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Saturday, July 17, 2021

End Of The Day


At the end of the day

By Ms. phia

It's almost midnight

The sky is at it's darkest colour 

The moon doesn't seem amusing such so

The sun, gone hiding in its hideout

It is far from being bright. 

It's almost midnight

Thee power has no more but undo

Thee strength has yet to meet redo

It's away from being up right

Then where was thy

It's almost midnight

Where have thy set foot into

When have thy prepared to find home

With whom have thy befriended with

What have thy gathered to packed by

Why, have thy ever absently loose tracks

It's almost midnight

With no where to purposed

With no one to be set fellows

With not a thing to bring on 

Tracks are blurred, paths are jumbled

As thy rushed into midnight, who is thy? 

Sukabumi, July 17, 2021


NurhayatiNung said...

Segudang Ide...salut dech Ms Phia...🥰

Wijaya Kusumah said...

Good posting

Dwi Pratiwi said...

Amazing ... Cool... 👍👍👍

azdinmama said...

Agak sulit hi..hi...My English is not so good🤭🤭🤭🤭 said...

Amazing ms.phia

Agungroch said...

Perry gud miss lop deth lah mantul,..