Resume : 11th ( Ke 11)Date : Wednesday, August 4th 2021
Topic : Membongkar Dapur Penerbit Mayor
Speaker : Edi S Mulyanta
Moderaor : Dra.Sri Sugiastuti.,M.Pd
Effectivity is when you can get to your target as fast as you can manage your time and skill. MsPhia
The 11th Meeting of the amazing class of Belajar Menulis with Om Jay, Hey can't barely figure out how I can even run fast until this class. May all be best prayers to keep on staying in positivity. This has been a challenge for me to learn from great people around all the time.
Our Speaker today is Bapak Edi S Mulyanta, he is a publishing consultant at a big Publishing company PT Andi Offset Yogyakarta. and he has managed a publisher for about 20 years since 2001 up to know. For more details about him please visit his Resume on the link below :
He started his presentation by carrying out the Government Rules and policies for writers and publishers. Authors and publishers have been fully protected by law since the issuance of Law No. 3 of 2017 which was followed by Government Regulation 2 years later, namely PP No. 75 of 2019.
Bapak Edi ensures that to become a writer we need to also learn about Government rules No.75 since by this policy book publishing will be processing faster due to explanation on the details about publishing steps, starting from script submission to the publisher's way of processing the book.
His focus today will be on how is how major publishers manage manuscripts to be distributed in outlets that are their source of income. The division of major and minor publishers actually does not mention in the Book of Law No. So, the division is made by nature, where the major publishers certainly have a higher number of productions compare to the minor publishers.
The national library then classified this major publisher into publishers that produce thousands and hundreds which can be seen in the distribution of ISBNs issued. The dichotomy of major and minor publishers, then also occurs in the marketing side of the book, where there are publishers who are able to reach nationally and some only regionally.
This is exacerbated again by the division made by higher education institutions in Indonesia or the Ministry of Education and Culture DIKTI, which requires the publication of books to be distributed on a national scale.
Publishers that have already had a large circulation, of course, have no problem with this because the scale of production and the scale of their production machines are already large, so it is not necessary to fulfill the national market. too difficult. Bookstore outlets are a fairly effective marketing tool. Yesterday, Mr. Agus Subardana explained clearly.
In this pandemic condition, many publishers and bookstores have been affected, since these outlets or stores that sell books from writers are mostly closed down, as for example, he showed that Gramedia book store as one of the big book store in Indonesia has decreased it's selling down to 80 to 90 percent from their normal selling before the pandemic.
He then emphasized that to face this pandemic and uncertainty, the most important thing in getting back the market is the readiness of writers to update their genre and widen their writing topic to the most recent events. only by that strategies publishers and writers will open new possibilities in targeting the market.
Unboxing the tricks of how Andi Offset Yogyakarta as a major publisher keeps their selling and publishing in a constant level, they keep being up-to-date with market needs and keep giving or opening new and trends ideas to write to the writers or authors.
The main thing about publishing books is that every party should really be able to recognize the market needs and trends, due to getting the exact target on marketing the books. We need to be perfectly aware and sensitive about the most recent events and request that society is facing. It is an inevitability condition that writers must be the best and most up-to-date observers.
When the Q & A session started the first question that catches my eyes were, the question from Pak Lukman,
The question
1. What are the main requirements for the manuscript to be accepted by a major publisher,
2. What are the basics in terms of the advantages and disadvantages of major publishers and what are the tricks so that the manuscripts that we make a direct deal .
and the answers Bapak Edi gave, really made me curious, First, he responded
πThe main requirement in an article is that the writing must be good and unique, both in terms of choosing an interesting theme and the most important thing is unique because it has different things from others and has a novelty value.
π The shortage of major publishers is the large number of manuscripts submitted so that the selection and production time are burdened with a lot of queues.
To get a quick deal, all major publishers will be very interested if the author has their own captive market, hen I decided to browse about this word,
Explained on MBN or Marketing Business News A captive market is one where the potential buyers have very limited choice. In other words, unless they buy from just one or two suppliers their only other option is not to buy
You can also check on the link for more explanation:
After reading and understanding about what Captive Market is, I can cope that it is what every writer or businessman need, we need to have as I can say groupies, like a fan or fanatics that they will only buy our products. or certain people or community that will always buy our book or the product that we sell. By having this type of market we will definitely reach a clear selling target with a clear market to deal with.
Wrapping up, all about book writing and publishing in reaching the target market and increase the selling level, are only about how to manage effectivity in finding ideas to write, determine the target market, and giving the market what they need.