Date : Monday, August 9th 2021
Speaker : Sudom, S.Pt.
Moderator : Aam Nurhasanah, S.Pd.
Life is an interesting and Intriguing Story, Writing about It Will Add More Colour to It. Write Today, Story Books tomorrow
Beautiful number 13 (thirteen), my favorite number. Despite all the legends, folklore, and mystical stories about the number I have watched or read from time to time. Thirteen has always been my favorite number. On my behalf, I was born on the thirteenth of the ninth month, forty-one years ago. Yeah, I am in that glorious full-of-life learning age, and I am still very happy.
As Om jay opened the class with the always cheerful yet powerful greeting to all the participants
" Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh" He greeted.
I then focused again on my goals of becoming the best audience and hope to finish my resume better this time.
" Selamat Malam guru hebat Indonesia, Selamat bertemu kembali dengan OmJay, guru blogger Indonesia " He added,
and continued his ending his opening by letting Ibu Aam Nurhasanah as our moderator to start the class.
"Wow". I mumbled silently in my mind. Openings for this class of writers have always blown my mind. I was motivated, highly, I would say. Ibu Aam then moved on by introducing the class Speaker.
" Malam ini kita akan ditemani narasumber hebat." She complimented,
" Beliau adalah Bapak Sudomo, S.Pt. He was graduated from the 6th class, who has been successfully written a resume in fiction style." She proudly continued.
Ibu Aam, the friendly yet motivational moderator then shared a link on the group. My head said
" OK, fingers type as good and as fast as you can tonight, fighting !".
She shared a blog link that directed everyone in the group to Bapak Sudomo's infamous blog. happily, she suggested
" Silahkan main sejenak ya", here is the link I have been waiting to browse tonight
" a-ha. It's time to visit a blo ha- ha"
" do visit the blog". My head suggesting, with a smirk.
"Wooohooo" again my brain talked to me in excitement. "Bapak Sudomo our speaker is another successful book writer" jumping all around in my head.
" I better be a good writer too, after this class ends," I said again in silence. My head snapped a bit when I saw Bu Aam shared another file with the group. And to my surprise, it was the speaker's self resume. And I Kind of really waiting for that one to come.
"Berkat sang tokoh anaknya Opin, besan (that's how Bu Aam called pak Sudomo), sudah menciptakan resume dengan gaya fiksi yang menarik " She then explained in her cheerful style. I was also got absorbed into that cheerful and spiritful words of hers. Her next question made me smile in content
" Penasaran kan ?"
And the excitements changed into infinite eye-to-eye focus. I read again, back and forth, pak Sudomo , that's how I decided to call him now.:). To my surprise, He is an exact science fanatic. He is a farming science graduate, and he teaches Science also indulged deeply in a writing hobby.
"karena saya seorang Sarjana Peternakan yang mengajar IPA, tetapi juga mencintai dunia menulis fiksi " He then explained . And I was like " Oh My god, Pak Sudomo is the type of person i represented in me " I thought to myself.
" ha- ha, yeah right" my brain mocked.
" Oh Shut Up brain, He is and you know it !"
Ok, I need to stop fighting with my brain and focus on what Pak Sudomo was explaining.
" Huffttt..."
Pak Sudomo shared a PowerPoint for us to read and learn and I was like " Oghey, On my way there"
Surfing my eyes and mind to every slide he shared, made me eager to show it to my brain.
" Ok, brain wait till I share some pictures, you'll go mad with it ha hahah"
He wrote so many books for the past few years, he is actively writing until today and all the books he has written and published are interesting books. Knowledge, books for students, short stories, poems, stories of Sasak tribe. I can not even tell you every one of it.
"I am a big fan .!" I am overwhelmed reading his writing resumes.
" Hey, focus you doodle doo." My brain reminds me again " Ooops, sorry brain"
Here is the video of the slide he shared about his experiences in writing, trust me it will blow your mind too " ha ha ha" Ok here is his fictions books,
" check on the link brain, like, right now !"
Pak Sudomo enthusiastically explain
his Tips to write fiction, from his first question
" Why do we have to write fiction? " Boom ideas came up to my head.
He then explained again in detail that writing fiction is one of the criteria in the Minimum Competencies assessments test.
" Ah that's figured it. " well I am not a school teacher so it never came to my mind the reason we have to write fiction?
" I just love it, " I said in quiet " I love to read fiction especially about werewolves ha ha ha " I joked to myself.
Then " Kedua , syarat menulis fiksi ",
I was pushed back to reality, Pak Sudomo informed us that in writing fiction we have to fulfill the terms, they are Commitment, Do the research and Read more fiction, of course, to learn the Bahasa Indonesian language rules will be the best part. Then I check on his next explanation.
" Work with me, brain " I forced my brain to cooperate.
"Ketiga, " He added
" Bentuk bentuk Fiksi, yaitu fiksimini, flash fiction, pentigraf, cerpen, prosa, novela, dan novel."
Flash fiction I get it but other stuff he said ,
"what was that ??"
"Perbedaan terletak pada kompleksitas konflik cerita. Selain itu ada juga batasan kata dan ada juga yang menggunakan batasan paragraf." Pak Sudomo smirk at us as he detailed my question earlier.
In the fourth part, he explained the elements that make up a fictional story, namely the theme, premise, plot, characterizations, setting, and point of view.
"Of all the elements there is a premise that may be new to you."
He mentioned something about premise," what is that brain?"
"The premise is a summary of the story in one sentence. Consists of characters, character goals, obstacles, and resolutions." reading the explanation written on the group brain then elaborate that to me.
Fifth, tips for writing fiction, pak Sudomo urged us to pay more attention to
"Intention, it is related to self-motivation to start and finish writing, read other people's work, reference materials, storytelling style, add diction." he elaborated again
last but not least he said
"Outline, related to the framework of writing based on the elements that make up a fictional story"
" where's the slide girl ? " brain asked in a bit of exhaust.
" wait I am downloading it right now. Hold your thought brain!"
another one of self argument as I was about to share the slide of Pak Sudomo presentaton to make brain happier.
I can not stop my brain to think about what's next, what will come up to my mind after this
" will I be able to write fiction again ?"
" Will I be as good as Pak Sudomo ?"
or " Will I just stop myself from writing and move on with the writer's block? " Nope, No way. No writer's block in me."
After the explanation I felt so content, I am so grateful that now, Great people surrounding me and motivating me to do good things, to write my life, my stories into a good book that many people will read. Everything we have written will be a good book If we only focus on developing our writing skills.
" Yes, true brain." I applauded for my smart brain ( just another self-love act people >>>😆)
The explanation that came next was about writing and the process of it
" Writing." He said,
"Related to opening stories, introducing characters, reinforcing conflicts, using story logic considerations, short and clear sentence structure, word choice, show don't technique tell, and a good ending".
" Self-editing", He then continued
"Done after finishing writing, don't edit while writing, editing focus on writing errors, spelling, standard words, writing rules, and story logic. Besides that, you have to be cruel to your own writing. The last is to hold on to the KBBI and PUEBI".
After his explanation ends, the question and answers came in a drastic time.
" Don't exaggerate dear " Brain told me, Yeaah I was exaggerating. it wasn't drastic it was slow but sure. I got my eyes stuck on a question from a lady named Nur hayati
She asked
" Bagaimana membuat cerita itu hidup dan menarik pembaca untuk membaca hingga akhir ? "
Before I can even try to find the answer from my very limited brain capacity
" Heeey , Not Good Phia " Brain snapped " haha sorry brain, your smart, I Know, God, Come on "
Came another question from the lady
" Akhir cerita yang baik adalah yang menjawab konflik cerita. Berlaku juga untuk akhir yang menggantung. Agar disukai pembaca bisa dibuat menggantung atau Plot twist"
"Brilliant question girl.!" brain exclaimed
What happened next was shocking, Bu Helwiyah, the lady I came to have interest in lately. asked another question, yes questions. Pak Sudomo had not even answered the first one, she asked two questions.
" Go Girl ! " with that girly high tone and hand raised style, brain imposed
Bu Helwiyah asked
" bagaimana aaturan tanda baca pada cerita fiksi ?'
" kapan harus menggunakan tanda kutip atau tidak pada dialog "
Two boosting questions. Again I processed the ans wer myself, Pak Sudomo might have a little problem with the reception that time, since he had not answered the questions give. I believe it will be given pretty soon.
And as time flies, the knowledge stays in me. Brain-Body and Soul are now working together to start a new day in the writing country, where people writes all their stories in beautiful sentences and published books with entertaining line.
I let myself zoned into the ideas of " what's next fiction I should Write", sleepless in the comfy of mind-blowing passion to start a new life with new goals. to become a famous writer of both fiction and Non-fictions articles and best seller books. See you in publishing books people. Brain signed out
I wrote this resume in a fiction style. Most Conversations are between me and Myself brain. Enjoy Guys. Hope you like it