"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins."
Resume : 1st (Ke-1)
Topic : Menjadikan Menulis Sebagai Passion - "Make writing as a Passion"
Keynote Speaker : Dra.Sri Sugiastuti.,M.Pd
Phia Selfiarti.,S.,S.,Cert.TEFL.,M.Pd
Tonight by Whatsapp media, the first topic for 'Belajar Menulis Class" is How to make writing a passion. at exactly at 19:05, Om jay the founder of this Blog Writing community for teachers throughout Indonesia opened the class with a reminder of how this meeting is also a part of a whole program that we, as the participants, will have to join. This class has been occupied my mind since the day I decided to join, to hope that this will be a good start for me to start actively writing again. Then the moderator introduced us to our keynote speaker today, everybody in the Team calls her Ibu Kanjeng, from the slide of picture and details about the speaker, I can read there loud and clear that Ibu Sri Sugiastuti or Ibu Kanjeng is an inspiring woman, proven by her incredible self resume, other people outside the group would kill to meet her in person ( it's a saying to show deep happiness of finding something).
The speaker starts the meeting with an interesting video about all the books she wrote and published I went from hmm to Aaah, amazed, drooling myself). There you go, I am again mesmerized by the way she explained, let me take a line she said in the explanation "A writer is a humble, respectful and highly appreciated profession in a social environment" "Basically the ability to write is a part of thinking maturity embodiment indicator ad intellectuality" She nailed it, that line alone build something powerful in my head, it builds the eagerness in me to be a better writer, sets up my mind to pursue the long awaiting goals as a Book Author. Yes, make writing my passion, the pursuit of great things in life.
"WHY" and "How" will be the writing idea starter, exactly true, when we are being curious, ideas will definitely strike our mind, there will always be a story of every "Why" while Ibu Kanjeng said that questions of "why" is more philosophical and related to our lives missions, visions and values, I would say that the questions started with "Why" is the background of every matter that happens in the universe. From the explanation too, I have learned all the important activities to do to be a good writer:
1. Read, you really need to start listing what books, magazines, journals, maybe fiction you have read or
2. Discuss, while passionate in writing to find ideas you need to discuss as often as you can with anyone, get used to discuss to get new ideas.
3. Look and Feel, this is what also creates a good writer, be sensitive with the occurrence around us, always make sure you know what happened recently, how to react accordingly. This can also bring out the ideas inside your mind.
4. Socialize, I would say Mingle as much as you can, be easy-going, get along well with people around you. Who knows great ideas will come up after you meet people.
Basically becoming a writer is trying your best to be a better person, a caring person a person with a more meaningful life, not only that it will make your life better, writing I believe will change the world. Every word, idea we write will be the agent of change that will bring us to be amazingly aware of what other people need, how they feel, what the environment needs, how to react to it too. Boosting ourselves into passionate writing will surely need well preparations, Ibu Kanjeng also mentions some parts in preparing to write, as follows :
1. Find Ideas
2. Specify your Goals, Genre, and reader target
3. Set your Topic
4. Make an Outline
5. Collect References/books
"If passion drives you, let reasons Hold the rein". Benjamin Franklin said, many times when we determined to start to do something new, we find obstacles, and many of the obstacles come from our own minds, we start to find excuses to avoid doing good things, then again, as I have written on my early post on how to create a new habit, the tips can also be used for writing habits, do the new habit like writing continuously in 21 days, without stopping, avoid excuses and just start writing at any time you find ideas, find ideas with tips from Ibu Kanjeng then hopefully we will be soon a famous writer with lots and lots of bestseller books.
The wrap-up of the first-class today with this extraordinary woman has again bombard my ideas to write more, hoping to write better after this one. Mostly the participants today are also passionate about writing, questions came up, the moderator Ibu AAM received so many messages since questions were supposed to be sent to the moderator first then she will collect and arrange each one of them to be sent forward to the meeting group. I can imagine how busy she was in meetings like this, participants are longing for a good response to maybe also brings them ideas to start writing.
I can not wait to join the next class, curiously waiting for what I will get from the next one, I am determined to make One Day One Writing ( ODOW), so in a year I hopefully will make at least hundreds of blog content and surely books to publish. Aamiin
So, Start writing, now, today, don't hold back your great ideas, who knows it will change the world. Fighting!!!
Sukabumi, July 12th, 2021