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Friday, July 30, 2021


Resume    : 9th (Ke-9)
Date         : Friday, July 30th, 2021
Topic       : "Mengatasi Writer's Block" " Writer's Block, Never Rock "
Speaker   : Ditta Widya Utami.,S.Pd.,Gr
Moderator: Maesaroh.,M.Pd.

There is Nothing that comes without trouble,But there is No Trouble comes without a Solution

    Meeting #9, the time is mine, hope I will be fine joining the class and always in line. today the class is again a bit different from the previous one, Mz May the moderator informed us that today the meeting will be LIVE on Gelombang 19. 

    we will get forwarded messages from the moderator as always. what made it a little different is that tonight at the early opening the class was opened, she informed us that we will have a discussion in the beginning of it. Yeeay.

    Our Speaker today is Ibu Ditta Widya Utami.,S.Pd.,Gr. She is a science teacher at SMP 1 Cipeundeuy, Subang West java. She is actively writing on Wattpad besides also a blog and book writer. She has published 6 solo books, 12 anthologies, and many award-winning championships. So young yet so talented and productive. The Reall Role Model. Here's the link to her Resume 

    The topic for today was Writer's Block, and apparently, this word was set out the first time by Edmund Bergler a psychoanalyst. Bu Ditta, the speaker she introduced herself and shared her social media account. she then asks the participants for a challenge. As Om jay always does, she gives a challenge for us to make writing related to the picture she was about to share.

    We were given only 15 minutes to write at least 3 paragraphs of essay or poetry, the picture she was sharing "Wayang Kulit, a traditional Puppet show "then I took it, I took the challenge and made this: 

A shadow puppet, it is a traditional puppet show played by the dalang
It is a play of puppets with riveting stories and histories of ancient days.

the puppet is made of buffalos skin and designs artistically
it shows many characters and clothing art type
a traditional puppet in Indonesia
it plays behind the lights
and shows of moving shadows

Wayang Kulit that's how we use to call it
intriguing stories seems to be alive by the dalang
stories with moral values taught within the society
stories that teach us to be better people.

    Then adrenaline rush came over me, the feeling of racing teams are chasing me so fast. Hands are almost shaking with a rush. and I love it. I love taking on challenges. This is what I call practicing. STANDING OVATION for YOU Ibu Ditta.

    When the time was up, the moderator closed the group again, Bu Ditta's explanation then following the adrenaline that still rushing my heart. She said that when you lost words ti write in the middle of it, you are having writer's Block. This is how Wikipedia explains it.

    Confusions, loss of words or ideas, frustrations, stress, and hard to focus is what happens when you got Writer's block. I can call this WB a writer's happens not only to an expert writer but also to a rookie writer. It is also generally not caused by commitment or competencies.

    This syndrome can happen in a length of time that is uncertain, different for each person, so don't let it consume you too long. Block it, Block the writer's block. you need to handle it faster. since it could take even tears to stop.

    To solve this problem of WB syndrome, you need to first find the cause to quickly find the solution to end it sooner. there are some matters that can cause WB Syndrome: You can check from the picture shared below

They are :
  1. Trying New method/Topic to write. This can usually be the writer's block cause. since when we are using new methods to write and we have not mastered the method, it will definitely cause the loss of ideas to continue.
  2. Stress. In my opinion, being stressed has not only caused Writer's Block syndrome that can cause the loss of words and ideas to write, or we call it stuck or brain freeze. it can also cause mind block for a very long time to finally caused bad health.
  3. Tiredness both physical and psychological, this condition is as bad as a stressful condition. It can prolong the Writer's Block syndrome.
  4. Perfectionist. for people with OCD or perfectionist. this syndrome will be the biggest Block to continue writing and find ideas.
Let's find tips on how to handle Writers Block Syndrome

πŸ‘‰ Make a strong commitment to yourself
πŸ‘‰ Learn new writing techniques throughly
πŸ‘‰ Read more to learn more
πŸ‘‰Take a short break to relax a while but not too long, refresh your mind with happy thoughts and activities
πŸ‘‰Stop worrying too much, take one step at a time to finish and no burden.

    In my opinion, this writer's syndrome called writer's block by Oxford dictionary and discuss by Ibu Ditta tonight, is a syndrome that everybody not only writers experienced. this type of block sometimes came in a blink of an eye. can't find the cause even.

    Due to today's new normal live people get mind blocks syndromes, people who usually meet a lot of other people and share face to face activities than are forced to stay at home and do all the work remotely, students who are su[pose to have more humanly and physical interactions are pushed to stay behind wall and housewives who normally get their break time or me-time while the family members are outside the house studying or working, now they have to do all the house chores with all the people around all the time, stressful.

Q & A Sessions, on this session I can only take one question that catches my eyes


Penyebab writer's Bock betul.sekali yg dipaparkan
Stres, lelah mental, dan kembali ke awal tujuan kita menulis  untuk memulai lagi

Apakah memang ada kalanya kita alami , cara efektif dan cerdas mengatasi WB yang di alami  Bu Ditta  ?

 The effective and smart way to overcome WB you have ever faced


Kalau saya biasanya lakukan hobi saya Bu : jalan-jalan 😁

Nggak perlu jauh dan mahal. Keliling naik motor lihat sawah yang terhampar bak permadani bersama suami dan anak saja sudah bisa merefreshkan pikiran dan hati ☺️

Hal lainnya, biasanya saya suka baca buku yang ringan-ringan saja. Novel karya Tere Liye misalnya.


    She usually takes a walk, does her hobbies or sightseeing does simple things like go on a motorcycle ride around the blocks and refresh her mind, sometimes she reads books too. she likes to read Tere Liye's Novels to relieve the mind

    My solution for this condition is to always have God near you and a positive mind to be the mastermind. staying positive both thinking and doing will definitely help you through hard times and challenges. also, consider things as a challenge rather than a problem. 

    Challenges make us stronger and braver, while problems make us weaker and frightened. So, think positive, Give positive, Do positive. If you get negative, then it will be your life savings. at least you save extra positive around you.  

What's for Lunch ?

    "Crack..*#%$" rasanya otak ini seperti mengeluarkan suara yang sedikit creepy. Saat mata tertuju pada jam dinding warna putih diatas pintu kamarku, I was shock , kaget beneerrr sudah hampir jam 2 siang. Oh, no... belum sarapan dan jam makan siang sudah hampir meninggalkan.

    Sudah dua hari ini fokus kejar deadline terjemahan English-Indonesia, sampai 200 halaman untuk selesai dalam tiga hari saja. hari ini ingin kuselesaikan lebih awal, karena hawatir tertinggal kelas Belajar Menulis nanti malam, yep, TGIF. its D'Day. Perut keroncongan mulai membuat naga naga menari di dalamnya. Ku sempatkan dulu melirik jumlah pesan yang masuk di jutaan grup Whatsapp yang tak sempat kubuka sedari pagi.

    Group pertama yang kulihat adalah WAG kantor , siapa tau ada kerjaan yang terlewat. lalu kulanjutkan membuka pesan yang berangka puluhan di group Belajar Menulis, ku sempatkan juga sebentar untuk surfing sambil comment di beberapa laporan resume kawan seperjuangan yang baru masuk.

    Jreng Jreeeng, aku melihat pesan baru di group, saat ku buka foto berisi menu makan siang lengkap, tanpa nasi, hehehe. Membuat perutku tambah terasa menderita ha -ha ..Om jay The Master of Blog . mengirimkan foro menu makan siangnya hari ini. dari mulai tumisan wortel dkk, ikan goreng, tempe goreng sambal kecap dan sambal oncom , mengguggah selera. Aaaaah aku ingin makan sekarang.

    Apalah daya saat sebuah gambar yang menyulut emosi perutku dan melambai mengajakku mendekat itu tampak siap untuk dinikmati, aku hanya bisa menatap kosong pada meja makan yang terisi barisan mangkuk keramik kosong tak berteman.

    Aku belum masak...ingin rasanya menangis , atau langsung cabut menuju rumah Om jay yang menyediakan hidangan yang bikin air liurku mengalir . lagi lagi tak sanggup. Foto yang dikirimkan hanya menambah besar harapanku untuk menguatkan diri memasak sayuran dan sisa tempe di kulkas sekarang..

    AAAAAH ingin rasanya saat selesai satu pekerjaan yang menyita waktu ini aku berjalan ke dapur dan bertanya, Hey What's For Lunch??.

Sukabumi, 30 Juli 2021
Salam ODOW


Wednesday, July 28, 2021


Resume        : 8th (Ke-8)
Date          : Wednesday, July 28th,2021
Topic         : Buku Mahkota Penulis, Buku Muara Tulisan
                "The Author's Coronal Estuary"
Speaker       : Thamrin Dahlan., SKM.,M.Pd
Moderator    : Mr.Bams

It is Not a Good Book if No One Read it, There will not be a Book If there is No Author, And No Author Will Be If there is Not a Single Book Published.

        Eighth Meeting viewers, at exactly seventeen hundred Hours, Mr bam's the moderator today, came to my surprised, close the group as the que that the class is about to start. What? yes. it started earlier. The Moderator then shared 30 slides to be explained. 

        Mr bam's informed us that the slides are shared earlier due to optimizing the meeting tonight so that we can be focused on the discussion session more. more time to discuss and ask. Our Keynote speaker tonight is Bapak  Thamrin Dahlan., SKM.,M.Pd. It looks like we will have someone fabulous tonight. As always, with this class (I thought to Myself).

        When I started to read one slide that caught my eyes, I read the speaker's Biography slide, and I just can not stop my brain to say. WOW. What is the tremendous world am I reading ? a Resume of an expert, now this is what I call a Good catch. I am blessed, people. Let me share with you a picture of his resume slide.

           When the class started he started to explain how easy and cheap it is to publish books nowadays, YPTD since September 19th, 2020. Has published about 232 books with ISBN( International Standard Book Number), most of the books published were authored by Indonesian teachers.

        Now that I have read some of the slides, I am ready to ask loads of questions. I can not stop looking at another slide that caught my eyes. The slide is about 3 Secrets wonder of Journalism 

  1. There is a spirit in every writing. He explained what spirit means. when you start to write then your writing is published on media, then someone read it moreover comment on it, your writing is alive.
  2. Your writing can defend itself. Buya Hamka once said "Let your Book go to its destiny"
  3. Your Writing Gives you Surprises.
        For Bapak H.Thamrin Dahlan as the owner of Yayasan Pusaka Thamrin Dahlan (YPTD) Publishing Company, A teacher is the architect of civilization., that teaches with heart. They who became a role model instead of only doing knowledge transfer, they who give a good example and become that living samples of what teaching really means.

          Great Teachers in his terms are teachers who:
  • Can change their paradigm, have the critical thinking, open-minded and progressing a seld development better.
  • can meet the demands of timeless requests due to enhancing the quality of education in a country.
        I just love his quote about teachers as the civilization architect, I am comprehending it like this; teachers are not only designing the civilization, they are also the ones who ensure that the civilization-building is functioning properly and that they are preparedly ready to do the maintenance themselves. It fascinates me more than I can handle.

       Nelson Black, in his book entitled "When a Nation Died" complied that moral values, humanity, economic prosperity, and cultural strength are a series of factors of excellence in a humanist society. That clarifies the fact that education gives the biggest impact on human civilization.

         My questions were asked via Mr Bams, since the class today is held on Gelombang 19 WAG, I was taking his quote about teacher as the civilization architect, I asked whether Authors or writers can also be considered as the same function, and as I expected both teacher and writer have the same role within the society, both are strengthening the civilization and even create the civilization. 

        As every question roled out from the participants I found a question from ibu Helwiyah, she is in gelombang 20, with me and the smart lady also act as The class secretary. She asked about how would Books compete with electronic books since nowadays technology is getting developed.

       Our Speaker replied diplomatically and factually, he explained that the national library also facilitated E-Books publishing with another type of ISBN, while paper books are also very competitive due to the weakness of E-Books still on electricity and internet problems. Paper books are still leading in comfort reading.

        Wrapping up the class today is as thrilling as previous classes but to me, this one is more intriguing the mind to write and publish. I believe writing a good book is as noble as teaching students at schools. When we write we can even teach more people, including people we have not met in foreign and faraway places.


Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb

Hello my online fellas ! 

Dimanapun kalian berada, aku harap kalian memiliki hari yang bahagia dan positif ya

Talking about insecurities yang gak ada habisnya..

Dimana semua orang pasti pernah mengalami

Tanpa tahu cara memahami.

Dimana semua orang pasti pernah mengalami

Tapi tidak mau mengerti dan memahami.

Dimana semua orang pasti pernah mengalami

Tapi tak semua tahu cara menghadapi insecurities dan mulai mencintai diri.

"Lalu bagaimana cara mengurangi dan mulai menerima diri? Well, cara termudah adalah dengan mulai belajar menghargai diri sendiri dan tumbuhkan rasa cinta pada diri kita. Saat orang lain tak mau mengerti dan memahami, kita gak perlu pusing atas respon mereka terhadap kita. Ingat kita tidak hidup atas pengakuan mereka dan kita juga tidak akan rugi jika ada kalimat negatif yang ditujukan pada kita. Seorang filosofer bernama Suzy Kassem pernah berkata, ‘’ Kamu terlahir sebagai seni asli, tetap orisinil karena yang asli lebih mahal dari imitasi’’. 

"Maka Dari itu  tetaplah jadi dirimu apa adanya, tanpa harus merubah keasliannya dan saat rasa cinta pada diri sendiri atau self-love itu sudah tumbuh, rangkulah rasa itu dengan sungguh sungguh. Karena sejatinya hanya diri kita lah yang dapat menyadari bahwa diri ini berarti. Jangan ragu untuk melangkah maju, you don’t have to listen to what people say, you can be who you are ! thank you jangan lupa bersyukur dan semoga dapat membantu".


      Mendengar kata Self love yang belakangan semakin sering di sebut di media sosial dan artikel artikel online, sepertinya sudah tidak asing lagi. 

Apa sih SELF LOVE itu ?

Self Love atau juga di kenal dengan Self Compassion adalah mencintai diri sendiri atau menerima diri kita sendiri, dengan segala kekurangan dan tentunya kelebihannya. Terkadang ada yang salah mengartikan Self Love ini dengan Egois atau Narsisme. Egois itu lebih diartikan dengan self centered atau selfish lebih mengutamakan kepentingan diri sendiri. sedangkan narsisme adalah level Self Love yang ketinggian he-he , yang berujung terlalu merasa diri paling unggul dan selalu ingin menjadi yang terbaik.

Gambarannya adalah misalkan kita punya anak nih, bagi yang sudah punya anak. Anak itu kan kita sayangin banget kan, ya pastinya kita akan memperhatikan dan berusaha memenuhi semua kebutuhannya, kita akan lebih menjaga kesehatannya, menjaga kenyamananya, pernah tidak kita memperlakukan diri kita sendiri seperti itu ? harusnya iya, kita harus memperlakukan diri kita itu seperti kita memperlakukan anak kita. sayangi diri, rawat, jaga kesehatannya dengan makanan dan pola hidup sehat, memperhatikan kebutuhan diri kita dan merawat diri.

Self love itu adalah cara untuk menerima diri, menerima apa yang kita miliki dan yang tidak kita miliki dengan bahagia. Menjadikan apa yang dianggap kelemahan diri menjadi kekuatan yang dapat membangun kepercayaan diri. Menerima saat diri tidak mampu dan berusaha untuk memenuhi atau melakukan apapun bukan karena tuntutan dari orang lain, tapi more to respect kebutuhan diri dan how to fulfil it.

Yang harus jadi titik fokus nya Self Love adalah cara kita embrace or accept ourselve, hingga tidak ada kesempatan untuk orang lain menentukan arah hidup kita. karena hanya dengan Self love kita akan mempunya standar untuk hidup kita , untuk diri kita dan untuk prinsip kita. Agar kita tidak hidup dengah nilai nilai hidup yang diciptakan orang lain, yang mana hal itu belum tentu juga cocok dengan jati diri kita.

Kenapa harus Self love ?

 Jika seseorang sudah memiliki self acceptance maka dia akan bisa memiliki Self Love. Dengan Self love kita dapat lebih menghargai orang lain, lebih menyayangi lingkungan dan lebih menghormati keputusan dan kepentingan orang lain akan dirinya dan hidupnya . 

Lalu kenapa Self Love ? saat kita sudah dapat menerima diri kita, dengan semua kekurangan dan kelebihan yang hanya kita sendiri yang tahu, maka kita akan membangun imunitas yang tinggi. Imunitas terhadap apa ? yang akan dibangun dengan sel love adalah imunitas dari standar hidup orang lain, yang mereka ciptakan awalnya untuk kepentingan mereka dengan motivasi hidup mereka masing masing, dan bukan untuk kita.

Standar hidup sseperti apakah yang sudah ada dan dibentuk oleh lingkungan tetapi tidak bisa diterapkan untuk semua orang dan atau diri kita ?. Contoh paling sederhana , Misal; ada perkataan atau jargon yang sering kita dengar dari teman, saudara atau kolega bahkan widely used by people in the world, standar yang mengatakan " Putih itu cantik /Ganteng". 

Standar "putih = cantik/ Ganteng " itu asalanya dari mana sih ? memang yang kulitnya sawo matang atau kuning atau red atau gelap itu tiadk cantik ? tidak ganteng kah ? tentu tidak kan ? Kecantikan itu tidak bisa di standarkan dengan warna lhoo, sebagaimana kita tidak bisa memasang tarif pada nilai kecantikan atau ganteng tersebut. Karena Cantik /ganteng itu relatif kan, yang menurut kita cantik belum tentu menurut orang lain sama, kan ?

Atau buat yang pernah dengan kata kata "Kok masih muda udah dinikahin ?"  bahkan ada juga standar di masyarakat yang mengatakan "yang cantik itu , harus langsing, putih, badan tinggi " lhaa memang kita bisa mesen ya sama tuhan saat akan diciptakan ? Maunya tinggi deh terus warna kulit putih dan jangan gemuk gemuk dah. Ha -ha ( You are you, so live your standards). gemuk emang kenapa ? yang penting kan sehat dan jaga kesehatan. And most important is kita bahagia dengan diri kita, bukan karena sudah bisa memenuhi standar nya orang lain kita bahagia yaa.

Self Love itu bukan hanya adpat memberikan perasaan cukup dalam diri kita sendiri tapi juga akan mencegah adanya perlakuan yang tidak pantas dari orang lain, Karena self love dapat memperkuat karakter kita, membuat kita lebih kuat bertahan dalam menghadapi lingkungan yang bisanya berkomentar tanpa tahu alasan di balik semuanya.

Maka terimalah warna apapun yang Tuhan berikan pada kita dengan riang gembira, dengan ikhlas dan bersyukur. haruslah yakin bahwa apapun yang Allah Subhanahuwata'ala berikan kepada kita adalah maslahat untuk kita, maka terimalah dengan prasangka baik dan bersyukur. karena Self Love juga akan merubah perspektif kita tentang dunia dan CiptaaNya.

Gimanasih caranya Self Love itu ?

Naah, gimana dong caranya self love itu. Gini lho gambarannya. Kita ingin diperlakukan seperti apa oleh orang yang kita sayangi ? ya seperti itulah cara kita menyayangi diri sendiri.Karena Self Love adalah fondasi dari kehidupan yang nyaman dan aman. 

Me-Time adalah cara yang paling kita butuhkan. Saat kita sudah memilih untuk hidup dengan pasangan kita terkadang kita fokus pada kebutuhan pasangan kita saja atau anak anak saja, terkadang kita melupakan kalau diri kita juga membutuhkan self care, waktu untuk diri sendiri yang hanya kita bisa nikmati tanpa tuntutan beban harus memenuhi keinginan oran lain terus. Me - Time ini dibutuhkan untuk menjaga kestabilan emosi dan kesehatan mental kita lhoo.

Menurut Leigh Richardson, Founder / Clinical Director at Brain Performance Center, karena Self Love itu adalah infrastuktur dari bangunan kesehatan mental dan fisik kita untuk memberikan value hidup yang kita butuhkan. maka waktu untuk diri kita sendiri itu sesekali sangat dibutuhkan untuk menjaga kewarasan.

Selalu Mulai dari diri sendiri, karena kita yang membutuhkan nya dan karena kita juga yang akan merasakan hasilnya, maka kita harus memulai self love itu dari diri kita sendiri. Jangan tunggu dari orang lain, karena kita harus live with our standards not other's.

yang menjadi point penting dalam cara membangun self love adalah ;

  1. Miliki sendiri di diri kita apa yang kita harapkan dari orang lain ; tentunya jika kita sendiri tidak memiliki standar hidup maka bagaimana kita akan hidup dengan standar diri sendiri ? pastikan kita sendiri sudah memiliki Self contentment, rasa cukup dengan apa yang kita miliki.
  2. Penuhi dulu kebutuhan mental kita baru kita bisa membantu orang lain dalam memahami kita. Kita tidak akan pernah bisa membuat orang lain memahami siapa diri kita , cara berfikir kita dan cara kita menerapkan standar hidup kita , jika kita sendiri tidak memiliki nya.
  3. Selalu berikan energy positif untuk diri sendiri maka kita akan dapat membagikan energy positif untuk orang sekitar kita. karena Self Love itu adalah Selfless love Denise Walsh(Dream Life founder).
  4. pastikan kita bersyukur, menerima dan bahagia dengan apa yang kita miliki, karena self love itu akan menunjukkan ke otentikan diri kita. Apa adanya tanpa berbuat karena ada apanya.
  5. Jangan pernah remehkan kemampuan diri kita, karena kita semua diciptakan untuk berjuang, bertahan dan berubah.
  6. Selalu merefleksi diri dan memaafkan diri sendiri atas semua kesalahan yang sudah dilakukan sebelum meminta maaf dari orang lain.
  7. Pastikan selalu melakukan apa yang membuatmu bahagia tanpa merugikan orang lain, karena self Love adalah cara yang akan juga mengajarkan diri kita untuk merubah hidup kita menjadi lebih baik, dan juga membuat orang disekitar kita merasa lebih baik dengan adanya kita. 
Yang pasti folks sekali lagi, kita dilahirkan ke dunia ini bukan untuk memuaskan keinginan oran lain apalagi semua orang, kita dilahirkan otentik dengan kekhasan kita , kelebihan dan kekurangan yang menjadikan dirikita ini spesial, in any way, tidak ada lagi yang harus lebih mencintai dirimu sendiri selain dirimu sendiri. See you Next time folks.


opening Speech from Si Sulung yang sudah beranjak dewasa

Sukabumi, August 2nd,2021

Monday, July 26, 2021

Indie Publisher is Your One Stop Fastest Solution !

Resume    : 7th ( Ke-7)
Date           : Monday, July 26th,2021
Topic          : Menerbitkan Buku semakin Mudah di Penerbit Indie
                       " Indie Publisher is Your one-stop  Publishing"
Speaker     : Raimundus Brian Prasetyawan.,S.Pd
Moderator : Aam Nuehasanah.,S.Pd

If Your idea stays in your mind then it is not an idea it Is a waste of time. Write it then it will be a living idea.

            Seventh, wow it has been a fantastic 7 meetings of this Belajar Mwnuli Class. And I am not even a teacher. This meeting has again brought my ideas and dreams come to life. It's a real deal now with this community.

            Om jay as the founder has been opening the class for the last three meetings, which is very good for me. To just read his motivational quotes, is enough for me to be energized. He introduced Pak Brian that how we all called the speaker today. Om Jay said that Pak Brian has helped him so much with this community. and that he is a young teacher with loads of achievements. And below is Om jay saying Hello to all the participants in his authentic style. 

            As we all understand that Om jay's Team is a team of great, potential, and smart people. They work together in teamwork that creates this inspiring community of writers. They build writers out of hundreds of teachers around Indonesia. He always says. "WRITE EVERYDAY AND SEE WHAT HAPPEN" 

            Our moderator is Bu Aam Nurhasanah.,S.Pd the cheerful and smart lady who was assisting us and became the speaker at our last meeting. When Bu Aam started to open the class and introduce the Speaker she then shared the link to His Biography. You can check on the link below

           The speaker Pak Brian was born in 1992, he is a young teacher with many achievements. He is also the founder of Cakrawala Blogger Guru nasional (LAGERUNAL). Then Bu Aam let The speaker start.

            Pak Brian has writen and published three solo books and 8 anthologies, here are book titles he wrote:

Solo Books:

1. Blog Untuk Guru Era 4.0(January 2020)

2. Aksi Literasi Guru Masa Kini (May 2020)

3. Menerjang Tantangan Menulis Setiap hari (June 2020)


  1. Senandung Rasa - Antologi Puisi (April 2020)
  2.  Bersajak di Kala Pandemi - Antologi Puisi (May2020)
  3. Rona Rasa #dirumahaja - Antologi True Story (June 2020)
  4. Ramadhan Tahun Ini - Antologi Puisi (June 2020)
  5. Semangatmu Inspirasiku - Antologi True Story (June 2020)
  6. Inisialmu dalam Buku Ini - Antologi Puisi (July 2020)
  7. Jejak Keberhasilan -  Antologi True Story (August 2020)
  8. Kembara Bakti -  Antologi True Story (September 2020) 

 Besides writing books he is also a Curator of Anthology Books below:

  • Ini Cerita Seru Hobiku (April 2020)
  • Pena Digital Guru Milenial (Juli 2020)
  • Ukir Prestasi Tebar Inspirasi (September 2020)  
  • Pahlawan Dalam Hidupku (Desember 2020)
  • Membongkar Rahasia Menulis Ala Gurubelajar Blogger (Juli 2021)
            Pak Brian said that in his time joining this community there were no Topic discussed about Indie Publisher, as it is today.Since July 2020 I helped the participants of this group to reach publishers especially Indie Publishers that has been working with me that time.

                  He was also thrilled to have the opportunity to share about indie publishers, as one of the fulfilment to finished this class. The speaker then explained that publishing books for writers are easier today since there are many indie publishers and that we knew only Big publishers a long time ago.

            For rookie writers, the Indie publishers will be a great help. since indie publishers will definitely publish your book and it is faster and easier in the process. even though it will cost some expenses for the writer, but that is the consequence of taking indie publisher, and it is worthed. You will pay only for the number of books printed. And you can sell the books too.

                As for me finding this community has opened up my horizon to publish my books, I have been writing but never really think of publishing it before. Except for journals as a fulfilment. I would really acknowledge reading one of Pak Brian's books and publish my writing like him. Plus he also explains that he has a partner of an indie publisher named "GEmala"

                Publishing books for writers is like a life goal, it will be the biggest dream to publish the books we have written and make t a best seller book. There are many indie publishers to pick from. anytime you are ready with your script, immediately send it to the indie publisher. It will not take long until it is published. After you got the book then you will use Pak Brian's tips in promoting your books. 

                As for information Pak Brian Gave a link to Gemala Publisher's books, you can check on the link, there are about 41 books that have been published by Gemala publisher.

                It will be a good pick for the participant, how that there is another indie publisher introduced by the team. it could be hundreds maybe after this class is over, but no matter how the speakers from this great team motivate the participant to write and publish our books. If we can not motivate ourselves to write, it will be a waste. And as Bu Aam said earlier, Only a focused and determined writer will be a real writer after this class. So, Focus on your goal.


                   The decision and the process with publishers will be the privilege of the writer. when this class is over everything will be decided by the individual. And the fulfilment to publish the book with Gemala will be detailed above. also on the link

          Q&A session, the participants are eager to ask mostly related to technical process and terms of publishing at Gemala. Pak Brian Replied to every question based on his personal experience. He said that the publisher is near to where he lives, in Depok. So he thought that for him and the writers who lived nearby will not have to pay too high for the delivery.      

            Wrapping up the explanation after the Q & A session. I would say there is no one better to motivate you than yourself. It will be a lie to say that your biggest motivation comes from other people. Even Great motivators only help you a little in building what you have inside you. For me, everyone is a motivator and the great motivator can help other people to feel motivated then find themselves again.