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Wednesday, September 29, 2021


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 How to write a Professional Email

In the digital era like today, writing or sending electronic Mail is an inevitable activity for families who are living in different countries and or having long-distance relationships writing and sending emails will help them in keeping up with their lives, exchanging information in a written letter also brings more value to the story. Especially for those who are actively working in a company, have a business, or are merely students and teachers who are connected through digital devices. 

Electronic mail or as we have known as e-mail is a means of communication through an online device. In creating e-mails there are many providers that users can use, for instance; Google mail, Yahoo mail, Zohomail, outlook, and many other big providers.

Emails written by a person or on behalf of a company will show the writer's personality and professionality. it is the front page of the writer's identity.  here are some steps to enhance the crafting of an email so that it can show your best performance whether it is personal or professional;

1. Show your priority

The subject of your email should be in line and prompted directly, avoid too long sentences and use a straight to the point style. In professional email or business emails, it is very important to keep all information clear and effective.

This means that when your email is purposed to inform about a product, event, invitation, and other business purposes, show your priority by writing a pointed subject. the subject you are writing will be the main key of the content of the email. and it will also be the center of attention to the reader.

2. Open with a suitable salutation

When you are writing a professional or business email also a personal email your first salutation will be the first impression of your letter. Salutation or greeting that you use supposedly suitable or propper with the receiver of your email. here are some salutations or greetings you can use :
  • Greetings ( Name)
  • Hi ( name)
  • Dear ( name)
  • Dear Sirs,
  • Dear Sir/Madam,
  • To Whom It May Concern,
The most important thing for you to understand is your relationship with the receiver. After the best salutation you can start the first line of your letter with :
  • Hoping you are in a good shape/condition
  • To hope all are well
  • I hope you are having a pleasant day/week.

3. Write the email purposes

In writing a  business email, people who received it are mostly expecting to know the purpose of the email. After you write the first line about the condition, then continue the next line on the first paragraph with the purpose of the letter.

  • I am writing to inform you about....
  • I am writing to inquire about ...
  • I am writing to let you know about....
  • etc
4. The Content ( Body of Text)

Writing a business email usually is for people who are busy or do not have a long time to read it, so keep your email short and effective.  Use effective sentences that can include all the information you give short.

A business email is usually used to inform a meeting, product offers, event information, or confirmation letter. So make sure you don't put too many words or long sentences. Remember short but effective straight to the point.

5. Closing Statement

After you give clear information of the purpose then you need to wrap up the letter in a natural way of closing, here are some of the closing statements you can use in your email :
  • I am looking forward to hearing from you,..
  • Herein I attached the...
  • I will be looking forward to your responses as soon as possible,
 6. Ending the letter

at the end of your email to give the last salutation or the sign that you have ended the letter you can use a simple, short, and warm regards :

  • Regards,
  • Warm Regards
  • Sincerely yours,
  • Best Regards,
  • Kind Regards.

By using all the suggested idioms, expressions and utterance above you will finally make a professional email that is simple but to the point and show a strong character. Maybe you can consider finding another best way to make your email strong and professional.

Samples :

Storing your data


Daisy Engel

Fri, 23 Feb, 09:06 (13 days ago)
to Phia

Dear Phia Selfiarti,

Your data is stored in our database. For us it is very important to treat your data in a correct way. Therefore we are informing you on a yearly basis that your data is stored in our database.

Without your indication to do otherwise, your data will be stored for another 12 months. However, if you would like your data deleted we fully respect this. Click on the link below to remove your data:


If you do not respond to this email we will keep your data for a another year and send you a similar email next year.

Kind regards,

Daisy Engel

Remark: this e-mail message has been automatically generated

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TimeMar 6, 2024 06:30 PM Jakarta
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-The Zoom Team

Wednesday, September 08, 2021


Resume    : 26th
Date         : Wednesday, September 8th, 2021
Topic        : "MENULIS ITU MUDAH"
Speaker    : Dr.Ngainun Naim
Moderator : Maesaroh.M.Pd

I got an exciting challenge in the class tonight, yep, exciting, shocking, and intriguing challenge from Bu Aam Nurhasanah. She promoted me to Moderator, what??? how did that even possible?? I just can't believe what I was reading in the group. But, a job is a job, just have to take it and make a life learning out of it, as I always do.

While preparing for a Business English class by zoom meeting, I also sent Bu Aam some pictures of mine just like she asked me, unfortunately, I have a little stock for formal photos. So, I decided o send more photos for her references to chose from, by far tomorrow.

The speaker was Dr.Ngainun Naim, as I surf his Resume from the internet my mind went blank for a little while. This gentleman with a soft voice and an incredibly fascinating experience has written 40 Solo Books, 90 Anthologies, 30 forewords, 50 Journals, and thousands of articles. Below is Dr.Ngainun's Primary blog, inside there are 434  articles for you to read.

Dr.Ngainun Naim's Blog 

He wrote a book entitled "MENULIS ITU MUDAH" He said writing is easy, Bapak also shared some tips for us to make writing as easy as a piece of cake, here are the Tips for you to learns:

  • Build your MINDSET: Set it in your mind that writing is easy.
  • Build a strong Intention/Will, be determined!
  • Write what you know !
  • READ MORE; Someone who reads but does not write is like a good tree without a single fruit.
  • Experience and Practice or Flight Hours ! The more you write the better you will be.
  • Be PATIENCE with the process.
On the Q & A session, I get the first question from Miss Omma Babys, 

Unindra Sist May: P1

Mat mlm bapak Ngainun.mohon izin bertanya.
Nama : Omma Babys
Asal.   NTT
Pertanyaan: mengapa ketika memulai menulis itu susah/ sulit?apakah karena kurang minat atau kurang membaca? Trm ksh bapak.
 Unindra Sist May: Silakan Dr. 🙏
 P1: Terima kasih Omma Babys. Memang memulai segala sesuatu tidak mudah. Tidak hanya menulis. Semua hal juga sulit kok. Belajar naik sepeda kan juga sulit. Kuncinya ya tekad. Tekad harus kuat, lalu iringi dengan rajin membaca. Beberapa kunci yang saya sampaikan tadi jika dipraktikkan akan memudahkan proses menulis.

From this class tonight I can wrap up that, when you want to make things easy, the most important thing to do is setting a mindset, because You are who think you are. If you think that writing is easy then it will be easy for you. The same when you think that it is hard then it will be hard for you.