Resume : 5th ( Ke-5)
Scehdule : Wednesday, July 21st 2021
Topic : Recognizing Indie Publisher
Speaker : Mukminin.,S.Pd.,M.Pd
Moderator : Bambang Purwnto ( Mr.Bams)
Not a good idea until it is written, and not good writing until it is published.
Here we are, The 5th Meeting in Kelas Belajar Menulis untuk Guru PGRI, cool isn't it. Joining this class has always has been the most intriguing time for me, and maybe also for other participants. After today's meeting schedules. This Menulis class is the one I have always waited on every coming week. It's my purpose to set now.
The Moderator today was Mr.Bams. He is a teacher from Bandung and was the moderator for the second meeting. As Om Jay informed everybody in the group about the title and the speaker also the moderator, He closed the Group for admins only. So we will be focus only on the topic of discussion today. Om Jay shared one of his post on for us to comment on. I tried but I failed to send the comment I wrote .
Bapak Mukminin.,S.Pd., M.Pd. was the speaker, and from what I learned from him that he is a very punctuate and Goal aimed person. Cak inin that is how he named his blog, He is actively writing in his 55 years of age. teacher at SMP N in Lamongan East Java He also owns a publishing company named "Kamila Press Lamongan. For more details about Cak inin please click the link to his Curriculum Vitae below. :
Herein I enclose pictures of His Books ,
The topic delivered is about " Recognizing An Indie Publisher" as an opening the speaker emphasized again how having motivation is respectfully a very important thing for writers. He shows some hadith related to self-motivation to strengthen his ideas.
He then gave the best steps on how to write and publish a book :
1. PreWriting :
a. Be sensitive about current events (Paying attention to details)
b. Creatively catch the phenomenon
c. Read more
2. Drafting
3. Revising
4. Editing
5. Publishing
Recognizing Publisher; Major and Indie, Cak Inin explained that there are two types of publisher
1. Major Publisher
2. Indie Publisher
How to tell the differences between these two types of publishers, here are some details explained :
A. Number of Published Copies
major Publisher:. Major Publisher massively publish books with about 3000 copies of at least 1000 copies to sell in stores
Indie Publisher :
Only publish requested copies or they call it Print on Demand.
B. Choices of Published Scripts
Major: have very strict rules before a book is published. Due to also concern on the market trends and the high number of rejections.
Indie: Never rejected a script. As long as the script is worth publishing.
Major: Strictly professional and backed up by excellent resources and big companies.
Indie: Also professional but with fewer rules compare to major.
D. Publishing Schedule
Major: A script is accepted, and will be confirmed within more and less 1 to 3 months. there are many steps and fulfilments in major publishers it can also take years to be published.
Indie: script, with suitable rules directly, go published in the count of weeks.
E. Profit Sharing ( Royalties)
Major: They determined to only give 10% of profit-sharing from the total selling profit.
Indie: Generally they will share about 15 to 20% shares from book price.
F. Publishing Cost.
Major: Published for free
Indie: In terms of payment depends on managements policy.
Enhancing the topic, Cak Inin also introduced his own indie Publishing company, there is Three publishing company that is under Om Jay's Auspices. The speaker also showed some books that are pub; posted earlier by Kamila Press. I only enclose a small part of the book title in the pictures below
After Giving full samples and knowledge to the participants about the types of publishers and books that are being published by Kamila press, he then gave contacts and a price list of book publishing at his current publishing company.
If any of you are interested to publish books with indie publishers, you can contact directly to this number -0813309044498. and here are the details of Price along with the copies number for publishing Kamila Press
Today again my horizon has gotten bigger and wider for me to explore. I have written many starting from stories, and journals but was still too not confident to publish them since I have been rejected by one major publisher a few years ago.
I will start to fix my writings today and hopefully will soon start contacting Kamila Press to publish my book. My confidence has gone up so high that I am positive now, publishing what I have written into books is the best thing a writer should do. no hesitation has blocked me again.
Wrapping up beside that you have to motivate yourself, make friends with great people, find a great deal to finally be a complete writer. A publisher. Write today publish tomorrow and Indie Publisher is my best partner.