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Friday, August 27, 2021


Resume    : 22nd
Date         : Friday, August 27th  2021
Speaker    : Dedi Dwitagama,M.Pd
Moderator : Aam Nurhasanah,S.Pd.

Just Be you and write about You

The 23rd, amongst running out of things to write here people, "Come on give me ideas" for the past few days I have been losing words , brain freezed, couldn't even finish one article that I have been writing since last week. I don't  know what's got  in to me. Just feel like really tired lately. Maybe it's my cholesterol, hope not , have not checked that.

Dedi Dwitagama, I would call him bang Dedi, I was in his class on Belajar biara class for teachers. Stunning, is all I can think  of. Check on the link to see how stunning this man is 


As I always do in my English to Speaker of Other Language /ESL. I start with creating a question, participants giving questions. then I will give a clear explanation for every question they made. That way they will be encouraged to read before the class and prepared for questions to ask, and do 3 BIG PROCESSES.

What are the 3 BIG PROCESSES that the student will do in their brain when they want to ask one question?  here are the processes :

1. Finding Ideas to ask: Opening memories related to the topic (Opening Unconscious level ), This includes handling nervous, and finding courage.
2. Arranging the sentence from memories of words and phrases in First language /L1. This includes finding the best way to ask it in an L1 manner, intonation, word stressing, facial expressions
3. Arranging Sentence from memories of Words and phrases in the second language ( if the question is in Other languages). This includes manners, intonation, etc in L2

So, if it is only a short question, teachers need to really appreciate it. Exactly how The speaker today, appreciates, responds, be happy, and is enthusiastic to reply. Two thumbs Up Mas Dedi Dwigatama. Since, sometimes as the person who is asked a lot of questions for years will find a time when we feel " Aaaah come on, not that again " " Ahh pertanyaan yang itu itu terus." Remember the process they have to accomplish before asking you the question, so appreciate it.

That is what I have learned tonight in the Belajar Menulis Class, amongst all the questions asked by the participants and well responded by bang Dedi. I wrote simple not because this one is a simple meeting, or the topic is lame. it was purely because this is an amazing class, and I can hardly say enough to show it.

Bravo bang Dedi Dwigatama, you open my horizon, and soon I will have the world in my hands.
One Song for everybody tonight. Fight Song by Rachel Platten


Bagaikan sebuah kapal kecil di Samudera
aku akan buat ombak besar 

Jika aku hanya punya satu korek api pun
Akan kubuat sebuah ledakan yang besar.


Wednesday, August 25, 2021


Resume    : 22nd ( ke 22)
Date           : Wednesday. August 25th 2021
Speaker    : Wijaya Kusumah ( OM JAY)
Topic          : "Darimana Ide Menulis datang ?"
Moderator: Maesaroh,M.Pd

The best leader is he who is loved for his presence and expected when he is away.

22nd day and night of waiting, but I'm feeling twenty-two 𝅘𝅥𝅯𝅘𝅥𝅮🎵.  A lyric from one of Taylor Swift's songs 22. Love the song listening to it always make me feel younger, more powerful, and happy. As I am tonight joining the class with TEAM OM JAY.

The moderator was Ms. Maesaroh my best friend from university until now. She was sorry to announce that the speaker for today got an accident, as she got one last few days on her motorcycle, AAAH so sorry to hear that siist. may you all be in a good health and wealth and be under Allah SWT protection all the time,aamiin.

SOOOO, the speaker today was substituted, and you won't believe who fill the position,. OM JAY. The master himself. after a few days of having illness and never stop writing even if was only short writing, Om jay finally made it again to share his treasure with us, his gold and silver knowledge. it made me feel 22. ha ha ha

Om jay gave an interesting topi c for today " Darimanakah Ide Menulis Datang ?". A-ha encouragement in a form of title, Om Jay then shared his photograph, his photo wearing a white outfit in front of a mirror and asked everyone to make an article related to that, as an idea came up my mind I send a short article with many typos, hehe sorry Om jay

 Here is my short writing when I saw Om Jay's photo

Cermin selalu merefleksikan pa yang dihadapkan padanya, semua warna, bentuk, lekuk dan ukuran akan direfleksikan sebagaimana aslinya. 

Malam ini cermin yang menempel di dinding putih itu merefleksikan sebuah semangat yang berkobar. Semangat yang telah membuka cerita perjuangan yang begitu banyak. 

Semangat itu adalah Seorang lelaki yang hanya cerminlah yng tahu persis bagaimana telah banyak lelaki terefleksi itu merubah hidup begitu banyak refleksi yang lain. Om Jay refleksi semangt yang tidak akan pernah pudar

Then maybe hundreds of other articles were made by the participants in the group, I was amazed by the quite interesting writing everybody can create in a short time. Amazing too how A single photo of a humble man can make everyone write something about it. 

After some writings finished Om Jay then shared another idea source. He shared his video with the group, the video was him singing a song about Learning. it's called Belajar di waktu kecil , belajar sesudah dewasa. It is a life learning in a song, a piece of great advice that made me shiver, here is the video and the article I wrote about it.

 Wijayalab Youtube Courtesy

More ideas pop in my brain, my fingers are itching to write more so I shared my version of interpreting the video.


Lantunan lagu nasihat yang terdengar sayup dari kejauhan, 

belajar diwaktu kecil bgi melukis diatas batu 

belajar diwaktu kecil bgi melukis diatas batu

Dua kali terdengar liriknya, makin lama makin terdengar mendekat ditelingaku. 

Saat ku cari arah bunyi lagu, kutemukan sumber suara yang tak begitu merdu tapi sangat mengguggah asa ku untuk terus mendengar lagi. 

Belajar sesudah dewasa bagaikan melukis diatas air

Belajar sesudah dewasa bagaikan melukis diatas air

Bait Kedua yang diulang dia kali terdengar semakin menggetarkan dada ini.. 

Ya, tergetar aku mendengar alunan nya.. Bagaimana tidak, aku yang sudah tak semuda dulu baru belajar hal baru. 

"Tak apalah.. " Benakku, biarlah kedewasaan usia ku ini ditemani dengan banyak pelajaran baru, ilmu baru semoga belum sampai ilmu pamungkas.. 

Waktu belajarku di usia dewasa ini, semoga tidak  seperti melukis di air, tapi seperti melukis di kanvas kehidupan yang akan bisa kupajang suatu hari nanti, sebagai sebuah lukisan, diantar ribuan lukisan indah hidupku lainnya.. 

Akan ku pajang di dinding lorong lorong cerita hidupku, dengan tulisan tinta merah di bagian atasnya. 
Akan kutuliskan
Aku pernah Belajar Menulis di usia dewasaku dan berguru pada seorang panutan ilmu dan semangatku.

 OM Jay

All in all is never enough to share and encourage, that was why Om jay shared another source of an idea he shared an audion of his speaking.  Here is the audio recording

Wrapping up the class I asked him what is his Du'a in fixing his heart to always in the track of goals. there is nothing he would have asked Allah he said, but this amazing word closes it all.


"Menulishlah Setiap Hari, dan Lihatlah apa yang akan terjadi . "

"Write every day and See What Will Happen "

Closing Statement in A video
WAG Belajar Menulis Om Jay


Om Jay

Write from the Heart, Then You will Meet Your Loyal Reader