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Friday, August 06, 2021


Resume      : 12th ( Ke-12)
Date             : Friday, August 6th
Speaker     : Joko Irawan Mumpuni
Moderator : Mr.Bams
Topic             : "Menjadi Penulis Buku Mayor"

Push Yourself to Do Great Things, Every great people was also pushed either by circumstances or themselves before

    12th Meeting, with extraordinary people. I almost got a bug on my mind today, a Writer's block Bug. I was about to skip today's class due to the hectic day today. I barely even finish a sentence moreover an article. I felt too tired to even joined the class. But I changed my mind hehe

    Today's Moderator was Mr.Bams, as he closed the group for the class to start. I Opened my laptop lazily and drag my hands to type more sentences than I can even think of. Gladly the class had not started yet, I replied to some messages from Whatsapp, sorry for my late responses today, mina san. it was just another over the clouds job this Friday.

    As the moderator started to greet all the participants, I put my eyes closer to every screen, so that I can focus on it better. Mr Bams Introduced out speaker today, he was Bapak Joko Irawan Mumpuni. Bapak Joko called Om Joko by Mr Bams is a Director of a publishing company. Mr Bams open the class with spiritful sentences: 

1. Enjoy the class, Smile for your immune
2. Prepare questions
3. Enthusiastically enjoy the explanation.

    Here's to our speaker complete Curriculum Vitae and resume I took from his Linkedin Profile, click on the link below to get to him better.  He has been managing a publishing company for over 20 years and still actively joined in Indonesian Publisher association ha made him spiritful to discuss it.

    His first explanation was about the most common and mostly asked question in his history of presenting a topic. What are the differences between major and Minor /indie publisher? add off course the answer as we all have learned from several meetings ago. Yes, the major publishers published more books in a year compared to minor or indie one.

     Due to the long process of publishing at the major and minor publishers now, we can find writers who published their own books at their own cost at an Indie publisher. However, still it will be a great pride for writers if they can have a book published by a major publisher, due to its long process and high cost to deal.

    There are two types of manuscripts that major publishers like Andi Offset accepted and will surely be sold out in the target market. They are ; 

πŸ‘‰ TEXT  - means Textbooks or school subjects books
πŸ‘‰ NON TEXT -Meanwhile, non-text books are the opposite and tend to be called popular books because their content is anything that is popular and needed by the community.

Photo from WAG Belajar Menulis

    His explanation moved on to the publishing industries, I could not agree more, the explanation that shows why publishing is also an industry here is some explanation I took from a website, to make it clearer about it. Here is the link to browse for more explanation 

The publishing industry has been toying with the idea of not just selling, but also publishing books through the Internet. The logic is straightforward: Readers can purchase a copy of the book on a real-time basis and at the same time publishers can benefit from the reduced production and distribution costs. This translates to a combination of lower prices and higher profit margins within these markets. The publishing industry can also better afford to electronically publish very specialized short print run titles that would not justify the expense of conventional printing.

    The scoring system in the publishing company will be the measurement to which a book is published. He showed the graphic from google Trends that shows the popular book topic. Here are some aspects that will also be determined whether the book will be published or not 
  • Popular Topic & Popular Writer
  • Not Popular Topic & Popular writer
  • Not Popular Topic & Not Popular Writer
  • Popular Topic & Not Popular Writer
    Pak Joko emphasized and enhancing his the fact that there are many topics that used to be popular and dead since Corona's outburst. there are so many new popular topics to write too after the corona and pandemic, he showed 100 popular topics and trending one with a picture

Photo : WAG Belajar Menulis

Photo : WAG Belajar Menulis

    Since the explanation was so clear with facts and supporting pictures, Bapak Joko Irawan also informed that The publisher will determine the high circulation if the book is considered to have a wide market and long life cycle. A long life cycle means that the book will remain relevant in the future for a long time.

Photo : WAG Belajar Menulis

    But does a writer who has succeeded only get pride? Not a writer who is successful at least will get all of this. Not only inner satisfaction is obtained but also reputation, a better career and of course money. He then asked the participants ARE YOU AN IDEALIS WRITER or INDUSTRIALIST WRITER?

    Idealist writer means you write not for money, and industrialist means you write only for money, or are you both? between the two types of writers, you are maybe a writer who writes for fun also to get money. 

On the Q& A Session, I caught some questions that boost the evening class spirit

Question 1 :
Saya Dail

Dari serang

P: utk bisa diterima diterbitkan di penerbit mayor apa saja yg jd kriteria utamanya

Apakah penulis junior seperti kami bisa menjadi penulis di penerbit mayor. 

Tulisan selain korona apa yg saat ini dicari publik

Answer 1
Kreteria utama naskah bisa diterima adalah jika menurut penerbit naskah itu jika nantinya diterbitkan berupa buku akan banyak pembelinya, karena buku itu sedang banyak dibutuhkan masyarakat. Jadi coba renungkan sekarang kita sedang butuh buku yg seperti apa? lalu kita tanyakan kepada teman2 kita, ternyata juga butuh buku yang sama, misal PETUNJUK ISOLASI MANDIRI baik UNTUK POSITIF COVID maupun KELUARGANYA.

Question 2
Nama           : Ali Mustofa
Alamat         :  Sragen
Gelombang : 19
Ditinjau dari kepopuleran penulis pemula belumlah popular, dari ilmu juga belum seberapa, namun bila temanya popular berpeluang pasar apakah penerbit mayor menerimanya

Answer 2 :
 Yes bagi para pemula disarankan untuk menulis buku-buku dengan tema2 yang sedang ngtrend. Tulislah teroboslah penerbit mayor dengan setidaknya 5 judul buku2 anda yg best seller. Bila itu terjadi maka sekarang andalah yng dikejar kejar penerbit mayor agar mau menerbitkan naskah melaui penerbitnya.. keren kan..

    Wrapping up the extraordinary meeting today. Bapak Joko is a well-prepared person, he has not only prepared a detailed explanation but also amazed all participants with his sources. All in all, experience teaches better. No matter how well your knowledge and how good your writings are, it is not a good thing will not bring pride until you can infiltrate your own way to Major Publisher and let the world knew that you are writing history in every reader's mind. 

    So, start today, push yourself to do better, as I am A Muslim my parents used to tell me that you need to force yourself in doing good deeds, even for ibadah you need to force it. Let it stay in your heart, to show that you were forced to do good things and now you can share good things with others.

    Here's a video of the class today shared in pictures. I add a little music to relax the mind . Have a pleasant weekend

    When you are determined with your goal to become a famous writer, a major publisher is a good deal in your future.


Ms.Phia/Pro said...

Here you go, Thank you all for reading and commenting. Bless you

Dwi Pratiwi said...

I enjoy reading the resumes, all yours. I like your style in writing. Erm, cool.

Helwiyah said...

Super sekali.,.daam lelah masih semangat ber ber literasi plus video kreasi smartπŸ‘

Umi ESSSAA said...

gaya tulisan yang makin enak dibaca walau meraba, khasnya tak berubah mantab

Winda,S.Pd said...

Miss Phia, tampilan resumenya keren, menarik sekali..ajarin dunk😊

Raliyanti said...

Cool.... I lost my words

Wijaya kusumah said...

good job

saiful basroni said...

luar biasa. disaat lelah aja bisa sekeren ini. bisa dibayangkan klo lagi on fire akan seperti apa. hebat ms

Dail Alser said...

Kren slalu bu

Mangatur Panjaitan said...

Good job Ms Phia, succes for you

Dail Alser said...

Kren slalu tulisan ibu

NurhayatiNung said...

Ms Phia ....juaraaa dech...tiada kata lain selain the bestπŸ˜˜πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

azdinmama said...

Ms. Phia. Tulisamu selalu juara πŸ‘πŸ‘

asia nurwati said...

Kalau lagi boring saja mampu membuat resume seperti ini, apalagi kalau lagi mood MisπŸ‘πŸ‘.

Mr. BamS said...

Luar biasa

annifr said...

Selalu berkelas dan cantik

Cakinin said...

Mantab sekali