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Friday, July 30, 2021


Resume    : 9th (Ke-9)
Date         : Friday, July 30th, 2021
Topic       : "Mengatasi Writer's Block" " Writer's Block, Never Rock "
Speaker   : Ditta Widya Utami.,S.Pd.,Gr
Moderator: Maesaroh.,M.Pd.

There is Nothing that comes without trouble,But there is No Trouble comes without a Solution

    Meeting #9, the time is mine, hope I will be fine joining the class and always in line. today the class is again a bit different from the previous one, Mz May the moderator informed us that today the meeting will be LIVE on Gelombang 19. 

    we will get forwarded messages from the moderator as always. what made it a little different is that tonight at the early opening the class was opened, she informed us that we will have a discussion in the beginning of it. Yeeay.

    Our Speaker today is Ibu Ditta Widya Utami.,S.Pd.,Gr. She is a science teacher at SMP 1 Cipeundeuy, Subang West java. She is actively writing on Wattpad besides also a blog and book writer. She has published 6 solo books, 12 anthologies, and many award-winning championships. So young yet so talented and productive. The Reall Role Model. Here's the link to her Resume 

    The topic for today was Writer's Block, and apparently, this word was set out the first time by Edmund Bergler a psychoanalyst. Bu Ditta, the speaker she introduced herself and shared her social media account. she then asks the participants for a challenge. As Om jay always does, she gives a challenge for us to make writing related to the picture she was about to share.

    We were given only 15 minutes to write at least 3 paragraphs of essay or poetry, the picture she was sharing "Wayang Kulit, a traditional Puppet show "then I took it, I took the challenge and made this: 

A shadow puppet, it is a traditional puppet show played by the dalang
It is a play of puppets with riveting stories and histories of ancient days.

the puppet is made of buffalos skin and designs artistically
it shows many characters and clothing art type
a traditional puppet in Indonesia
it plays behind the lights
and shows of moving shadows

Wayang Kulit that's how we use to call it
intriguing stories seems to be alive by the dalang
stories with moral values taught within the society
stories that teach us to be better people.

    Then adrenaline rush came over me, the feeling of racing teams are chasing me so fast. Hands are almost shaking with a rush. and I love it. I love taking on challenges. This is what I call practicing. STANDING OVATION for YOU Ibu Ditta.

    When the time was up, the moderator closed the group again, Bu Ditta's explanation then following the adrenaline that still rushing my heart. She said that when you lost words ti write in the middle of it, you are having writer's Block. This is how Wikipedia explains it.

    Confusions, loss of words or ideas, frustrations, stress, and hard to focus is what happens when you got Writer's block. I can call this WB a writer's happens not only to an expert writer but also to a rookie writer. It is also generally not caused by commitment or competencies.

    This syndrome can happen in a length of time that is uncertain, different for each person, so don't let it consume you too long. Block it, Block the writer's block. you need to handle it faster. since it could take even tears to stop.

    To solve this problem of WB syndrome, you need to first find the cause to quickly find the solution to end it sooner. there are some matters that can cause WB Syndrome: You can check from the picture shared below

They are :
  1. Trying New method/Topic to write. This can usually be the writer's block cause. since when we are using new methods to write and we have not mastered the method, it will definitely cause the loss of ideas to continue.
  2. Stress. In my opinion, being stressed has not only caused Writer's Block syndrome that can cause the loss of words and ideas to write, or we call it stuck or brain freeze. it can also cause mind block for a very long time to finally caused bad health.
  3. Tiredness both physical and psychological, this condition is as bad as a stressful condition. It can prolong the Writer's Block syndrome.
  4. Perfectionist. for people with OCD or perfectionist. this syndrome will be the biggest Block to continue writing and find ideas.
Let's find tips on how to handle Writers Block Syndrome

πŸ‘‰ Make a strong commitment to yourself
πŸ‘‰ Learn new writing techniques throughly
πŸ‘‰ Read more to learn more
πŸ‘‰Take a short break to relax a while but not too long, refresh your mind with happy thoughts and activities
πŸ‘‰Stop worrying too much, take one step at a time to finish and no burden.

    In my opinion, this writer's syndrome called writer's block by Oxford dictionary and discuss by Ibu Ditta tonight, is a syndrome that everybody not only writers experienced. this type of block sometimes came in a blink of an eye. can't find the cause even.

    Due to today's new normal live people get mind blocks syndromes, people who usually meet a lot of other people and share face to face activities than are forced to stay at home and do all the work remotely, students who are su[pose to have more humanly and physical interactions are pushed to stay behind wall and housewives who normally get their break time or me-time while the family members are outside the house studying or working, now they have to do all the house chores with all the people around all the time, stressful.

Q & A Sessions, on this session I can only take one question that catches my eyes


Penyebab writer's Bock betul.sekali yg dipaparkan
Stres, lelah mental, dan kembali ke awal tujuan kita menulis  untuk memulai lagi

Apakah memang ada kalanya kita alami , cara efektif dan cerdas mengatasi WB yang di alami  Bu Ditta  ?

 The effective and smart way to overcome WB you have ever faced


Kalau saya biasanya lakukan hobi saya Bu : jalan-jalan 😁

Nggak perlu jauh dan mahal. Keliling naik motor lihat sawah yang terhampar bak permadani bersama suami dan anak saja sudah bisa merefreshkan pikiran dan hati ☺️

Hal lainnya, biasanya saya suka baca buku yang ringan-ringan saja. Novel karya Tere Liye misalnya.


    She usually takes a walk, does her hobbies or sightseeing does simple things like go on a motorcycle ride around the blocks and refresh her mind, sometimes she reads books too. she likes to read Tere Liye's Novels to relieve the mind

    My solution for this condition is to always have God near you and a positive mind to be the mastermind. staying positive both thinking and doing will definitely help you through hard times and challenges. also, consider things as a challenge rather than a problem. 

    Challenges make us stronger and braver, while problems make us weaker and frightened. So, think positive, Give positive, Do positive. If you get negative, then it will be your life savings. at least you save extra positive around you.  


Lina Nuraindah said...

Mantap, ganti template blog ya, Miss. Sukses selalu. F1 in G-20 is always rockin'

Dwi Pratiwi said...

W-O-W. SuperπŸ‘ I always like your quotes. Cool

azdinmama said...

Mantap, meski saya gak paham. Jangan 100% , Mungkin 50 %. Semangat juara...

Umi ESSSAA said...

kerren ... terlalu kerren

Wijaya kusumah said...

Wah semakin hari semakin enak dibaca tulisannnya, walaupun dalam bahasa Inggris, Good job

NurhayatiNung said...

Pe kehilangan kata2..pokokE poll kereen ,super n the other...lope lope dachπŸ₯°

Dail Alser said...

Yes i agree with your idea. Leets be rock if we want to be the best writters

Raliyanti said...

cool... cool as usual... I feel your spirit!!

Ditta Widya Utami said...

Always outstanding!
Terima kasih sudah ikut tantangannya. Resumenya enak dibaca, diramu dengan bahasa sendiri plus ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Thank you.

annifr said...

Cakep resume nya

Nur Afifah said...

Tulisannya semakin berkembang Ms, nulis sebagus ini masih dalam posisi pengumpulan resume teratas. Sangat hebat sekali. πŸ‘πŸ˜Š

Rosminiyati said...

Still become the star in sky. Keep healthy and spirit.

srisundaricaturutami said...

Proud of you Ms Phia πŸ‘πŸ‘

Ms.Phia/Pro said...

Wow, big thanks to you and Om Jay and the team.

Ms.Phia/Pro said...

Thank you for the support people.. you guys are awesome

Ms.Phia/Pro said...

thank you Om Jay, for the support

Chank said...

Pokoknya jempol fuulll mba Phia...πŸ‘πŸ‘ said...


Deni Darmawan said...

Ms Phia very talented and good writing. I enjoyed to read