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Friday, July 23, 2021


 Resume     : 6th (Ke-6)

Date       : Friday, July 23rd,2021

Topic      : "Menulis Membuatku naik Kelas dan Berprestasi" 

             "Writing Escalate My Level"

Speaker    : Aam Nurhasanah.,S.Pd

Moderator  : Maesaroh.,M.Pd

Find Yourself in Words, then Words will Find Your Best Way


        The sixth fantastic meeting, as every Friday since two weeks ago, I put on my focus eyes and mind towards the Belajar Menulis Class on Whatsapp. With 245 participants joining the Gelombang 20 group, the meeting is always merrier. I just love this Group, enthusiastic people are all in. every time we have this class it is like an adrenaline rush on me. 

        This group has increased my confidence in writing more, not to mention the rush in making the first and fastest resume as the final report of every meeting. Pak Da'il our head of the Class is a highly motivated person. He also motivates everyone to make resumes as fast as they can. Thank you Pak Da'il and Gelombang 20, You guys always made my day.

        Today Speaker was ibu Aam Nurhasanah.,S.Pd everybody calls her Bunda Aam. She has this typical character of a cheerful and always happy person. besides that she is teaching she is also a headmaster at SMPS Mathla Ul Hidayah, Cipanas, she is also a mother of a cute little girl. The speaker has written and published 20 books, from Solo to anthology books. And the topic she delivered a topic today entitled " Menulis Membuatu naik Kelas dan Berprestasi". Please visit the link for more info about Ibu Aam Nurhasanah.,S.Pd

Ibu Aam Nurhasanah .,S.Pd

And here are some pictures of books she wrote

        As Om Jay gave an opening speech and the moderator Ms.Maesaroh.,M.Pd closed the group for only admins, the blood in my body rushed and hearts jumping. Since it means that the speaker will soon explain her topic and participants are starting to make resumes. As Gelombang 20 always says. F 1 Race START!

        The first message Ibu Aam sent to the group was SIAP, greeting and saying hello to every participant from all over the country. She then presented her Powerpoint slides, the first sentence there, was "Better late than Never". She was sharing her achievements and the Organizations she joined.

            Ibu Aam told a story about how she became a blogger, moderator, writer, Editor, and Curator for the past two years or so. She told how she was asked to edit one of her former student's stories that became a best-seller novel. The going on with a detailed explanation about the topic.

        The richness of knowledge has made her a good writer and a successful blogger. She then shared some tips to find ideas and conveying messages, here are her tips;

1. Where Do Ideas come from? 

2. What crosses your mind when you write?

3. What Message do you want to convey?

        There are two steps of processing the idea she explained, she called it Semangat "Passionate" and Lebih Semangat " More Passionate"


1. Collecting Memories

2. Determined the character on every Sub Titles

3. Make Outlines or List of Content


1. Write what you have in Mind

2. Start with Qur'an Reciting to motivate

3. From zero to hero

        Exploring deeper into her slides and thoughts, I can see that she is a passionate and determined person in reaching her goals. She has proven that with achievements. The speaker also pointing out some details about how every person has different goals in writing books. 

1. Curing a lifeless soul

2. Refusing to forget.

3. Motivate

4. Preach.

5. Give appreciation to the character.

6. Every problem comes with a solution

7. to share and to Inspire

         After finding the ideas as another speaker always emphasized, a writer should make an outline for the script plan then collect all the data needed. The next step will be Outline Preparations; here are some explanations for that;

  • Pick a Topic
  • Choose writing resources.
  • Focus your mind

        Ibu Kanjeng is her motivator besides Om Jay. When she dreamt about becoming a writer once, she then found Ibu Kanjeng that can really push and motivate her in becoming a good writer, and published her books. She first started her carrier in writing the book with anthologies.

        She added that by writing anthologies, at least start-up writers can learn to write well and joined in book writing with big writers in one topic designed, learn many new things from experts, starters and the last but not least is to write anthology is a great starter.

        Before she closes her explanation so that the participants can be involved in Q & As, she wrote her famous quotes.

She said : 


            Wrapping up this extraordinary meeting tonight, I would say Belajar Menulis Class-created by Om Jay has not only brings up people's potential but also change people's way of thinking and seize the world. Hoping this community will always bring a new spirit and help people to really understand what they are here on earth is for. 

        Join the community, get new blessed things, achieve the best goals, and change your perspective better.


Dwi Pratiwi said...

You are so fast and have great writing styleπŸ‘

Umi ESSSAA said...

kerren...kosisten dengan passion ibu..

Nur Afifah said...

Benar pak Dail dan penghuni gel.20 sangat membantu dan sangat memotivasi sekali. Setuju

Helwiyah said...

Wah..lengkap dan berciri khas semangat....πŸ‘

Winda,S.Pd said...

Selalu menginspirasi dengan English yang mumpuniπŸ‘

maydearly89 said...

Really amazing😍 with a best writing style, I'm proud of you😘

Dail Alser said...

Thank you Miss Phia you write my name on your resume. It is surprise ...keep our spirit n our health ... Insya Allah we can have solo books

Chank said...

Waaahhh lengkap banget, boleh ditiru kan mba Phia ? πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

azdinmama said...

Selalu memukau...Ms. Phia. Semoga segera terwujug impian nya...πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

Anonymous said...

Amin... said...

Selalu menginspirasi dan membakar semangat

Eva Nurhaeny said...

Style mb Phia yg konsisten.. mantap

Raliyanti said...

Every time I read your writing, I am very enthusiastic and very curious to know the words that are written. really helped me practice reading in English. thank you, miss phia

Agung Pramono said...

Keren, penulis dengan ciri khas yang hebat


Resume dikemas dalam Bahasa Inggris, memiliki sebuah karesmatik, potensi sudah terlihat, dari isi tulisan yang sungguh memikat. Rasanya lumer bun.

NurhayatiNung said...

pokokE kereen tiada duanya...😊😊
syukaaa sekali ama opening n Note yg menginspirasi, Congrat Ms PhiaπŸ₯°πŸ‘

Omma Babys said...

It is nice Mrs. Phia.

asia nurwati said...

Input video menambah nilai +

Rosminiyati said...

Hope your level is the highest. To be every thing will be your's. The fastest and the smartest. The new star is coming soon. It's you.

indahsusantianggraeni said...

Dari setiap tulisannya selalu jelas padat dan khasnya memotivasi lebih semangat lagi untuk terbiasa dengan bahasa Inggris. Semoga jadi lebih semangat untuk yang lain ...

Mia Kaunang said...

πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘Wah..mantap ini tulisan, tampilannya juga.
Cakeepp...miss, you are wonderfull full full

makasi kunjungannya 😍

Deni Darmawan said...

Nice and good writer. Two thumb for you Ms. said...
