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Saturday, April 13, 2024


Smile not because other people need it, but smile because you need to make yourself good and make your world smile with you. (Ms.Phia)

In everyone's life, there is always a first time of everything, first step, as a baby we all had our first step ages ago than the first word, the first form of sound that created a word that came out from our mouth, the most beautiful sound for our parents. The first smile, first laughs, the first day of school and so many other first times, including when we, as grown-ups find our first job, first business colleagues, and first mutual relationship whether in our personal life or business.
The first experience is highly reliable

Every first thing is considered as the most important or unforgettable thing for us. How is that possible ?. First experiences are usually the things that can start a brand new story or even determine the future's event or situation. Since, when we find the first (1st) as in number we will always find the number (2nd) following it. It shows that when we do something for the first time, it is for sure that the next step or situation will be affected by it. The first experience in people's lives is a highly reliable thing to measure the future.

So, when we are ready to take our first step towards anything we want to achieve in life, make sure we take the first best step with the best effort. It is compulsory for us to prepare well for our first step. Rely on the effort to make the first step smooth, precise, and on-the-line steps.

First Impression

The first impression in business holds a fundamental role, as it is in social life. Making a shoddy impression at the first meeting in a business or personal life can cause many bad things such as; losing a job, losing a prospective customer, business deal, or even business colleagues and employers. Rather than risking yourself in a bad situation, it is a lot easier to learn how to give a good first impression, especially in business life.

"Appearance is not imminent, but a virtue starts from appearance"  This proverb shows that performance, as in physical appearance,  might not be the most important thing for us to value,  but in creating a pre-eminent first meeting impression appearance is the top determinant. The appearance will be the first thing that other people see. 

Despite all the " never judge a book from its cover" way among the people's mindset. Still, the way one is dressed or groomed is a major determinant in the image of the first impression. Never let others beat you only because of how you choose your outfit. Give your best shot at the first business meeting by wearing a suitable dress code, nicely picked outfit, and best grooming look.

Gesture, Facial expression called Body language

Your facial expression will be the first thing people will see and it pronounces your mood too. From the way your eyes react, the body moves, and other signals people can indicate your feelings. As we all know, eyes never tell lies. 

Learn to manipulate your feelings, so they will not show. Reduce the negative feelings inside you, after all giving or showing negative reactions towards other people will only push you to a dark hole. Put a smile on your face not because you are at work, but because you need that positive energy. Always make sure you show people what you want to see from others.

Feel good, smile, motivated, enthusiastic and happy. Everything that comes from the heart makes a beautiful effect.

Warm welcome and greetings

Welcoming someone is like opening a door to show how your place condition and what you have to offer.  Suitable greetings are also one of the privileges that we have to let other people feel like they belong in a place and at the perfect time. 

Give a firm but not too tight handshake, enough to show that you are happy to meet the person also to let them know that you are ready for what's to come. Here are some greetings to show your enthusiasm :
  1. Hello, Mr../Mrs.../ Ms..
  2. Pleased to meet you./ Delighted to meet you.
  3. How're things ?/ How's everything?
  4. How've you been ?
  5. Good morning/afternoon/evening
Always say thank you for every complements given. 

Start A Good Conversation Be A Good Listener

When the formal meeting has not started, make sure you start a simple conversation with your guest. Asking about their company's latest project and giving good feedback on it will be a good start. Focus on what they are explaining so that you know when and what to say to give a comment on their topic. 

Listen well, pay attention to their gesture. Keeping the conversation going is as simple as starting it as long as you give all ears to the conversation. Stop talking about yourself too much, ask more and listen well. Many times we are only want to be heard that results in us speaking too loud and forgetting to listen to what other people want to say. 

Give an enthusiastic expression, show them that the topic interests you when it has to be. Since you can learn more when you listen more. There will always be that spotlight for good listeners.

  1. Oh, Is that really?
  2. I believe so..
  3. I can't agree more, to say that your company...
  4. Quite interesting sir/madam
  5. I'm sure that would be wonderful
  6. Glad to know that....

The point is that what you say, how you look, how you treat people for the first time create the image of a person you are for others. When we give all out we will get all in. The best thing about dealing with the first impressions is that always treat people like you meet them for the first time, enthusiastic, eager, positive, and comes from the heart.

Make sure to do everything from the heart, do everything because you really need to do good and to treat others the way you want people to treat you. Give positive energy all the time, by showing a good attitude, giving good vibes, and contributing a positive mind daily, only by then you will absorb that positive energy. So, giving is receiving, and when your positive energy gets a negative response, your positive energy will your life savings. One day you will open those savings in the form of happiness and blissful life. 


Ryu Yunomi said...

As usual, always interesting to read. 👍

saiful basroni said...

The first experience is highly reliable 👍

Wijaya kusumah said...

beautiful girls said...

Make sure to do everything from the heart,

i agree

Blog Bunda said...

Keren Ms. Phia 🥰🥰