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Friday, August 06, 2021


Resume      : 12th ( Ke-12)
Date             : Friday, August 6th
Speaker     : Joko Irawan Mumpuni
Moderator : Mr.Bams
Topic             : "Menjadi Penulis Buku Mayor"

Push Yourself to Do Great Things, Every great people was also pushed either by circumstances or themselves before

    12th Meeting, with extraordinary people. I almost got a bug on my mind today, a Writer's block Bug. I was about to skip today's class due to the hectic day today. I barely even finish a sentence moreover an article. I felt too tired to even joined the class. But I changed my mind hehe

    Today's Moderator was Mr.Bams, as he closed the group for the class to start. I Opened my laptop lazily and drag my hands to type more sentences than I can even think of. Gladly the class had not started yet, I replied to some messages from Whatsapp, sorry for my late responses today, mina san. it was just another over the clouds job this Friday.

    As the moderator started to greet all the participants, I put my eyes closer to every screen, so that I can focus on it better. Mr Bams Introduced out speaker today, he was Bapak Joko Irawan Mumpuni. Bapak Joko called Om Joko by Mr Bams is a Director of a publishing company. Mr Bams open the class with spiritful sentences: 

1. Enjoy the class, Smile for your immune
2. Prepare questions
3. Enthusiastically enjoy the explanation.

    Here's to our speaker complete Curriculum Vitae and resume I took from his Linkedin Profile, click on the link below to get to him better.  He has been managing a publishing company for over 20 years and still actively joined in Indonesian Publisher association ha made him spiritful to discuss it.

    His first explanation was about the most common and mostly asked question in his history of presenting a topic. What are the differences between major and Minor /indie publisher? add off course the answer as we all have learned from several meetings ago. Yes, the major publishers published more books in a year compared to minor or indie one.

     Due to the long process of publishing at the major and minor publishers now, we can find writers who published their own books at their own cost at an Indie publisher. However, still it will be a great pride for writers if they can have a book published by a major publisher, due to its long process and high cost to deal.

    There are two types of manuscripts that major publishers like Andi Offset accepted and will surely be sold out in the target market. They are ; 

👉 TEXT  - means Textbooks or school subjects books
👉 NON TEXT -Meanwhile, non-text books are the opposite and tend to be called popular books because their content is anything that is popular and needed by the community.

Photo from WAG Belajar Menulis

    His explanation moved on to the publishing industries, I could not agree more, the explanation that shows why publishing is also an industry here is some explanation I took from a website, to make it clearer about it. Here is the link to browse for more explanation 

The publishing industry has been toying with the idea of not just selling, but also publishing books through the Internet. The logic is straightforward: Readers can purchase a copy of the book on a real-time basis and at the same time publishers can benefit from the reduced production and distribution costs. This translates to a combination of lower prices and higher profit margins within these markets. The publishing industry can also better afford to electronically publish very specialized short print run titles that would not justify the expense of conventional printing.

    The scoring system in the publishing company will be the measurement to which a book is published. He showed the graphic from google Trends that shows the popular book topic. Here are some aspects that will also be determined whether the book will be published or not 
  • Popular Topic & Popular Writer
  • Not Popular Topic & Popular writer
  • Not Popular Topic & Not Popular Writer
  • Popular Topic & Not Popular Writer
    Pak Joko emphasized and enhancing his the fact that there are many topics that used to be popular and dead since Corona's outburst. there are so many new popular topics to write too after the corona and pandemic, he showed 100 popular topics and trending one with a picture

Photo : WAG Belajar Menulis

Photo : WAG Belajar Menulis

    Since the explanation was so clear with facts and supporting pictures, Bapak Joko Irawan also informed that The publisher will determine the high circulation if the book is considered to have a wide market and long life cycle. A long life cycle means that the book will remain relevant in the future for a long time.

Photo : WAG Belajar Menulis

    But does a writer who has succeeded only get pride? Not a writer who is successful at least will get all of this. Not only inner satisfaction is obtained but also reputation, a better career and of course money. He then asked the participants ARE YOU AN IDEALIS WRITER or INDUSTRIALIST WRITER?

    Idealist writer means you write not for money, and industrialist means you write only for money, or are you both? between the two types of writers, you are maybe a writer who writes for fun also to get money. 

On the Q& A Session, I caught some questions that boost the evening class spirit

Question 1 :
Saya Dail

Dari serang

P: utk bisa diterima diterbitkan di penerbit mayor apa saja yg jd kriteria utamanya

Apakah penulis junior seperti kami bisa menjadi penulis di penerbit mayor. 

Tulisan selain korona apa yg saat ini dicari publik

Answer 1
Kreteria utama naskah bisa diterima adalah jika menurut penerbit naskah itu jika nantinya diterbitkan berupa buku akan banyak pembelinya, karena buku itu sedang banyak dibutuhkan masyarakat. Jadi coba renungkan sekarang kita sedang butuh buku yg seperti apa? lalu kita tanyakan kepada teman2 kita, ternyata juga butuh buku yang sama, misal PETUNJUK ISOLASI MANDIRI baik UNTUK POSITIF COVID maupun KELUARGANYA.

Question 2
Nama           : Ali Mustofa
Alamat         :  Sragen
Gelombang : 19
Ditinjau dari kepopuleran penulis pemula belumlah popular, dari ilmu juga belum seberapa, namun bila temanya popular berpeluang pasar apakah penerbit mayor menerimanya

Answer 2 :
 Yes bagi para pemula disarankan untuk menulis buku-buku dengan tema2 yang sedang ngtrend. Tulislah teroboslah penerbit mayor dengan setidaknya 5 judul buku2 anda yg best seller. Bila itu terjadi maka sekarang andalah yng dikejar kejar penerbit mayor agar mau menerbitkan naskah melaui penerbitnya.. keren kan..

    Wrapping up the extraordinary meeting today. Bapak Joko is a well-prepared person, he has not only prepared a detailed explanation but also amazed all participants with his sources. All in all, experience teaches better. No matter how well your knowledge and how good your writings are, it is not a good thing will not bring pride until you can infiltrate your own way to Major Publisher and let the world knew that you are writing history in every reader's mind. 

    So, start today, push yourself to do better, as I am A Muslim my parents used to tell me that you need to force yourself in doing good deeds, even for ibadah you need to force it. Let it stay in your heart, to show that you were forced to do good things and now you can share good things with others.

    Here's a video of the class today shared in pictures. I add a little music to relax the mind . Have a pleasant weekend

    When you are determined with your goal to become a famous writer, a major publisher is a good deal in your future.

Thursday, August 05, 2021


Foto : Putri Salsabila Picture.

    Baris demi baris ku baca kata kata motivasi yang selalu dia post di medsos nya, kudengarkan dan kuresapi setiap video dan audio rekaman dalam medsos yang dia miliki, yaa dia sudah tumbuh dewasa. Rasanya baru kemarin menggendong nya di pangkuanku, dengan tubuh mungil nya yang rapuh. 

        Sahabat kala susah dan senang ku ini sudah bisa berdiri tegak tanpa bantuanku, si anak kecil yang kini sudah tidak kecil lagi adalah seorang Mahasiswa semester 3 di sebuah Universitas Negeri di Jawa Tengah. Siapa yang sangka dialah manusia pertama yang merubah hidupku menjadi lebih baik. 

        Tidak pernah aku berbuat baik yang sepadan dengan kebaikannya padaku. Saat aku belajar berdiri sambil tertatih, dia menguatkan kedua kaki ku. Saat aku mencoba menata kembali puzzle of my life, dia melengkapi bagian terbesarnya. 

        Tidak hanya menguatkan ku, dia berikan cahaya pada jalan yang lain agak mereka kuat melangkah sepertinya. Ya, manusia kuat dan hebat itu tidak selalu terlihat hebat, tapi kehebatannya bisa dirasakan oleh orang sekitarnya dan kekuatannya dapat melindungi dalam diam nya.

        Manusia seperti kita memang jauh dari kata sempurna, karena kata itu bukan untuk kita, Sempurna hanya milik yang Maha PUNYA. Cara pandangku pun tentang kesempurnaan berbeda dengan cara pandang yang lain. Buatku dia menyempurnakan aku. 

        Self love, begitu dia ajarkan semua orang. Mencintai diri sendiri, memandang indah akan diri sendiri adalah bukti dari rasa syukur pada Nya, dengan cara yang paling sederhana. Kesederhanaan yang yang sangat melengkapi, memenuhi semua kebutuhan cinta, karena cinta yang sebenarnya paling harus kita miliki dan bina hanyalah Cinta Sang Maha Cinta dan cinta terhadap diri kita dalam makna yang lebih luas. 

        Bahagianya sederhana, didengarkan dan mendengarkan. tidak banyak yang dia minta. Jangankan uang jajan, sepatunya saja sudah usang dia tidak pernah minta untuk dibelikan yang baru, baju yang itu itu saja menempel dan jadi riasan dirinya saja dia tidak pernah menuntut untuk diganti. membuatku malu akan ketidak mampuanku terkadang. 

        Bahagiaku adalah saat tersungging senyum gembira , gelak tawa ceria dan air mata bahagia yang dia tunjukkan. Tak pernah bermimpi aku bisa hidup begitu berkecukupan dengan tawa, semangat dan cerita. Dengan sekuat tenagaku, jika aku bisa akan ku berikan dunia ini untuk nya, akan ku ambilkan bintang bintang dilangit buatnya dan akan ku layarkan kapal nya ke lautan luas tanpa badai. Agar senyumnya selalu terjaga, bahagianya selalu terbina dan ilmunya selalu terasah.

        Jadilah besar seperti cakrawala yang terisi dunia, jadilah terang seperti cahaya yang selalu membagi sinar, jadilah pintar yang cerdas mengarungi lautan dan kuat menghadapi tantangan. Jadilah dirimu yang selalu bahagia dan membawa kebahagiaan dimanapun kau berada. 

    Berkat do'a mu hari ini aku pun dikelilingi oleh orang orang hebat dan baik, orang orang yang saling dukung saling ingatkan dan saling perbaiki dalam kebaikan. Tak ada lagi anugerah yang terhebat dalam keberkahan hidup adalah teman teman yang baik. Allah subhanahuwata'ala memang Maha Baik.

    Bahkan pagi ini saja sudah begitu banyak pesan WA yang masuk mendo'akan kebaikan dan kesehatan untukku. Belum sempat ku balas pesan pesan itu sudah kudapatkan pesan baru yang sangat memotivasi, dari seorang guru hebat yang mengajarkan ribuan guru lain untuk mengembangkan potensinya. Ya, salah satu anugerah kebesaran Allah SWT untuk hambanya. 

    Pesan motivasi untuk menulis lebih baik, pesan yang membuatku terbawa semangat untuk selalu lebih baik lagi dalam membina potensiku. Seperti si Sulung dan Tengahku yang selalu bilang, "Ayo buu, ibu harus juara, pasti bisa. " aaahh rasanya sudah tak tahan jemari ini untuk mulai menulis kalimat demi kalimat untuk menggambarkan betapa beruntungnya aku selalu di bersamai Nya dan di kelilingi orang hebat.

    Nak, andai aku selalu pintar merangkai kata dalam tulisan sedari dulu, sudahlah aku menjadi penulis besar hari ini. Tapi proses untuk setiap orang itu pastinya berbeda dan tidak pernah ada ukuran tepat untuk perfect timing setiap orang. Karena pasti berbeda dan pasti tidak akan sama yang dilaluinya.

    Hari ini Ku tergugah untuk menulis jawaban dari sebuah pertanyaan penuh inspirasi yang diberikan Om Jay di WAG. "Apakah Blog dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran siswa untuk menulis ?" itulah pertanyaan yang mulai mencari jawaban di benaku. Ku buka halaman Blog ku dan mulailah kususun kalimat terbaik untuk menjabarkannya."

    Karena yang terlintas dibenakku diawal pagi ini adalah si Sulung anakku yang sudah berusia 19 tahun, dan semakin semangat dengan kuliah nya di semester 3 di salah satu Universitas Negeri ternama di Semarang itu. Dia yang selalu memberiku ide ide cemerlang dalam menulis, membuat begitu banyak kata kata terkumpul untuk kutuliskan dalam sebuah artikel.

    Blog, bagi yang sudah faham akan fungsinya tentunya sudah bukan lagi pembicaraan berat. Menguitip dari sebuah artikel dari

Blog adalah website atau jurnal On-Line yang memuat berbagai informasi seperti artikel, foto atau video yang selalu diperbaharui dan dikelola oleh seorang blogger. Arti dari kata Web blog sendiri adalah tempat menyimpan "log" informasi di halama website.

tentunya sesuai dengan fungsinya maka kita dapat menyimpan berbagai jenis informasi yang ingin kita sampaikan dan kembangkan dalam bentuk tulisan ataupun foto dan video. Seperti halnya kita menulis sebuah artikel, tugas kampus, materi kuliah atau pembelajaran , maka Blog tersebut juga dalah media yang bisa kita gunakan untuk media pembelajaan siswa.

    Si sulung yang setiap pagi sudah mulai merapikan meja di teras depan kamarnya bersama adik adiknya, sebagai tanda akan dimulainya proses perkuliahan On-Line yang sudah dijalaninya selama hampir dua tahun ini. Membuatku pun selalu tertarik untuk juga membuka Laptop dan gawai untuk memulai mengerjakan tugas kerja harian ku.

    Dengan Blog maka semua kegiatan pembelajaran bisa segera dimulai dengan tulisan ataupun share materi dan tugas berupa video untuk siswa. Ya, seperti anak anak ku dan anak anak lain di seluruh dunia belakangan ini lakukan. Belajar On-Line , dan blog adalah salah satu media untuk melakukannya. 

Bagaimana bisa Blog meningkatkan minat baca dan menulis anak ?, pertanyan yang hebatpun terlontar alasan kenapa blog bisa menjadi media pembelajaran bagi siswa untk menulis adalah , blog merupakan media yang ada karena ada tulisan , setidaknya siswa akan merasa menulis adalah sebuah aktifitas yang membuat hasil karya nya bisa dilihat dan dibaca oleh lebih banyak orang, serta dapat diolah dan di perbaiki terus menerus. Siswa umumnya membutuhkan apresiasi yang cukup dari lingkungannya. Dengan Blog merek akan mendapatkan apresiasi yang nyata dan langsung tidak hanya dari gurunya ttapi juga dari banyak orang lain dalam komunitasnya maupun diluar komunitasnya.

    Aku sendiri sudah memiliki akun sudah sejak 2016 tapi baru tahun ini, semenjak bergabung dengan group Belajar Menulis Om Jay , ku bisa dengan tulisan tulisanku . walaupun hanya berupa beberapa resume hasil kuliah On Line Menulis tersebut. Semenjak itu pula lah kubuat Blog untuk lembaga Pelatihan dan konsultasi yang kudirikan dari tahun 2002 . Blog writing sudah menjadi kebutuhan sekarang, seperti makan, jika belum menulis di Blog rasanya lapar otakku ini.

    Ada beberapa cara untuk melatih siswa dalam memaksimalkan potensi menulis dan membaca /Literasi dengan fungsi blog ini. Sebagai guru maka semu tugas bisa kita kirimkan di halaman blog kita  agar siswa dapat membaca dan menyimak materi dari link yang kita bagikan didalamnya. Kita bahan dapat mengelola kumpulan tulisan hasil kerja siswa didalam blog, untuk nantinya di baca kembali oleh mereka .semua data dapa ersimpan dengan aman.

    Menyertakan link quizmata pelajaran ga dapat kita lakukan di dalam blog, siswa dapat menjawab dengan link jawaban mereka atau dokumen yang mereka kirimkan di kolom komentar atau email gurunya. Sangat efektif sebenarnya dengan blog ini. Pembelajaran yang bisa didapatkan oleh siswa tidak hanya seutar menulis dan membac tetapi juga bisa dalam bentuk peroject On-Line.

    Yaa begitulah, bagaimana cerita sendu nan semangat tentang si sulung menjadi sebuah bahasan sngkat mengenai Blog sebagai media pembelajaran. Sungguh banyak yang bisa kita tuliskan dalam blog, sperti yang sedang kulakukan hari ini. "Menulislah dan biarkan tulisanmu menemui takdirnya" seperti pesan yang diberikan para penulis hebat dalam kelas menulisku. Hari ini kutuliskan lagi apa yang ada di kepalaku.

    Kucurahkan semua cerita pagi dan segelintir kenangan hidup didalam blog ku pagi ini, semoga dan hanya semoga semua semoga ku tersemoga. Terimaksih Allah SWT yang selalu membersamaiku , terimakasih Sulung yang selalu jadi semangatku seperti adik adikmu dan terimakasih Tim hebat F1 yang selalu memacu semangat ku untuk menulis lagi dan lagi dan lagi. 

Salam ODOW

Sukabumi, August 5th 2021 



Wednesday, August 04, 2021


Resume    : 11th ( Ke 11)
Date            : Wednesday, August 4th 2021
Topic           : Membongkar Dapur Penerbit Mayor
Speaker    : Edi S Mulyanta
Moderaor : Dra.Sri Sugiastuti.,M.Pd

Effectivity is when you can get to your target as fast as you can manage your time and skill. MsPhia

    The 11th Meeting of the amazing class of Belajar Menulis with Om Jay, Hey can't barely figure out how I can even run fast until this class. May all be best prayers to keep on staying in positivity. This has been a challenge for me to learn from great people around all the time.

    Our Speaker today is Bapak Edi S Mulyanta, he is a publishing consultant at a big Publishing company PT Andi Offset Yogyakarta. and he has managed a publisher for about 20 years since 2001 up to know. For more details about him please visit his Resume on the link below : 

    He started his presentation by carrying out the Government Rules and policies for writers and publishers. Authors and publishers have been fully protected by law since the issuance of Law No. 3 of 2017 which was followed by Government Regulation 2 years later, namely PP No. 75 of 2019.

    Bapak Edi ensures that to become a writer we need to also learn about Government rules No.75 since by this policy book publishing will be processing faster due to explanation on the details about publishing steps, starting from script submission to the publisher's way of processing the book.

    His focus today will be on how is how major publishers manage manuscripts to be distributed in outlets that are their source of income. The division of major and minor publishers actually does not mention in the Book of Law No. So, the division is made by nature, where the major publishers certainly have a higher number of productions compare to the minor publishers.

    The national library then classified this major publisher into publishers that produce thousands and hundreds which can be seen in the distribution of ISBNs issued. The dichotomy of major and minor publishers, then also occurs in the marketing side of the book, where there are publishers who are able to reach nationally and some only regionally.
    This is exacerbated again by the division made by higher education institutions in Indonesia or the Ministry of Education and Culture DIKTI, which requires the publication of books to be distributed on a national scale.

     Publishers that have already had a large circulation, of course, have no problem with this because the scale of production and the scale of their production machines are already large, so it is not necessary to fulfill the national market. too difficult. Bookstore outlets are a fairly effective marketing tool. Yesterday, Mr. Agus Subardana explained clearly.

    In this pandemic condition, many publishers and bookstores have been affected, since these outlets or stores that sell books from writers are mostly closed down, as for example, he showed that Gramedia book store as one of the big book store in Indonesia has decreased it's selling down to 80 to 90 percent from their normal selling before the pandemic.

    He then emphasized that to face this pandemic and uncertainty, the most important thing in getting back the market is the readiness of writers to update their genre and widen their writing topic to the most recent events. only by that strategies publishers and writers will open new possibilities in targeting the market.

Unboxing the tricks of how Andi Offset Yogyakarta as a major publisher keeps their selling and publishing in a constant level, they keep being up-to-date with market needs and keep giving or opening new and trends ideas to write to the writers or authors.

    The main thing about publishing books is that every party should really be able to recognize the market needs and trends, due to getting the exact target on marketing the books. We need to be perfectly aware and sensitive about the most recent events and request that society is facing. It is an inevitability condition that writers must be the best and most up-to-date observers.

     When the Q & A session started the first question that  catches my eyes were, the question from Pak Lukman, 
The question
1. What are the main requirements for the manuscript to be accepted by a major publisher,
2. What are the basics in terms of the advantages and disadvantages of major publishers and what are the tricks so that the manuscripts that we make a direct deal .

and the answers Bapak Edi gave, really made me curious, First, he responded 

🔑The main requirement in an article is that the writing must be good and unique, both in terms of choosing an interesting theme and the most important thing is unique because it has different things from others and has a novelty value.

 ðŸ”‘ The shortage of major publishers is the large number of manuscripts submitted so that the selection and production time are burdened with a lot of queues.
 To get a quick deal, all major publishers will be very interested if the author has their own captive market, hen I decided to browse about this word,
Explained on MBN or Marketing Business News captive market is one where the potential buyers have very limited choice. In other words, unless they buy from just one or two suppliers their only other option is not to buy

You can also check on the link for more explanation:

    After reading and understanding about what Captive Market is, I can cope that it is what every writer or businessman need, we need to have as I can say groupies, like a fan or fanatics that they will only buy our products. or certain people or community that will always buy our book or the product that we sell. By having this type of market we will definitely reach a clear selling target with a clear market to deal with.

    Wrapping up, all about book writing and publishing in reaching the target market and increase the selling level, are only about how to manage effectivity in finding ideas to write, determine the target market, and giving the market what they need.


Monday, August 02, 2021


Resume    : 10th (Ke-10)
Date         : Monday, August 2nd,2021
Topic       : "Pemasaran Buku " " Book Marketing "
Speaker   : Agus Subardana.,S.E.,M.M
Moderator : Aam Nurhasanah.,S.Pd

The best thing about an advertisement is that people don't really see it, but They memorized it. Ms.Phia

    Big 10 People, the tenth meeting today was on Monday. so, hate Monday is just an old story, it's almost like a history, Ha-Ha. Menulis menulis menulis. la la la la la.. It's time to Rock People. And Om Jay as the host, Opened the class with his cheerful hello.

    Tonight the meeting moderator was Bu Aam nurhasanah and the Speaker was Bapak Agus Subardana. The topic discussed was how to market the books you've written and introduced them.

    Bapak Agus Subardana was graduated from Mercu Buana Yogyakarta University in 1998 majoring in Graduate study of Management and finished his Master's degree majoring in Marketing management in 2012 from Satya Negara Jakarta University. And now act as PT Andi Offset Yogyakarta, which is a major publisher.  I took his resume link from Om jay's blog page, Check on his Resume link :

    From his Resume and some research of mine about his experiences and writing. I am very much convinced that Bapak Agus is a great marketer, he is a Pro in marketing, in fact, I can say he is a Master in the field. Learning from another astonishing expert.

    our speaker shared the details about marketing strategies in pandemic time, Je explained that since the pandemic of COVID-19 there are many publishing companies that went bankrupt. Surely this happens in almost every business bassist, collapsing due to the condition.

Foto WAG Menulis - Agus Subardana

    As shown on the slide above that there are many book stores closed down since the pandemic and PPKM program. Not only that, many big or major publishing are also going bankrupt. Such a great loss for the publishing and book reader. 

     Bapak explained in detail about the condition of book publishing and bookselling, based on the graphics trends he shown that the graphic goes down below the average of the lowest selling line. that is why he then said that we need to change our marketing strategy, which is changing from offline marketing to On-Line marketing strategy.

Foto : WAG Menulis-Agus Subardana

    It is about changing our mindset too, that we need to focus and learn about digital marketing strategies. That is what we have known as Digital transformation, the change of thinking strategy in finding the target market. As we have understood that this COVID-19 has forced every sector to change its strategies to face it. here are below the impact of the condition ;

  1. Change the economy into Low Touch Economy, means that it is the era where people have fewer physical interactions.
  2. Change the publishing business marketing into Digital Marketing
  3. Change of social activities in family, business, school, and other sectors way.

Foto: WAG Menulis - Agus Subardana

Here are also some strategies that we can use to maintain the business in bookselling and publishing.
  1. Stay in touch with the book reader in Social Medias
  2. On-Line based book format, or provide E-book type
  3. Community-based book marketing
  4. Be the first to sell and innovate
  5. Give discounts and excellent service
  6. Be sensitive to consumer needs.

And those marketing strategies are generally influenced by factors that include:
1. Micro Factors, namely intermediaries, suppliers, competitors, and the community.
2. Macro factors, namely demographic-economic, political-legal, technological-physical, and socio-cultural. 

    While the marketing strategies that PT Andi offset take advantage of are by these two types of the special way they call it with " Serangan Udara " and "Serangan Darat". which means that they use marketing both On-Line and Off-Line strategies. that is why this publishing company owns 87 branches from Aceh to Papua.

    Pak Agus today emphasized his presentation only on marketing since he wanted to also inform the participant that we need to really understand how to market our book after it is published and to also make sure that we will see the target market and use the best marketing strategies within the digital marketing ways.

    The most important point I Learnt from his explanation about marketing strategies in this pandemic condition is that we need to really focus on how to give service of excellence towards the market, to keep the market stay with our products, books, we need to keep them informed about our new products, new services, best price, and discounts. Massively promote our product on every social media and keep the selling stabilized and increased throughout the time. 

And here was my question related to the marketing topic 

    Bapak Agus Subardana the speaker today, gave a respectfully great answer to my questions about whether it is possible to promote or market a non-published book and will it be possible to have a major publisher in publishing puppet books. I am so happy I got the best answers.

    This is what we need to pay attention to, is that we have to make anti-mainstream content about our product knowledge so that our consumers will be well informed and get the best knowledge about the books we have published and are about to publish. The main key is high integrity and proactive communication. Also, make sure to map and learn about every book store type before we market our book.

    What I can Wrap from his extra clear explanation is that make as much as advertisement and in as many places as you can, if you are ready to market your ook, the highlighted line from the speaker is that we need to be more sensitive, show more empathy and compassion to the readers need. 

    As I always say Give positive everywhere and every time, and if you don't get positive feedback or response, at least you will have a life savings of positivity. Someday your positivity will be given back to you in an even better way than you have given, for example, a good market to start selling your book to.

    Remember maybe not many people will watch your advertisement but eventually, they will remember what they see continuously, so, keep on promoting then you will meet the target.

Sunday, August 01, 2021

Do You Know ?

Makanan Sejuta Umat

Folks, Hari ini dengan Berita DO You Know . saya akan mengangkat satu jenis makanan yang bisa dinikmati semua kalangan, semua usia dan semua suku bangsa. apakah itu ? Mie atau noodle dalam Bahasa Inggris, dan dikenal dengan sebutan Pasta di Italia. 

Mengutip dari Wikipedia, ada tiga bangsa yang mngklaim bahwa Mie ini adalah ciptaan mereka yaitu Italia, tioghoa dan Arab. bagaimana tidak di setiap negara akan ditemukn hidangan yang bernama mie ini. Walaupun dengan nama yang berbeda beda Mie ini adalah makanan sejuta umat.

Menurut Data World Instan Noodles association (WINA), Tiongkok adalah negara yang mengkonsumsi mie terbanyak hingga tahun 2018. Meskipun beberapa negara mengaku bahwa mie ditemukan oleh mereka, tetapi bukti menunjukkan bahwa tulisan tentang mie yang paling tua berasal dari Dinasti han Timur antara tahun 25 dan 225 Masehi,  gila kan .. dari tahun itu sudah ada cerita tentang mie.

Mie adalah makanan yang berbahan dasar gandum atau tepung gandum, kebanyakan mie di negara eropa di seput pasta atau spagethi, karena semakin banyak orang mengkonsumi mie . Sekarang sudah tidak terhitung jumlah produsen mie instan di dunia.

Di Indonesia Mie dikenal dengan nama mie, di Korea dengan sebutan ramyeon dan Jepang dengan sebutan ramen. Cara mngolah mie ini pun beragam, bisa disajikan dengan kuah sup, kuah pedas,kuah ikan, kuah daging , dan kuah kuah lainya, ada juga yang menyajikan dengan sebutan mie goreng, tanpa kuah. 

Di Indonesia Mie ini sangat terkenal juga dan banyak sekali penikmatnya, Do You Know ? siapa yang mengenalkan Mie instan pertama kali di Indonesia ?, penjajah Jepang. Mie di Jepang mulai dikenal sejak Jepang mengalami Kelaparan yang lama , hingga mereka mulai mengolah bahan yang ada berupa tepung menjadi mie.Kelas banget kan sejarah mie di dunia ini.

Naaaah , sampai hari ini Folks. Mie di negara kaya rempah kita ini sudah banyak modifikasinya. Siapa yang tidak kenal Mie Godok jawa ?? atau Mie Aceh ? mungkin Mie Goreng?. Mie sudah menjadi makanan yang sangat diminati semua orang. Ya Lagi lagi  makanan sejuta umat. 

Mie tidak lagi hanya sebagai makanan pengganti nasi saja tetapi juga semakin terkenal sebagai makanan cafe atau jajanan street food yang sangat menguntungkan. Semangkuk mie instant saja bisa dibandrol harga 25 Ribu padahal harga satu bungkus mie instan tidak sampai 5 ribu saja. tambahan topping yang menggugah selera pun di ciptakan untuk menarik minat pembeli.

Bagi para penyuka olahan mie, pasti penasaran dengan berbagai macam olahannya. Jika anda akan berkunjung ke sebuah kota kecil dengan sejuta Cerita, Sukabumi. Jangan lupa untuk kunjungi sebuah resto mie yang paling fenomenal disana. Nama Restonya pun menarik sekali Mie SP.

SP adalah singkatan dari "Seuhah Pisan" yang dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah "Pedas Sekali". Dari namanya saja sudah tau doong kayak apa rasananya.. Eeeh  jangan nebak nebak lhooo. Coba langsung ajaa. Cabangnya sudah ada di Bogor . 

Ada Mie kuah ada Mi goreng, dengan berbagai topping dan yang paling menarik adalah level pedasnya sampai level 60. Rasa rempah pada kuah mienya kentel banget. pedasnya bikin nagih, sensasi mie nya bikin ngileerr. pas lagi ngiler yok cari mie instan stoknya di lemari. masak Yuk. Selamat makaan mie 

Mie Nyemek
Foto from Google foto and Mie SP Sukabumi

Mie Godok
Foto whatsapp sumber Om Jay