One Song for everybody tonight. Fight Song by Rachel Platten


Bagaikan sebuah kapal kecil di Samudera
aku akan buat ombak besar 

Jika aku hanya punya satu korek api pun
Akan kubuat sebuah ledakan yang besar.


Wednesday, August 25, 2021


Resume    : 22nd ( ke 22)
Date           : Wednesday. August 25th 2021
Speaker    : Wijaya Kusumah ( OM JAY)
Topic          : "Darimana Ide Menulis datang ?"
Moderator: Maesaroh,M.Pd

The best leader is he who is loved for his presence and expected when he is away.

22nd day and night of waiting, but I'm feeling twenty-two 𝅘𝅥𝅯𝅘𝅥𝅮🎵.  A lyric from one of Taylor Swift's songs 22. Love the song listening to it always make me feel younger, more powerful, and happy. As I am tonight joining the class with TEAM OM JAY.

The moderator was Ms. Maesaroh my best friend from university until now. She was sorry to announce that the speaker for today got an accident, as she got one last few days on her motorcycle, AAAH so sorry to hear that siist. may you all be in a good health and wealth and be under Allah SWT protection all the time,aamiin.

SOOOO, the speaker today was substituted, and you won't believe who fill the position,. OM JAY. The master himself. after a few days of having illness and never stop writing even if was only short writing, Om jay finally made it again to share his treasure with us, his gold and silver knowledge. it made me feel 22. ha ha ha

Om jay gave an interesting topi c for today " Darimanakah Ide Menulis Datang ?". A-ha encouragement in a form of title, Om Jay then shared his photograph, his photo wearing a white outfit in front of a mirror and asked everyone to make an article related to that, as an idea came up my mind I send a short article with many typos, hehe sorry Om jay

 Here is my short writing when I saw Om Jay's photo

Cermin selalu merefleksikan pa yang dihadapkan padanya, semua warna, bentuk, lekuk dan ukuran akan direfleksikan sebagaimana aslinya. 

Malam ini cermin yang menempel di dinding putih itu merefleksikan sebuah semangat yang berkobar. Semangat yang telah membuka cerita perjuangan yang begitu banyak. 

Semangat itu adalah Seorang lelaki yang hanya cerminlah yng tahu persis bagaimana telah banyak lelaki terefleksi itu merubah hidup begitu banyak refleksi yang lain. Om Jay refleksi semangt yang tidak akan pernah pudar

Then maybe hundreds of other articles were made by the participants in the group, I was amazed by the quite interesting writing everybody can create in a short time. Amazing too how A single photo of a humble man can make everyone write something about it. 

After some writings finished Om Jay then shared another idea source. He shared his video with the group, the video was him singing a song about Learning. it's called Belajar di waktu kecil , belajar sesudah dewasa. It is a life learning in a song, a piece of great advice that made me shiver, here is the video and the article I wrote about it.

 Wijayalab Youtube Courtesy

More ideas pop in my brain, my fingers are itching to write more so I shared my version of interpreting the video.


Lantunan lagu nasihat yang terdengar sayup dari kejauhan, 

belajar diwaktu kecil bgi melukis diatas batu 

belajar diwaktu kecil bgi melukis diatas batu

Dua kali terdengar liriknya, makin lama makin terdengar mendekat ditelingaku. 

Saat ku cari arah bunyi lagu, kutemukan sumber suara yang tak begitu merdu tapi sangat mengguggah asa ku untuk terus mendengar lagi. 

Belajar sesudah dewasa bagaikan melukis diatas air

Belajar sesudah dewasa bagaikan melukis diatas air

Bait Kedua yang diulang dia kali terdengar semakin menggetarkan dada ini.. 

Ya, tergetar aku mendengar alunan nya.. Bagaimana tidak, aku yang sudah tak semuda dulu baru belajar hal baru. 

"Tak apalah.. " Benakku, biarlah kedewasaan usia ku ini ditemani dengan banyak pelajaran baru, ilmu baru semoga belum sampai ilmu pamungkas.. 

Waktu belajarku di usia dewasa ini, semoga tidak  seperti melukis di air, tapi seperti melukis di kanvas kehidupan yang akan bisa kupajang suatu hari nanti, sebagai sebuah lukisan, diantar ribuan lukisan indah hidupku lainnya.. 

Akan ku pajang di dinding lorong lorong cerita hidupku, dengan tulisan tinta merah di bagian atasnya. 
Akan kutuliskan
Aku pernah Belajar Menulis di usia dewasaku dan berguru pada seorang panutan ilmu dan semangatku.

 OM Jay

All in all is never enough to share and encourage, that was why Om jay shared another source of an idea he shared an audion of his speaking.  Here is the audio recording

Wrapping up the class I asked him what is his Du'a in fixing his heart to always in the track of goals. there is nothing he would have asked Allah he said, but this amazing word closes it all.


"Menulishlah Setiap Hari, dan Lihatlah apa yang akan terjadi . "

"Write every day and See What Will Happen "

Closing Statement in A video
WAG Belajar Menulis Om Jay


Om Jay

Write from the Heart, Then You will Meet Your Loyal Reader








Monday, August 23, 2021


Resume     : 21st (Ke-21)
Date           : Monday, August 23rd 2021
Speaker      : Akbar Zainudin,M.M.,MJW
Topic          : "Teknik Promosi Buku "
Moderator   : Bu Kanjeng 

Everyone has a product to sell, and everyone is the marketer for their own products.

21 Jump Street, Ring a bell ? it ringed my bell, haha .. always. 21 jump Street was a movie title a serial movie about young cops, detectives handling teenage criminals, the leading actor was Johny Depp, was dead handsome, at least I thought so when I was like high school.

The class tonight is something else, there is nothing to do with the movie, but the number. Bapak Akbar Zainuddin was the speaker for this extra terrific class. our moderator Ibu Kanjeng "my role model" started introducing the speaker after Om jay closed the group as always.

" Conquering thousands of people will not show that you are a winner. But conquering yourself will tell people that you are the Emperor." 

That was how Om jay started the class, the exact courage I need to conquer my inconsistency in writing for the past few days. I got so many deadlines, I joined a volunteering job as a voice-over, and deadlines on 24th, I have not started even a single recording. Writing with Prof. Eko's script is hanging on the ground, the youtube channel is on the way to editing and the Podcast is already awaiting.

Here's a glimpse of how great tonight's speaker, I joined one of his classes a few weeks ago. I kind of personally think that Bapak Akbar is an excellent YouTuber, Public Speaker, Influencer, and motivator too. Check on his resume below

And here is that phenomenal book he wrote it's called Man Jadda Wa Jadda" it is an Arabic proverbs that is often used in Islamic education.

Related to the topic today, Book Selling Technique, Pak Akbar shared a link to his YouTube Channel titled '7 Cara Promosi Buku Biar Jadi BESTSELLER "watch the video and make sure you subscribed.

The first you should point at before you publish the book is Determining your market target, the group or community that will for sure read your book. It will be easier to map our readers, that way we can determine who will read our book. And the strategies to promote your book are discussed below :

1. Product Strategies: Product packaging must be suitable for the market target need.
Using illustration for children's books, Funky style /eyecatching for teenagers. 
2. Quality: The book's quality can also determine the price 
3. Distribution: There are two types of distribution methods; Traditional distribution and Non Traditional distribution.
  • Traditional distribution is Book store selling method
  • Non Traditional distribution: MLM, Direct Selling, Social Media, Market place
4. Promotion: Publisher and author promotion: to make people KNOW, INTERESTED, WILLING, BUY. method to promote
  • Launching - Publisher (some) , Collaborate with author
  • Book Review ( Bedah Buku ): On-Line / Off-Line
  • Seminar/ Workshop
  • Community
  • Reseller Network
  • Marketplace
  • Social Media
He emphasized that the most important thing is to develop the skill to influence people to love reading, to love books, and reading can broaden your horizon and knowledge. And creativity helps all the process.

There is a saying about creativity that I highlighted here: That being creative you can do anything, selling books, influencing people to be better also will finally give you benefit in life. We are required to be actively involved within the society , community to be able to influence people.

WAG Belajar menulis 

Moving to the Question & Answer session, the first question came from Tolitoli, and here is the recording video for the response.

Wrapping up, promotion is about building your self-brand, you are the best marketing manager for your products, it can be books, food, knowledge, skill. all you have with you is your product. So, create a self-brand then people will buy anything you sell.

Closing Statement


Sebagai catatan penutup. Sekarang ini sebagai seorang penulis, kita kalau bisa memiliki beberapa keterampilan yang akan membantu proses penjualan buku. 

Pertama, keterampilan berbicara yang baik di depan umum (public speaking). Agar pada saat kita ada acara ataupun rekaman di Medsos dan YouTube, menjadi menarik bagi calon pembaca.

Kedua, kemampuan copywriting (membuat kata menarik untuk promosi dan penjualan). Ini salah satu keterampilan paling penting untuk menjual pada Abad 21. 

Ketiga, pemanfaatan teknologi informasi. Bagaimana memanfaatkan media sosial seperti YouTube, WA, IG, Facebook, Zoom, Webex, Google Meet, dan sebagainya. Karena eranya sekarang seperti itu. Kalau kita bisa memanfaatkan dengan baik, hidup akan lebih mudah.

Friday, August 20, 2021


Resume    : 18th ( Ke-18)
Date         : Friday, August 20th 2021
Speaker    : Yulius Roma Patandean,S.Pd
Topic        : Menyusun Buku secara Sistematis 
Moderator: Dra.Sri Sugiastuti,M.Pd

Planning is the most important part of being systematic, Always plan Well to finish things systematically.

18 again is a movie starring Zach Efron a Hollywood actor that plays in many best-selling movies. And tonight class has come to the 18th meeting. As excited as I watch Zach Efron's movie, this  Belajar Menulis class made me so On cloud nine. Haha

The Star of the class tonight is Bapak Yulius Roma Patandean,S.Pd. He is an English teacher ( that excites me more ) who graduated from Universitas Kristen Indonesia in 2007 and finished his Masters's degree majoring in Education in 2021. Pak Yulius is another role model for me, from Om Jay Team. For  more information about this extraordinary teacher please check on the link 

He wrote and published many books , let me just share his books below

Guru Menulis Guru Berkarya (Penerbit Eduvation, 2020); Digital Transformation: Generasi Muda Indonesia Menghadapi Transformasi Dunia (Penerbit ANDI, 2020); Antologi Puisi Rona Korona Dalam Duka dan Ria (Penerbit Oase Pustaka, 2020); Antologi Menciptakan Pola Pembelajaran Efektif dari Rumah (Penerbit Tata Akbar, 2020); Antologi Kisah Inspiratif Sang Guru (Penerbit Pustaka Ilalang, 2020); Tetesan Di Ujung Pena (Penerbit Eduvation, 2021); dan Merajut Asa Di Badai Korona (Penerbit Gemala, 2021), Flipped Classroom: Membuat Peserta Didik Berpikir Kritis, Kreatif, Mandiri, dan Mampu Berkolaborasi dalam Pembelajaran yang Responsif (Penerbit ANDI, 2021)Metode Belajar Online: Kiat Sukses dalam Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) (YPTD 2021); Media Komputer Dalam Pembelajaran (Universitas Terbuka, 2021).

In his quite short introduction, he left a note for the participants and reading it added more passion for me maybe also for everyone in the group. Nearly cried of happiness to have the opportunity to meet such a passionate, awesome, and smart person. I Highlighted his Note since it encourages me a lot.

Before compiling the manuscript for publication, I leave a message:

Rest assured with the quality of the manuscript that has been prepared

No matter how simple our script is, it will have a special place in the hearts of its readers

Avoid feeling inferior, that the script is not good. Hold on to the principles, the existing book manuscripts are very good for publication

Thus, there will be a sense of confidence and satisfaction in making systematic editing and preparation of book manuscripts.

Besides that he is actively teaching and writing, Pak Yulius is also a Youtuber, This I have got to watch and subscribe to. He shared his Youtube video on the related topic they are explained as follows. ( You Might also want to watch the video below.

1. How to make an Index in writing books

2. The next video shared was a tutorial on how to Systematically Completing a book. Check out the video below!

3. Tutorial Video on How to create Table Of Content, Quotes, Indeks and References. Check it Out !

Pak Yulius also shared one important or ultimate trick on how he can finish writing a book. He said You only need to be FOCUS. If the target of finishing the book is on the coming week, then focus to finish it this week, and to my surprise, he said that the trick is also Prof.Eko's trick. maximizing your weekend to write!

The strategy in writing a book he used is an anti-mainstream method. First, He never writes or makes the Title and Subtitle before writing. He thinks that it will confine his mind in writing, he just starts to write as many as he can after getting the topic. 

Chapters and Sub Chapters also made on the editing process, he emphasized to save pictures collection that is related to the topic on the phone memory since pictures are his master information. I would say he is n extraordinary writer with An innovative mind who has to be highly respected and look up to.

The explanation was also a bit short but worthed. Participants need to dig more information on the topic from his Youtube Channel. He explained a lot in detail on how to start writing and to create systematic book writing. NEVER GIVE UP !!! is the message I got from this class.

On the Q & A session Bu Helwiyah, The passionate lady I also Look up to. asked the first question. 

Mau nanya

1. Bagaimana  cara menjaga konsistensi dalam menulis?
Maklumlah  emak emak banyak tugas domestik

2. Apa kendala  yang bang Roma temui dalam proses menulis hingga jadi buku dan apa solusinya?


Teruntuk: Helwiyah, Bekasi

1. Bagaimana  cara menjaga konsistensi dalam menulis?

Sebagai guru, apalagi masa pandemi, pekerjaan tiada habisnya. Konsistensi saya pelihara dengan menyiapkan hari khusus untuk menulis, fokus di hari Minggu untuk menyatukan percikan tulisan, jika kepepet waktu untuk penyelesaian naskah , maka saya mengedit, menambah dan melengkapi naskah setiap malam. Sejak saya mengikuti pelatihan ini, jam tidur saya paling cepat jam 11 malam Waktu Indonesia Tengah. 😁

2. Apa kendala  yang bang Roma temui dalam proses menulis hingga jadi buku dan apa solusinya?

Kendala utama adalah *Manajemen Waktu. Solusinya adalah memisahkan waktu antara bekerja, kegiatan masyarakat dan kuliah. Jangan pernah menunda untuk menuliskan ide untuk naskah buku jika sudah muncul di pikiran. Minimal simpan di handphone. 

Semoga membantu. Terima kasih. 🙏😊 

 Wrapping up the meeting, I got a new spirit tonight, The Speaker, Pak Yulius has triggered my passion to write more and put new ideas in a book. I can be as good as him in writing books someday, that's my goal for sure. Being systematic is about making a perfect plan with a strong will in making the plan to live. Plan perfect, concept action, Action more. !

Wednesday, August 18, 2021


Resume    : 17th (Ke-17)
Date         : Wednesday, August 18th 2021)
Speaker    : Musiin,M.Pd.
Moderator: Mr.Bams
Topic        : Konsep Buku Nonfiksi"

Writing Non-Fiction is like writing Fiction in a Real-Life situation and  factual condition, With concrete characters and  touchable plots in reality that creates knowledge

    The 17th on the 18th of August 2021, in the freezing cold air of a small town called Kota Sukabumi. Tonight's class started half an hour earlier. Mr.Bams as the moderator in the meeting of Belajar Menulis class closed the group at about18:27. He then shared the speaker's resume to the group for us, the participants to learn beforehand.

    As I learned about the best strategy to start writing a book with a rhetorical question, a rhetorical question came up. Do we really need to learn the concept of writing non-Fiction? and of course. since a rhetorical question is a  question that doesn't really need an answer, usually because the answer is clear and the one who asks it many times already knows the answer.

    Taking a short scheming on The speaker's Resume, I conclude that Ibu Musiin,M.Pd. is an English Teacher, an innovator, a businesswoman, and a good writer at the same time.  Ibu Iin that's how she prefers to be called, is a full-packed lady. Another Beauty and Brain of Om Jay's Team. Might want to read her resume check on it below.

    The most fascinating from Ibu Iin is that she is not only an innovator and founder of an NGO, but also a good businesswoman that can dig out good business opportunities around her. She is the founder of PT. In Jaya, the company that engaged in the distribution of PT Indomarco and Indolacto products in Pasuruan is also the supplier of sugar cane raw materials for sugar factories in the Madiun, Malang, and Kediri areas.`

    And Mr. Bams started the class, his quotes added a fascinating meeting and brighten up the dark sky of the night with a huge smile across my face.
 Sebelum menerima materi, silahkan siapkan diri untuk bisa lebih nyaman di malam ini.

Mohon ijin kepada seisi rumah, malam ini sedang belajar. Kalau harus pegang gawai pun kita semua sedang belajar 🙏🇲🇨💪👍🙂
 Bagi yang belum memberikan senyuman terbaik untuk seisi rumah, silahkan berikan senyuman agar semangat menggelora dalam diri serta orang-orang terkasih di sekeliling kita. 😁
Penulis Mr Bams: Siapkan minuman hangat juga cemilan yang membuat kita semakin rileks dimalam ini.

Ibu Iin was also one of the participants that conquer Prof Eko's Challenge to write a book.  And now her books have become one of Gramedia Book store's selling book list. She also conquered her fears of writing and self resentment. Her passion in writing finally has come to its destiny. The biggest question that started the idea was

Yes, the big question is IS THERE A BOOK INSIDE YOU ?  as questioned by the writer of a book titled Is there a book inside You ?. Dan Poynter. the rhetorical question has become a reference to all-rookie writers. Everyone must have experiences, knowledge, and skill within. What you need to have is a strong determination, since writing is not an easy skill, so a strong will strengthen the goals.

The main focus today is writing a non-fiction book, and there are three patterns in Non-Fiction, they are :

1. Hierarchical Pattern (Books are arranged in stages from easy to difficult or from simple to complex)Example: Textbook

2. Procedural Pattern (Books are arranged in order of process.Example: Guidebook

3. Cluster Pattern (Books are arranged point by point or item by item. This pattern is applied to books of collection of writings or collection of chapters which in this case are equivalent between chapters)

The pattern she used for her duet book with Prof Eko was the third pattern the Cluster pattern. The process itself consists of five steps :

  1. Pre Writing
  2. Draft Writing
  3. Draft Revising
  4. Manuscripts Editing
  5. Publishing
Each of the steps but she emphasized first on the Pre Writing step they are


1. Determine the theme
2. Finding ideas
3. Planning the type of writing
4. Collecting writing materials
5. Brainstorm
6. Make a list
7. Research
8. Create a Mind Map
9. Drawing up the outline
The theme can be determined only by one in a book. The themes of nonfiction books are parenting, education, motivation, etc.

Getting a topic to write will not be too difficult since the writer can use personal or other's experiences, news, imagination, reading, environment. Anything can be the topic of your writing, it can be your first idea to write.

She then explained her experiences in writing a duet book with prof Eko. She informed that in getting references for your writing will also be as easy. Her references in writing her book were from a youtube channel from Pak Yulius Roma Patandean here is the link for you to check.Yulius Roma Patandean Youtube Channel

Herein she shared a Non-Fiction Book anatomy
Book Anatomy
1. Title Page
2. Presentation Page (OPTIONAL)
3. Contents Page
4. Foreword Page (OPTIONAL, ask influential figures)
5. Foreword page
6. Acknowledgments Page (OPTIONAL)
7. Section /Chapter
8. Attachment Page (OPTIONAL)
9. Glossary Page
10. Bibliography page
11. Index Page
12. About the Author Page

 The next step is Draft writing these are how the process taken
1. Pouring the concept of writing into writing with the principle of freedom
2. Not concerned with perfection, but more on how ideas are written

The third step  is Revising the Draft you have made
1. Revise the systematics/structure of writing and presentation
2. Examine the big picture of the script.
And then The fourth step of the writing process is :

Editing manuscripts (KBBI and PUEBI)
1. Spelling
2. Grammar
3. Diction
4. Data and facts
5. Legality and norms

 KBBI online is very helpful for writers in editing manuscripts.

     The fifth or final step is to PUBLISH. publishing your writing or journal or books will be the goal for every writer. The ultimate challenge has been conquering in the process of many steps, then you have come to an end of it which is Publishing the book.

    What about writing barriers? There must be a mother and father. If you go through a smooth road without holes, you must be sleepy. So yes, you have to meet obstacles and obstacles.
Obstacles in writing
1. Time barrier
2. Barriers to creativity
3. Technical barriers
4. Goal barrier
5. Psychological barriers

Here is the slide for the five steps of Writing that the speaker explained earlier.

    On the Q & A session, I catch one question that resembles mine. so I decided to put one here. The question came from Ibu Nurhayati or Jenk Noer that's how I use to call her, an interestingly fun lady to talk with

Nur Hayati dari Yogya,
Ijin bertanya bunda:
1.Bgm cara menuangkan tema yang dipilih menjadi judul yang menarik sekaligus trend tinggi?
2. Trik menuangkan tema/judul ke dlm kerangka /draf yang sesuai alur,shg tidak keluar dr tema
mkasiih Bund 🙏🏽
 Penulis Mr Bams: Silahkan Bu 🙏🙂
Ibu Nur Hayati dari Yogya, terima kasih ibu atas pertanyaannya.
Bapak Joko Irawan, Direktur Penrbit Andi mengatakan sebelum menulis kita harus melihat trend yang terjadi di masyarakat. Aplikasi yang bisa digunakan untuk melihat fenomena tersebut adalah dengan menggunakan Google Trends.
Google Trends menggunakan kecerdasan buatan untuk merekam apa saja yang dicari orang melalui Google, apa saja yang diberitakan di Google. Hasil analisis di Google Trends bisa menjadi dasar untuk menulis.

    Wrapping up after the Q& A is that what the writer needs to focus on is the goal "publishing and be happy with the process to reach it. We are not appreciated by the title or the goals we have achieved, but rather highly praised and appreciated from the process we have passed.  Yes, Title is only a bonus, money also comes after. But what makes us who we are today, is the long process we have passed and finished.

Monday, August 16, 2021


Resume : 16th ( Ke-16)
Date       : Monday, August 16th 2021
Speaker  : Theresia Sri Rahayu,S.Pd.SD
Moderator : Aam Nurhasanah,S.Pd
Topic      : "Menulis Kelengkapan Naskah"

Everything was not born complete, all are in the journey of seeking completeness. 

    To the 16th and beyond, tonight we meet again in Belajar Menulis class. Ladies and gentlemen, teachers and educators around the country. I am miss Phia and  I will be your resume host tonight and will help you to resume our meeting today !. 

    Well as we are all aware, the class always starts at 7:00 evening. Our Keynote speaker is non the less Miss Theresia Sri rahayu,S.Pd. with Ibu Aam as the moderator. Before we start the show. Let me introduce the Keynote speaker to you all.

    Miss Theresia Sri Rahayu is a beautiful lady originally from Sumba East Nusa Tenggara. She was born in Kuningan on the same date, as me your host only in a different year. Yes, September 13th. Isn't it just amazing meeting a famous person like her and have the same date of birth? and here on the screen, I share her Curriculum Vitae. 

And here is the picture of her solo books.

Is she just amazing, in a quite young age she has about 33 national and international achievements? And ladies and gentlemen here I present you.  Miss Theresia Sri Rahayu,S.Pd. Your Keynote speaker. ( Clap Clap Clap)

" Selamat malam,  Bu Aam.  Blogger hebat yg menemani saya malam ini.  Selamat malam juga Bpk/Ibu semua,  para blogger yg keren.
Senang sekali malam hari ini,  sy diberi kesempatan berbagi kepada Bpk/Ibu semua.
 Sebenarnya,  saya juga baru dlm menulis buku.  Terutama mulai produktif sejak mengenal Om Jay dan kegiatan belajar menulis melalui WA sprti ini."

    Her opening tonight gave a shiver to all the participants. Beauty and Brain are what I can conclude of her.  

    Bapak Ibu please click on my Instagram link, Instagram Link Since I made the presentation slide today using CANVA and shared it on my Instagram, Please open it and don't forget to follow. Thank you.

Ladies and Gentlemen tonight's main focus of discussion was on the four of manuscript completeness. The first one is FOREWORD. VS PREFACE

While Foreword is written by the author, the Preface is supposedly written by other people ( Publisher, Senior, Expert. The second one is TABLE OF CONTENT

    Table of content is also known as the outline of a book, the benefit of writing this TOC is to simplify the process of writing a book, Whereas, you can find ideas to expand and write from the TOC. Also, it will make the writer focus on what will be explained in the book.

    Her experience in writing a book with Professor Eko Indrajit was, she made her OUTLINE right after the WAG class is over, she sent them right away to prof. Eko and it was a three-chapter outline content of about 60 pages. The book title was "Belajar Semudah Klik"

    Here are her tips on How to generate a TOC using Microsoft Word. The key to generating lies on HEADING 1 and HEADING 2

    To write Chapter Title use Heading 1 and Subchapter use Heading 2. Use the Reference tab, click on Table of contents. We can also change the level and style from the TOC by clicking the custom TOC.

    The third one from manuscript completeness is the SYNOPSIS, this part is the resume or the summary of the whole story in the book you are writing. To send it to the publisher is when the book is in the review process by the publisher. Moreover, sometimes the author as for professor Eko asked the writer to present the synopsis that will be a shock when you do not really master the story and references.

    The four-part of it is BLURB. a blurb is different from the synopsis. BLURB is the most interesting part of a book. it is presented in interesting lines of some parts written in the book. Blurb is signaled with a question that invites the reader's curiosity. Here are some samples for BLURB.

    And come to the last part of the completeness. is THE AUTHOR'S PROFILE. in this part writers or authors need to write a self resume and to make sure putting the most relevant experience to which the content of the book is purposed or titled. It means that writers do not have to write every experience or achievement, just put ones that are relatedly connected to the book. And never forget to put Contact Number, so the publisher will be easier to contact the writer.

    Back with me Phia your host, after a long and clear explanation from our speaker today, Wrapping up the show, I emphasized that there are 4 main parts to be complete in writing a book. The 4 parts are compulsory. In writing a book or in doing a process the most important things are to have a thorough outline, holistic completeness, and a great fighting spirit to finish. I will see you again soon at our next show.

    Remember all is not done before it is complete.!