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Saturday, July 17, 2021

End Of The Day


At the end of the day

By Ms. phia

It's almost midnight

The sky is at it's darkest colour 

The moon doesn't seem amusing such so

The sun, gone hiding in its hideout

It is far from being bright. 

It's almost midnight

Thee power has no more but undo

Thee strength has yet to meet redo

It's away from being up right

Then where was thy

It's almost midnight

Where have thy set foot into

When have thy prepared to find home

With whom have thy befriended with

What have thy gathered to packed by

Why, have thy ever absently loose tracks

It's almost midnight

With no where to purposed

With no one to be set fellows

With not a thing to bring on 

Tracks are blurred, paths are jumbled

As thy rushed into midnight, who is thy? 

Sukabumi, July 17, 2021

Friday, July 16, 2021


"To Write a Book is to Create an Adventure that lasts For a Life Time, a Thrilling experience again and again" 


Resume     : 3rd (Ke-3)

Date       : Friday, July 16th,2021

Topic   : "Membongkar Rahasia Menulis Hingga menerbitkan Buku" "Reveal the Secrets of Writing to Publishing A book"

Speaker    : Rita Wati.,S.Kom

Moderator  : Mr.Bams

Third Class last night, as always the waiting process felt like ages. Everything about writing thrills people's minds, no matter if you are The writer or the Reader, the process of outpouring ideas in mind into words written on pages is like taking an adventure around the world every day without getting tired.

The third topic is about Revealing the secrets of writing to publishing a book, able to publish a book for a writer is the hottest pursue ever. it is like the main goal of every writer to have their books published. The speaker is Ibu Rita Wati.,S.Kom she is also one of a great woman who involved in Om Jay's Team. She is a good moderator and also loads of other good jobs including as a curator. Ibu Rita has written and published 3 Solo Books entitled : 25 Trik Jitu Menulis dan Menerbitkan Buku, Merajut Asa Sejak Belia and 25 Tutorial pembelajaran Daring dan Luring. and 10 anthology books were also made. No wonder she becomes the speaker, the topic is her thing. She is the writer of 25 Aptly tricks to Write and Publish a book, Om Jay always picks smart people in his team, and Ibu Rita is one of the best.

The Moderator Mr bams for 19th WAG  and Bu Mae for 20th, opened the class with a polite greeting, due to joining the 20th class,  participants have to wait for Mr. Bams to forward the speaker's explanation from the 19th group, but it was worthed, always. Even every moderator in the Team is great but humble people.

Ibu Rita as the speaker was has been interested in writing since 2001, started to write short stories and then novels in 2005 but was not confident enough to publish. After she joined the OM jay Writing community, she then has the courage to really write, started with a resume. after that, she gained confidence. She shared her tricks in writing and how to publish books. The main points that she was telling the participants wrapped in points below:

Points to be considered from writing to Publishing

1. Find the Purpose of Writing ( the writer's purpose is the goals to achieve one day and can also be a motivation )

2. Focus on  the Goals

3. Be consistent

Before the writer starts to write something it is a primary thing to know what are the benefits of writing, and one of the most significant benefits is writing can reduce stressful conditions, especially at times like this more people are getting depressed for not being able to have interaction with another human being outside their homes.  writing can also be a reliever to the condition people are facing, it is good both for the writer and the reader. There are also some tricks revealed in the class today, the secrets to becoming a good writer, and the points are mention below:

1. Controlling yourself

2. Read More other books

3. Write every Popping idea holistically.

4. Train yourself by writing every day

5. Make a concept mapping

6. Be brave to put out new ideas.

Writing every day on different Blogs will be a good start to train your writing skills and courage to show people your new ideas. Plus, Blog writing is the best start to make a good book, you can make the book out of all the essays, journals, ideas you write on your blogs The most important Secret in writing is that it can bring you better health, better life, connect you to more people and build your world better. Bu Rita as the speaker is now a very confident writer, even many people who read her novels gave testimonials quotes, and summaries of it. The power of Socia Media, when you post in minutes it reaches Thousands in just seconds. Writers can Live through pandemics and survive through it by only writing more.

The most important thing for an amateur writer like me in writing and publishing a book is to be consistent and confident, the secrets revealed today have encouraged more ideas in my head to pop out and racing to meet pages of words that can open up new stories. Just remember writing a book is like creating an adventure that never stops with the thrill that will never end, writing changes many lives, publishing is the perfect change of it all. So all you have to do is learn the tricks to be a good writer, Write today- Publish tomorrow !!

 Happy Writing.




"To have friends that laugh with you is a treasure, But to be befriended with someone who listens and understands you is a Blessing" Ms.Phia

Thursday, July 15, 2021


Seperti setiap pagi lainnya selama pandemi ini melanda, saat masa pengurangan aktifitas di luar rumah pun sudah berkali kali berganti nama, setelah selesai tugas dari "negara Api yang menyerang " (Avatar Aang), kunyalakan Laptop yang akhir akhir ini jadi sahabat paling setiaku di kala susah dan senang. Kutunggu bunyi HP yang pastinya beberapa menit lagi akan memanggil tanpa henti hingga siang nanti, ya setiap hari duduk bersila atau sambil sesekali berbaring meregangkan badan yang kan mulai terasa pegal, kepala yang mulai akan terasa berat juga, kursi dan meja kerja sudah sedikit lelah menemani belakangan ini, diduduki saja kursi sudah membuat bokong ku panas, meja sudah mulai semakin mengeras dan membuat sikut seperti kebas. 

Sambil membuka file dalam setiap folder kerjaan kantor yang harus kuselesaikan, setelah selesau evaluasi nilai tempo hari yang dipenuhi drama seperti yang sudah sudah, sampai karena kesalahan input ku, membuat semua orang orang penting di bagianku merasa gerah, hingga beberapa orang menganggapku tidak kompeten dalam pekerjaan ini. Ya, aku penginput nilai cabutan. Beberapa lama ini aku juga merasa kurang tepat berada di posisi ini, selalu karena saat ada kesalahan dari ku, semua bisa menegurku di depan forum ( online) seperti " Iya tuh bu, ajarin tuh operator nya biar agak pintar dikit". Atau " Aduuuh gimana sih mbak, kok bisa terulang kesalahan yang sama", juga kata kata yang sering terdengar "ngenye " lainnya. Sampai aku akhirnya merasa " I am not good at this". Padahal kesalahan kesalahan lain dari mereka selalu terkesan di buat "aman". Overall, aku sangat bersyukur masih banyak orang yang memperhatikan, banyak yang mau mengeluarkan energi nya untuk memperbaikiku, pasti karena banyak orang baik disekitarku. Keluhan pagi seperti itulah yang keluar di proses benak saat mouse ku berselancar di lautan file nilai. 

Sudah tidak dilibatkan dalam pengolahan nilai lagi!, syukur ku tiada henti saat dikembalikan ke tugas lamaku yang notabene memang cocok sekali dengan latar belakang kemampuanku, HUMAS dan pelayanan umum, aku memang jagonya disitu, aku ini trainer for trainer sudah sejak lama, tapi saat memilih untuk bekerja di tempat sekarang karena tertarik dengan tawaran " Men doseni suatu hari" nya  aku keep up dengan tugas yang diberikan, anyway, aku tidak pernah bilang "tidak bisa" Aku selalu bilang " Saya coba yang terbaik" Yaa kalau hasilnya tidak maksimal, at least sudah do my best. 

Hari ini aku fokus saja dengan tugas humas dan kepegawaian di tempat ini, mengajar English di kampus lain, dan training trainer di tempat kursusku. 2012 aku mulai membuka lembaga pelatihan ini, almarhumah mamaku bilang "harus istiqomah, biar terasa hasilnya" Katanya kalau di tekuni apapun akan menghasilkan pada akhirnya. Bersyukur sekali dari dulu selalu dapat do'a terbaik dari nya, sampai hari ini do'a do'a mustajab alm mama yang dulu sampai ke langit sudah Allah SWT kembalikan berupa pertolongan, kebaikan, kebahagiaan dari pintu yang tidak terduga kadang. 

ProNative nama itu sudah kubangun sejak 2012, berbadan hukum done, dengan nya aku sudah dipertemukan dengan orang orang hebat, salah satunya adalah yang memasukkan ku bekerja ditempat sekarang, berawal sebagai trainer untuk staf dan dosen di Departemen yang beliau pimpin saat itu, beserta lembaga training bahasa asing ini aku sudah jalan jalan ke pulau Sumatera, Lombok, Bali, Jawa Tengah sampai Kalimantan. "1 bulan jago ngomong English jaminan Uang kembali! " Jargon program yang aku jual, alhamdulillah semua berkat pertolongan Nya dan do'a orang tuaku peserta pelatihan selalu merasa puas dengan hasilnya. 

Banyak sekali cerita yang menakjubkan dengan lembagaku ini. Hingga hari ini semua terekam indah dan terbungkus menjadi semangat ku untuk selalu belajar lebih baik lagi, dengan ilmu yang sangat terbatas dan jauh dari baik, aku bisa survive. Dalam kondisi tak menentu seperti sekarang ini, saat banyak usaha lain collapse, kami masih bisa bertahan dengan peserta kursus yang bertambah dan yang ingin bergabung kembali. Saat dunia sedang tantrum kami berdiri tersenyum. 

Tantrum, yaa bumi ini sedang tantrum. Mungkin sudah hilang mood nya juga. Hingga semua menjadi sasaran amukannya. Wabah melanda, musibah dimana mana, semakin banyak orang orang sholeh diambil Sang Pemiliknya. Mungkin Dunia sudah tua dan lelah juga, hanya tinggal kita yang masih bertahan ini yang akan mengahadapi tantrum nya bumi. Pikirku dalam benak. 

"No Complain" Ku bilang dalam hati. Semua orang punya perjuangannya masing masing, semua berada di jalan terjalnya sendiri sendiri. Dan bumi ini pun sedang berada di jalan terjal dan berlikunya. Lagi lagi kata kata almh Mama dalam bahasa Sundanya 

" Beurat ecagkeun, hampang bawa lumpat, cape reureuhkeun, ulah jadi beban, sanghareupan naon oge, anu salah moal jadi bener anu bener moal jadi salah. Dunya ancur langit runtuh nu bener moal jadi salah"

 Jika diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia itu seperti ini

" Berat simpan, ringan bawalah berlari, jika lelah istirahat dulu, jangan jadikan beban, hadapi saja, yang salah tidak akan pernah jadi benar dan yang benar tidak akan jadi salah, walaupun dunia hancur langit runtuh kalau benar akan tetap benar"

Yaa hari ini, seperti biasa aku teringat kembali kedua orang yang paling memotivasi ku "Bapak Mamah". Di saat dunia tantrum begini aku bisa bertahan dengan senyuman di bibirku dan tenaga penuh di tangan dan kaki ku serta ilmu yang tidak pernah akan terasa cukup untuk bekalku.

Salam ODOW (One Day One Writing) 
Sukabumi, 14 Juli 2021

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Fast and Effective Way in Creating Resume!


"The secret to multitasking is that it isn’t actually multitasking. It’s just extreme focus and organization.” Joss Whedon

Resume                   : 2nd (Ke-2)

Date                        : Wednesday, July 14th, 2021

Topic                       : Trik Cepat Menulis Resume di Blog- "Tips To create a Blog Content  Resume Faster""

Keynote Speaker      :Maesaroh.,S.Pd.,M.Pd

Moderator               : Rita Wati

Phia Selfiarti.,S.,S.,Cert.TEFL.,M.Pd

The second meeting tonight that I have been anxiously waiting for the past two nights, and finally to be written as a resume of the activity is " How to fast create your Blog resume. ", It is an explanation on how to write a resume while still involved in a meeting, it is about how to do a multitasking job, The ability to complete something in a short time while doing another thing, is what we call multitasking skill.

 A Multitasker is a person who can accomplish several types of jobs in a certain time-space. To my view, not everyone has this kind of skill, there are people who can focus only on one job and can accomplish best when they only do one certain job. For people with multitasking skills, doing a different job at the same time is not an impossible thing to do, perhaps a multitasking job can also show the person's best performance. As an example, writing a resume while listening joining a meeting, and listening to the speaker explaining also at the same time involved in a great online discussion, are some of the things we do, especially by joining this "Belajar Menulis  Club". 

The keynote speaker of the second meeting was Ms.May, I used to call her like that it's easier for me, her name is Ibu Maesaroh,S.Pd.,M.Pd. She is a determined person, I can learn that she is also a smart woman who always encourages people around her in doing good things, and she has written several books by now, she is my mentor in the writing club now. Ms.May upholds a topic about how to fastly made a meeting resume on every meeting, this encouraged me a lot. As the fastest Resume making in the history of "Belajar Menulis Club", the speaker willingly shared her tips and tricks on how to do the same. As the Moderator Ibu Rita, Opened the meeting with a greeting the tenses grew.Every participant were all eyes and ears for the topic.

Ms.May explained how she was so eager to finish a job in a short time, she even finished her Masters Thesis in a very short time and helped her classmates in finishing it, too, she is used to finish what she has started. Her First Key Woord was "Consistency in Learning", and " Ala bisa karena biasa " or " Practice Makes Perfect", Her best resume was made with this Belajar Membaca Community. 

Setting Out Mind , was the first list of her Tips in Making a good resume for Blog Page, She Set the focuson these 6 things
1. Top Position For resume on Blog Page
2. Give Special Character/Label to your Resume
3. Add a reference or a Quote related to the Resume
4. Write in an interesting way that shows Your Character.
5. Be confident In writing your Blog
6. Be prepared

She emphasized on building our own writing character, every writer should have special character to be easily recognized by the reader, it can also show the originality of the creation. so, your resume or essays will show who you are as the writer.  second important thing , She explained, about making a fast resume out of a meeting will eventually gives the writer a benefit, besides rewards from OM jay's Team, the writer will also build the character of a fast good writer, multitasking. 

The special character of writing in every resume will be a writer's peculiarity, if I may say so, the originality demanded by the reader will be obtained and plagiarism will be avoided. When she wrote every resume she used sweet words of a poem, in order to get an eye catching results. and what every writer have to take point is that all the results have to an original writer's idea.

Best habits to build from her are her tricks on how to prepare and make a fast and great resume, read closely :
1. Prepared the tools/ gadget 10 Minutes before the meeting starts
2. Always make short paragraphs in the resume
3. To take quotes from the Speaker's lines, or use pararel word to describe it.
4. Avoid Plagiarism
5. Be You in writing 
6. Be consistent in writing

Personally wrapping up this resume, writing teaches us so many good things, started from really recognizing yourself, your skill and open up your potential to the world and ended with  changing the world by the words we arrange itu stories or resumes. Be brave to write in your own way,, get use to changes in life and make it something to tell about in your Blog Pages. Happy writing everyone. Enjoy what you have and still can do today.!


Bertahun tahun Belajar English tapi tetep gak Bisa ngomong !"


Bertahun tahun  tapi tetep gak Bisa ngomong !"

 Bahasa Inggris,buat sebagian orang masih dianggap materi yang harus diambil di bangku sekolah tapi gak penting penting banget, "yaa yang penting hadir terus lah di mata pelajarannya, nilai lulus ambang batas gpp" atau memilih untuk menyelesaikan tugas saja yang penting menunjukkan perhatian sama pengajar nya, done. Apalagi sekarang, dengan kondisi pandemi COVID-19 seperti ini semua proses belajar mengajar dilaksanakan daring dan dalam tempo yang sesering sering nya di perpanjang, On line ,..On Line...du du du, nggak cuma murid, guru juga mungkin sudah mulai jenuh, karena sangat kurangnya intensitas interaksi langsung antara guru dan muridnya , hingga kurangnya kontrol terhadap fokus murid pada mapel ikut ikutan tidak terjaga. Ibarat nya nii kalo kata anak anak jaman now, ngga dapet feel nya, kurang chemistry nya gituu. Terus kapan, gimana, how ? mau bikin murid bisa ngerti ??? 

Tahu nggak sih ?, tahu dooong , tahu deeeh.

Bahasa Inggris itu alat komunikasi, yaa, namanya juga Bahasa, alat, media untuk saling bertukar fikiran, mengungkapkan perasaan, mengutarakan keingin tahuan dan memberikan informasi. Naaaah loooo, alat untuk berkomunikasi artinya harus dipake apa tuh bahasa Inggris ini ? yaa di pakai untuk komunikasi, bisa berupa komunikasi dengan cara tulisan maupun lisan, sampai sini faham kaan ? jadi penting ngga belajar Bahasa Inggris ??  lha iyaaa... jadi kenapa gak bisa bisa ngomong Inggris ?? . Coba jawab pertanyaan dibawah ini : 

1. Sudah berapa tahun  belajar Bahasa Inggris ? ( secara formal )

2. Sudah sejak kapan sadar kalau bahasa Inggris itu ada ?

3. Berapa kata / kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris yang kamu tau ?

4.Punya aplikasi Media sosial ? ada fitur yang tertera dalam bahasa Inggris tidak ?

Udah dijawab ? coba kita periksa jawabannya yaa guys ( English) ,....

Ok jadi buat yang sudah lulus SMA lah minimal di TK/PAUD dulu ada lagu ( Buat yang pernah tau hyaa.. kita nyanyi bareng, he-he) 

Watermelon, watermelon

papaya , Papaya

Banana , Banana

Tomato, Tomato

OK, artinya di Taman Kanak Kanak tuh udah di ajarin Bahasa Inggris hitungannya satu tahun kaan, lalu Sekolah Dasar berapa tahun dapat pelajaran ini ? , 4 tahun kita hitung kurang ya, buat yang baru dapet pelajaran ini dari tahun ke 3. Siiip, lanjutkaan , SMP tuuh tambah 3 tahun ada pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, lagiii,... SMA 3 tahun lagi nii belajar bahas Inggris, lulus deh jadi total berapa tahun ? yook hitung yook .10 tahun, sepuluh tahun kita belajar Inggris ini, ini lanjut ke pertanyaan ke tiga nii, berapa kata yang dikuasai, berapa kalimat yang masih diingat untuk diutarakan dalam kondisi mepet ? ( sekarang mulai buka rekaman di kepala yaa ). Kalau OTW itu apa ? GWS singkatan dari apa ? atau LOL gitu misalnya, itu singkatan singkatan dari ungkapan Bahasa Inggris kan ya ? dan mungkin hampir semua orang tahu artinya apa, atau misalnya Bahasa Inggrisnya  RUMAH, Bahasa Inggrisnya kata TIDUR, pada tau kan pastinya .. tapi masih banyak juga yang masih suka bilang, " aku gak bisa Inggris, gak ngerti ". kenapaaa ??? lhaaa terus itu I love you bukan Bahasa Inggris ?? 😂😂

kenapa nggak bilang " Inggris bisa sih dikit lah, dikit banget malah " lebh positif kan ? ( plus jadi do'a, kan kata kata itu do'a, kalo bilang nggak bisa terus , jadi do'a nya apaa ?? 😢). Semua pertanyaan diatas tadi terjawab lah sudah, bahwa saat lulus dari SMA rata - rata ngerti /bisa bahasa Inggris, hanya tinggal ngukur ada di tingkat ngerti/ pemahaman apa, ya kaaan. " Terus kenapa masih banyak yang gak bisa ngomong Inggris dong ? " ini yang kudu kita sama - sama garis bawahi, cetak tebal dan cetak miring ( biar jadi perhatian ajaa.. he -he -he).  Ini menunjukkan bahwa nggak bisa ngomong Inggris bukan berarti nggak ngerti Inggris kan ? ( Kita renungkan sama  sama lebih mendalam 😅).

Hampir sampai ni ke titik temu dari permasalahan " Belajar Inggris bertahun tahun, tetep gak bisa ngomong Inggris ", ada yang udah tahu jawabannya ? ada yang belum ? ya udah,.. iyaa.. di jawab dengan pertanyaan lagi deh ,"pernah nyoba bicara dalam bahasa Inggris ? "  ( Pernah/ Nggak pernah ), buat yang pernah nyoba, gimana sensasinya waktu bicara Inggris pertama kali ? deg degan kah ? darah mengalir lebih cepat kah ? jantung berdetak lebih kencang kah ? atau ada rasa seperti akan keluar keringet di kepala bagian depan dan tetiba udara terasa panas dan bikin gerah ? ( ha ha ha ha, kondisi yang sangat menegangkan😒 ), kalau ya , maka itu adalah momen yang paling tidak bisa dilupakan dan paling berharga dalam proses belajar Bahasa Inggris. Setelah tahap nyoba bicara pertama, apakah termotivasi lagi untuk nyoba kedua kalinya ? bagus kedua artinya akan ada ke tiga dan ke, ke selanjutnya. Kalau jawabannya tidak, tapi saat nyoba bicara Inggris pertama malah jadi trauma yang berkepanjangan dan sumber ketakutan terbesar, karena dapat respon yang negatifb( kek dapet tanggapan : Ih sombong baru bisa segitu aja Inggrisnya, atau cieee bule lewat,.. ataaau udah lah apaan sih sok sok an ngomong Inggris, masih belepotan juga ), atau bikin malu dari orang sekitar, anda kalah ( kalah , kelewatan mengalah ha-ha -ha Apa coba 🙋). 

Nyoba sekali, jangan kalah, nyoba lagi dua kali, dua kali masih di tertawakan nyoba lagi tiga kali, percaya deh semakin sering nyoba latih English Speaking nya makin lancar jadinya daaan yang ngetawain makin ingin nyoba ikut ngomong Inggris, dan saat itu terjadi, anda adalah Trend setter . Toh, ngomong Inggris terus di ketawain atau di ledekin nggak bikin gigi ilang lima atau muka bonyok bonyok kan ? ( ekstrim banget yak ? ). Ada beberapa kali orang yang tanya " Gimana sih biar bisa lancar ngomong Inggris ? " jawabannya simpel " yaa ngomong ", kalau nggak mulai ngomong Inggris kapan mau bisa lancar ?? ya kan, ya kaan. Intinya lancar nggak nya kita bicara Bahasa Inggris hanya urusan jam terbang, semakin sering coba semakin lancar , karena akan semakin banyak belajar dari kesalahan. Kalau diketawain ? 

When people laugh at you for doing something good , Laugh with them ! then do it again!!

So, kenapa masih nggak bisa ngomong Inggris padahal udah lama belajar Inggris ? Bukan nggak bisa tapi kurang motivasi, motivasi diri untuk mencoba, karena kita pasti bisa tapi kurang motivasi untuk mencoba untuk melakukan sesuatu yang Out of The Box, sesuatu yang beda dari lingkungan kita. Get out there, try to speak English and motivate yourself !!, dan mulai dengan

berikan respon positif
 pada hal hal baik yang dilakukan orang lain karena respon negatif kita untuk orang lain akan menghambat kita untuk mencoba sesuatu yang baru, bukan menghambat orang lain, berbeda bahasa ?? no problem. kalau salah tinggal perbaiki, bukan takut salah, takutlah kehilangan kesempatan untuk mencoba, hari ini, sekarang juga speak English!

Salam Motivasi 

Sukabumi, July 6th, 2021


Bisa Bicara Bahasa Inggris Dalam 1 Bulan??? Yes You Can!


Hello again Folks, coba nii buat yang baca yee, ada yang mau bisa bicara bahasa Inggris nya lancar nggak? Atau pernah nyoba bicara tapi malah jadi trauma yang berkepanjangan? Eh, malah mungkin ada yang sudah pernah ambil kursus "Inggris" sana sini tapi hasilnya tetap di titik awal, gak bisa juga, kayak gak tega gitu pas mau coba, bicara Pake bahasa Inggris itu, sudah terkonsep dengan baik di dalam otak, lalu diproses oleh hati dan saat akan dikeluarkan melalui kerongkongan dan saluran bicara terasa seperti ada yang menahan gitu, 😄, beraaaaatt.! Ada yang pernah ngalamin ? Believe me, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Tidak sedikit orang yang udah belajar Bahasa Inggris, kursus percakapan, mati matian cari tempat kursus terhebat, ter Branded, ter "halma.." Pokonya ter ter ter yang lain deh.. pas selesai program kursusnya, English speaking nya back at one. Kenapa? Ada apakah dengan fenomena ini semua?? (Ha-ha-ha lebay kaan) 

Have you watch the video up there? ( kalo belum coba deh scroll atas lagi terus tonton), menurut folks lagi ngapain sih itu orang orang yang terekam dalam video, OK, ada satu orang anak muda yang lagi bicara English sambil berdiri didepan semua orang, yang lainnya hanya duduk perhatikan sambil sesekali ngasih respon sama apa yang di katakan si pembicara. Perhatikan deh, ditangan si abang yang lagi bicara itu ada selembar kertas warna kuning, keliatan nggak tulisannya apa? It is written  "ARMPIT", apa? Armpit? Iya, armpit yang artinya ketiak (kuetex) dalam bahasa Indonesia. Lho kok? Kenapa? Gak pernah bicarakan soal armpit depan khalayak banyak? He he he. Well, we have, si abang yang lagi bicara di depan itu memilih satu kertas yang ada di meja, setiap kertas bertuliskan tentang tema yang harus setiap orang dalam grup itu presentasikan didepan, ini dadakan yaa, No latihan latihan Club. Dan semua orang dalam grup itu harus kedepan lalu presentasikan temanya masing masing dalam Bahasa Inggris. Aturan mainnya adalah Dilarang keras Memberikan komen atau respon negatif, jika merasa lucu temanya cukup tersenyum, atau tertawa ringan bukan mentertawakan. 

Lalu apa semua nya lancar berbicara pake Inggris waktu program itu?? Tidak! Banyak yang bingung sampai depan orang pas mau bicara tiba tiba "Brain freeze", dan itu wajar, kalau kita ngalamin brain freeze atau istilah gaulmya otak nge -hang saat mau bicara Bahasa asing yang lagi di pelajari, jangan freak out, jangan panik santai aja, semua orang yang belajar bahasa apapun pasti ngalamin. Terus gimana caranya supaya nggak panik saat  mau coba bicara Inggris? Gampang, tabrak lari, coba dulu salah atau benar itu urusan sekian, masalah nanti diketawain  atau nggak jangan ambil pusing, kan masih belajar, toh, diketawain aja kan gak bikin bonyok. Santai ikuti arusnya, seimbangkan ritme nya. 

Terus bicara, lupa Bahasa Inggris nya apa? tanya atau campur dengan Bahasa Indonesia, atau Bahasa Ibu (first language L1), masalah? Nggak banget. Mencampur Bahasa asing dengan Bahasa L1 itu adalah hal yang biasa, itu disebut bilingual, jangan malu, malah kalau sudah bisa campur Bahasa dalam satu percakapan itu sudah jadi second language Bahasa Inggris nya. Coba deh inget inget, buat yang pernah nonton film Malaysia, India atau Philippines , tokohnya bicara dalam bahasa L1 tapi hanya sekali menyisipkan kata kata atau istilah dalam bahasa Inggris, kalau kita udah bisa campur English ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia kita jadi bilingual, bahasa nya jadi second language, keren nggak tuh. 

The thing is, gimana caranya supaya bisa bicara Inggris lancar dalam tempo yang sesingkat singkatnya ? Ini sih urusan gampang, ( ha ha ha sombong kali awak ni). Mau tau nggak caranya? Ayoo, mau tau aja apa mau tau tanpa ajaa?? Jadi gini, pertanyaan dulu yaa sebelum tips. Kenapa anak anak kecil di Inggris, Amerika jago jago bicara Bahasa Inggris nya? ( yok jawab dulu). Pertanyaan yang sangat klise kan? Tapi jawabannya adalah rahasia dari sebenarnya, alasannya adalah karena orang tuanya si anak anak di Inggris itu nggak ngajarin Grammar pas mereka dalam kandungan, pas mereka lahir dan saat tumbuh. ( e.g. nggak jelaskan materi Tenses sama anak nya misal " Baby, simple present tense is subject verb Object, ngga gitu juga kan konsepnya??), orang tuanya hanya mengatakan semua hal dalam bahasa Inggris, ngajak makan, mau mandi, mau jalan jalan, mau masak, ngobrol satu sama lain sesama orang dewasa di depan anaknya pake Bahasa Inggris.

Pada akhirnya yang anak anak itu rekam adalah kumpulan kata, frase, kalimat, ungkapan, cerita, ajakan dan perintah dalam Bahasa Inggris, otomatis saat mereka mulai bisa mengeluarkan suara yang berbentuk kata, keluarlah kata kata yang ada di rekaman si anak. Nah, apa hubungannya sama bisa bicara Inggris dalam 1 bulan?? Do you know? (Nanya lagi dah) menciptakan kebiasaan baru adalah dengan melakukan hal baru tersebut selama kurun waktu tertentu secara konsisten setiap harinya di waktu yang persis dengan cara baru tersebut. Malah ada seorang experts said ( saya lupa baca di buku apa) membuat kebiasaan baru adalah melakukan hal baru tersebut selama 21 hari berturut turut tanpa berhenti, artinya jika berhenti di hari ke 10 atau 20 , esok harinya sudah bukan hari ke 21 tapi back at one. Kembali ke awal hari ke 1. Contoh : mau bisa bicara Inggris, coba bicara Bahasa Inggris setiap mau bilang kata saya selama 21 hari berturut turut (no stopping) , setiap mau bilang saya, aku, ana, eke, gw ganti pake I (ay), buktikan di hari ke 22 akan terasa ada yang kurang atau bahkan akan otomatis keluar kata I saat anda mau bilang saya. Berani coba? Kenapa ngga?. 

Bayangkan juga kalau saja  sejak pertama belajar kata baru dalam Bahasa Inggris dulu, cara ini dipakai satu bulan udah bisa lancar belum? Satu tahun? Dua tahun? Yes you can. Kuncinya adalah:

1. Konsistensi ( kudu teguh pendirian) 

2. Motivasi diri ( kudu merasa perlu dulu) 

3. Berani ( kudu masuk anti malu malu club) 

Naah, gimana kira kira mulai hari ini udah mau nyoba cara 21 hari nya belum? Masa nggak mau. Enggak malu hari gini nggak bisa bicara Bahasa Inggris??. Enggak gengsi tuuuh kalau nanti adeknya, anaknya, muridnya bilingual terus nanya pake bahasa Inggris? Enggak mau dapet pe-de level dewa untuk coba apply beasiswa ke luar negeri? Yakiiin masih ngga mau?? Satu bulan lancar bicara Inggris? It's a piece of cake, bukan hal yang sulit, tinggal mau mengamalkan ke tiga amalan diatas, yakin bisa. Cara ini sudah dipakai di tempat training kami semenjak tahun 2007. Program nya kami namakan " SATU BULAN JAGO BICARA ENGLISH, JAMINAN UANG KEMBALI" And kami belum pernah ngalamin peserta minta uang kembali. Kalau bisa  coba Tips ini sendiri di rumah, kenapa harus keluarin extra money buat bayar kursus?? Yes, you can. Impossible is Nothing !! 

Salam "I speak English Community"

Sukabumi, July 11, 2021


Note : Feel free to ask me


Pengen Bicara Pake English, Tapi Gak ada Partner!


Photo was taken Before the Pandemic
ProNative Out Door English Conversation Class

Peaceful Hearts❤💞



Fine morning like this is the best time for us to meet with peace. Cold breeze is the blanket of every preparedness we have to seize the day, when birds are chirping their beautiful singing melody, and the sun shyly exposing it's countenance. Yes, it is the perfect time of solitude peace to be found. Self peacefulness can bring out the best in you, mind blowing ideas will appear to be only a small part of it, the pleasure of happiness, health and contentment are the best out peace. 

Letting self peacefulness come is like opening your body and soul to a new you, try it sometime, Make peace with yourselves, provide a short minutes of peace in your heart, give yourselves a bit of a break from all the hectics and all the troubles of the world, make friends with yourself.

After that, find yourselves ready to face more challenge, you are always the strongest person you yourself can count on, you are the best of friend of yourself, you are the smartest one to find ideas, you are the bravest person to take all the challenges, when other than you can believe in you why can't you believe in yourself? YOU are the perfect person to build the world for you, to bring the happiness you need, to stand strong against the cruelness of the universe, yeah YOU, No one else but YOU. 

Gold Morning peacefull People. Hope you will always be peacefull with yourself.. 
And shines to the world, always scream out loud in peacefull heart that:

I am worthed, I am loved and I am happy🥰😍

Sukabumi, July 14 

Monday, July 12, 2021



 "If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins."

-Benjamin Franklin

Resume                   : 1st (Ke-1)

Topic                       : Menjadikan Menulis Sebagai Passion - "Make writing as a Passion"

Keynote Speaker    : Dra.Sri Sugiastuti.,M.Pd


Phia Selfiarti.,S.,S.,Cert.TEFL.,M.Pd

Tonight by Whatsapp media, the first topic for 'Belajar Menulis Class" is How to make writing a passion. at exactly at 19:05, Om jay the founder of this Blog Writing community for teachers throughout Indonesia opened the class with a reminder of how this meeting is also a part of a whole program that we, as the participants, will have to join. This class has been occupied my mind since the day I decided to join, to hope that this will be a good start for me to start actively writing again. Then the moderator introduced us to our keynote speaker today, everybody in the Team calls her Ibu Kanjeng, from the slide of picture and details about the speaker, I can read there loud and clear that Ibu Sri Sugiastuti or Ibu Kanjeng is an inspiring woman, proven by her incredible self resume, other people outside the group would kill to meet her in person ( it's a saying to show deep happiness of finding something).

The speaker starts the meeting with an interesting video about all the books she wrote and published I went from hmm to Aaah, amazed, drooling myself). There you go, I am again mesmerized by the way she explained, let me take a line she said in the explanation "A writer is a humble, respectful and highly appreciated profession in a social environment"  "Basically the ability to write is a part of thinking maturity embodiment indicator ad intellectuality" She nailed it, that line alone build something powerful in my head, it builds the eagerness in me to be a better writer, sets up my mind to pursue the long awaiting goals as a Book Author. Yes, make writing my passion, the pursuit of great things in life.

"WHY" and "How" will be the writing idea starter, exactly true, when we are being curious, ideas will definitely strike our mind, there will always be a story of every "Why" while Ibu Kanjeng said that questions of  "why" is more philosophical and related to our lives missions, visions and values, I would say that the questions started with "Why" is the background of every matter that happens in the universe. From the explanation too, I have learned all the important activities to do to be a good writer:

1. Read, you really need to start listing what books, magazines, journals, maybe fiction you have read or 

2. Discuss, while passionate in writing to find ideas you need to discuss as often as you can with anyone, get used to discuss to get new ideas.

3. Look and Feel, this is what also creates a good writer, be sensitive with the occurrence around us, always make sure you know what happened recently, how to react accordingly. This can also bring out the ideas inside your mind.

4. Socialize, I would say Mingle as much as you can, be easy-going, get along well with people around you. Who knows great ideas will come up after you meet people.

Basically becoming a writer is trying your best to be a better person, a caring person a person with a more meaningful life, not only that it will make your life better, writing I believe will change the world. Every word, idea we write will be the agent of change that will bring us to be amazingly aware of what other people need, how they feel, what the environment needs, how to react to it too. Boosting ourselves into passionate writing will surely need well preparations, Ibu Kanjeng also mentions some parts in preparing to write, as follows :

1. Find Ideas 

2. Specify your Goals, Genre, and reader target 

3. Set your Topic

4. Make an Outline

5. Collect References/books

"If passion drives you, let reasons Hold the rein". Benjamin Franklin said, many times when we determined to start to do something new, we find obstacles, and many of the obstacles come from our own minds, we start to find excuses to avoid doing good things, then again, as I have written on my early post on how to create a new habit, the tips can also be used for writing habits, do the new habit like writing continuously in 21 days, without stopping, avoid excuses and just start writing at any time you find ideas, find ideas with tips from Ibu Kanjeng then hopefully we will be soon a famous writer with lots and lots of bestseller books. 

The wrap-up of the first-class today with this extraordinary woman has again bombard my ideas to write more, hoping to write better after this one. Mostly the participants today are also passionate about writing, questions came up, the moderator Ibu AAM received so many messages since questions were supposed to be sent to the moderator first then she will collect and arrange each one of them to be sent forward to the meeting group. I can imagine how busy she was in meetings like this, participants are longing for a good response to maybe also brings them ideas to start writing. 

I can not wait to join the next class, curiously waiting for what I will get from the next one, I am determined to make One Day One Writing ( ODOW), so in a year I hopefully will make at least hundreds of blog content and surely books to publish. Aamiin

So, Start writing, now, today, don't hold back your great ideas, who knows it will change the world. Fighting!!!

Sukabumi, July 12th, 2021

Sunday, July 11, 2021

High School is Coming Back


Thank you, would be an understatement, in this On Line opening ceremony last night, the one I wrote on my previous post, not only that I was introduced to a new beginning of writing path, but also come to my surprise, I was met with my Senior High School favourite teacher. Bu'Dwi that is how I always call her, when I propose a question on whether it is allowed to write the resume in English as a report to fulfill in this program, somebody chat me in the zoom meeting chat room, she sent a direct message to me, first question was " Assalamu'alaikum Bu Phia, dari sukabumi? " , I said yes then I asked her if she is from the same city, before she replied I noticed the name Dwi Pratiwi. Then suddenly it rings a bell in my brain, "Bu'Dwi? ", I curiously asked her back. " Ibu, dari SMA N 4 ? " When she replied "yes pantasan namanya kok familiar", that's when I am thrilled, goose bumps too. Ibu is my Senior High School favourite English teacher, as the conversation going, my mind was making scenes of high school memories with her. 

That time I was a third grade student, ibu was a new young and single English teacher who got my class as her first meeting. She spoke English as an introduction, "wow! " I said silently in mind, because in high school she was the only English teacher who really spoke  and asked students in English, and that was what amazed me so much, after I got a little disappointed from not getting enough space to speak English at school, the other teacher were Seniors, and they did not speak or ask or maybe start a good conversation in English with the students, while I was too shy to start. Yes, I was a little shy that time, funny how I am not that much of a shy person today ( I could even say I am too confident 😄). Back to the topic, Bu Dwi,  I found out that she was a cheerful, caring, happy and enthusiastic teacher, I believe she is still the same person today. She motivates me to speak more English and to be spiritful like her. She gave me a new colour, she is my board marker. 

Still in the old high school days,I join English competition, and when she taught English at my school, she was the one who always accompany me and the team in every competition. The one time that I will always remember, until this very day, Bandung competition. Me, my brother, and some friend joined an English speech competition for High School students of West Java province, and she was our escort teacher. The interesting part was not the competition, it was the time after we all finish our competition, I did Speech and poetry reading , my brother too and also the other friend from school. Bu'Dwi excitedly offer us if we would like to hang around the city since it was still early day, with her cheerful and spiritful style, and we took it, we took the offer. She then took us to a zoo, the fun part was that she was apparently a good tour guide too, she knows the city very well, maybe because she finishes her Graduate in the city, Bandung, she kept telling us stories how she used to visit places there when she was in university, she gossip a little too, I was overwhelmed, it was my first time to have this always Happy teacher, she made us all happy too, she then took us to eat and buy something from the street food seller, and she kept talking and talking and all of that made us all mesmerized. She can be my best friend and at the same time she is also my teacher. "I will be like her when I am a teacher" I thought. 

Still amazed, now I know really how a good program like Belajar menulis community can become, this program that was Found by Om Jay, has allowed me to empower myself with marvelous new ideas to write, to put things into words if essays, and the best things about this program is that it has brought me to be met with my favourite teacher that has changed my life, my mindset and my purpose, Bu Dwi. This writing is dedicated to her, ibu Dwi for being the best of teacher and best friend at high school, My favourite person and OMJay and team for having me as one of the participant. May all of this program run well, and still all of us become the agent of change and a trend setter in our own ways. 

Note : jika ada ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris yg  terkesan kurang tepat dalam bahasa Indonesia saat di terjemahkan oleh google translate, feel free to ask me. 🤭Translate button is ➡️➡️

Writings on the wall

Sukabumi, July 11th, 2021

Ms. Phia