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Wednesday, August 11, 2021


Resume     : 14th (Ke-14)
Date          : Wednesday, August 11th 2021
Topic         : "Menulis Buku mayor dalam seminggu"
Speaker    : Prof.R.Eko Indrajit
Moderator : Mr. Bams

It Is Not Only About How fast to reach the Finish Line But Also About How Time is used Effectively and Reflectively. 
Ms. Phia

The 14th meeting of Belajar Menulis, it's on Wednesday evening the second day in New Hijriyah year . A brand new day taking a great big step in a new beginning a great best seller books author. (I'll get there  he he)

Tonight the class moderator was Mr. Bams. The funny and motivating moderator, who always started the class with his typical line of small jokes that encourage the participants to relaxedly focus on the speaker's explanation. Mr Bams directly shared the speaker's CV link on the group so that we can learn about it prior. Here was the opening from Om Jay that I shared so that it will be usefull for Indonesian speaker. I also shared the Intriguing opening from Mr.Bams.

I just couldn't help myself to eagerly start the class, since the speaker was Prof.R Eko Indrajit. BOOM. a major knowledge from a major speaker. I joined one of his online classes several days ago, it was absolutely great. He has this typical style of giving a powerful speech, explanation, knowledge sharing, and personality, yes a strong personality excellent interpersonal skill, and of course an awesome experience. Here is a link to his full resume and curriculum vitae. Prof Eko's Resume.

Picture from

I chose to put Prof Eko's picture here, even his picture is a state of the art, I took it from CV. That famous, and I was in his class today Discussing a topic entitled " Menulis Buku mayor Dalam Seminggu".Mr Bams added the fact about Prof Eko, He said that Prof's name is shorter compare to his titles, He has more titles than his name is, it was counted 61 characters from name and titles included.  It is time to focus people!

Prof Eko's first quote that  I got was " The requirements for writing a book are simple, namely, they like to talk about various things every day, and can type on a computer, using either 10 fingers or 11 fingers" from this quote alone I can conclude that being a writer is as easy as speaking, talking, telling stories, advising people, practically those are the things that we d every day. 

Prof Eko has been a YouTuber with his channel named EKOJI CHANEL ( subscription, like and share, are highly recommended), since March 16th, 2021. This study Fanatic 52 years old Man, finished one graduate study, 5 Master degrees, 3 Doctoral studies and is still in process of finishing his fourth doctoral study, blowing minds resume.
As for entertainment, tonight Prof Eko shared his singing video, he sang with his beautiful and famous wife. For your joy please check on the link

Video from EKOJI YouTube Channel 

He who continuously become a keynote speaker on webinars, workshops, and seminars, took the opportunities to use every one of those activities of speaking to create content for his youtube channel, and once he checked he had about 500 content in it.

Om Jay took this as a chance to challenge Prof Eko, on Prof's 50th video related to education Om Jay challenged him. 
"Pada saat saya membuat video mengenai pendidikan yang ke-50, saya dihubungi Oom Jay untuk membuat terobosan bagi guru-guru bloger binaan beliau - di situlah secara on the spot timbul ide "gila" yang ternyata berhasil diwijudkan"
 On the 50th video uploaded to my youtube channel, Om Jay contacted me to create a breakthrough for teachers on his fostered blogger program for teachers. And that was when he got a Crazy idea to do.

The idea is that teachers who are interested in becoming major book writers are welcome to choose one of the 50 topic titles in the EKOJI CHANNEL, After each teacher chose a title, then we agreed that within two weeks to a month, the teachers were asked to WRITE EVERYTHING I EXPLAINED IN THE VIDEO, using words or sentences from the author's teacher.

 After the challenged teacher writes it then they will have to add more writings, and references to complete the task. After they finished at least 100 pages then he will send the writing to Andi Publisher which is a major publisher. those teachers will have to finish it in two weeks tops aand a month the latest.

All challenges taken made him very proud, in the first tryo ut for this challenge there were 19 books published. Prof Eko emphasizes that they need only to have a strong will and focus on what they want to achieve.  It was difficult at first because this initiative was relatively new to teachers, but with passion, self-motivation, and mutual help, everything was beautiful in its time.

Prof Eko as I can learn from his resumes and how he explained the topic thoroughly. He is a very determined person in reaching his goals. I would say his life is my life goal. To learn many things and to still focus on the main goal of life. 

The tips and the tricks in writing a good book even good books as fast as a speed of light, is only to be passionate, motivated, and help each other. yes, helping people will eventually help us. The topic today build so much encouragement in me. I can finish my doctoral studies then take another study. If Prof Eko can do it then I can also.

The most intriguing question I would say question came from Bapak Mangatur Panjaitan, Whereas he is also a well-experiienced teacher, who is still very eager to learn more. 

Nama: Mangatur Panjaitan
Asal: Batam
Untuk mengikuti angkatan MERDEKA MENULIS bulan Agustus ini, langkah cepat apa yang dilakukan agar bisa mewujudkan impian dalam DUA MINGGU naskah selesai dan dikirim ke penerbit ANDI?
Terimakasih. Salam Literasi dari Batam

Prof Eko :Mas Mangatur Panjatian, pengalaman memperlihatkan bahwa intinya adalah pada MOTIVASI MENULIS dan KEMAMPUAN MENULIS. Jika keduanya bisa dipertahankan dalam dua minggu, maka nischaya 100 halaman buku minimal tercapai. Bukankah 14 hari dikali 10 halaman = 140 halaman? Ayo ikutan, ditunggu.... Salam literasi kembali. Saya sudah kangen sama Batam. Saya dulu kecil di Riau, tumbuh di kota Dumai selama Sekolah Dasar.

Wrapping up the explanations and the Q &A session into one big motivational quote, use your time as effectively as you can and reflect to see what you can do better in life, writing is one way for everyone to reflect on themselves and to also encourage others, people, to do better things.

You just need to love what you do and do what you love then time will be effective also will be worth spending, and here is Prof Eko's tribute to all the teachers in Indonesia

Ekoji Youtube Channel


Lina Nuraindah said...

Excellent, Ms. Phia

Helwiyah said...

Selalu kreatif dan tampil beda dengan style khas.....👍

Winda,S.Pd said...

Memang panutan saya ini.

annifr said...

Luar biasa cantiknya

Umi ESSSAA said...

selalu ok, dengan tampilan berkarakter..saya banyak belajar dari miss Phia

Anonymous said...

Salut dengan tulisan ms Phia. salut juga dengan pendidikannya yg sy baca lewat chat pertanyaan pada prof td. Saluuut...

NurhayatiNung said...

Syuka bingitss dg Opening Notenya...selalu oke dalam paparan berkelas dan berkualitas (ajarin donk say🥰)

Raliyanti said...

mantapp selalu...
mampir ke sini ya miss

Dwi Pratiwi said...

Mantap dan konsisten.Keren.

Omma Babys said...

Keren bunda.

Wijaya kusumah said...

Resume : 14th (Ke-14)
Date : Wednesday, August 11th 2021
Topic : "Menulis Buku mayor dalam seminggu"
Speaker : Prof.R.Eko Indrajit
Moderator : Mr. Bams

It Is Not Only About How fast to reach the Finish Line But Also About How Time is used Effectively and Reflectively.
Ms. Phia

The 14th meeting of Belajar Menulis, it's on Wednesday evening of the second day of the New year of Hijriyah. A brand new day taking a great big step in a new beginning of becoming a great author of bestseller books. (I'll get there he he), semoga terwujud

Agung Pramono said...

Mantabz dan selalu menarik

Nur Afifah said...

Bagus Ms. Terbaik

Wawan Hermawan said...

Menjadi yang tercepat adalah ciri khasnya...luarbiasa mantaap said...

Luar biasa