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Wednesday, August 18, 2021


Resume    : 17th (Ke-17)
Date         : Wednesday, August 18th 2021)
Speaker    : Musiin,M.Pd.
Moderator: Mr.Bams
Topic        : Konsep Buku Nonfiksi"

Writing Non-Fiction is like writing Fiction in a Real-Life situation and  factual condition, With concrete characters and  touchable plots in reality that creates knowledge

    The 17th on the 18th of August 2021, in the freezing cold air of a small town called Kota Sukabumi. Tonight's class started half an hour earlier. Mr.Bams as the moderator in the meeting of Belajar Menulis class closed the group at about18:27. He then shared the speaker's resume to the group for us, the participants to learn beforehand.

    As I learned about the best strategy to start writing a book with a rhetorical question, a rhetorical question came up. Do we really need to learn the concept of writing non-Fiction? and of course. since a rhetorical question is a  question that doesn't really need an answer, usually because the answer is clear and the one who asks it many times already knows the answer.

    Taking a short scheming on The speaker's Resume, I conclude that Ibu Musiin,M.Pd. is an English Teacher, an innovator, a businesswoman, and a good writer at the same time.  Ibu Iin that's how she prefers to be called, is a full-packed lady. Another Beauty and Brain of Om Jay's Team. Might want to read her resume check on it below.

    The most fascinating from Ibu Iin is that she is not only an innovator and founder of an NGO, but also a good businesswoman that can dig out good business opportunities around her. She is the founder of PT. In Jaya, the company that engaged in the distribution of PT Indomarco and Indolacto products in Pasuruan is also the supplier of sugar cane raw materials for sugar factories in the Madiun, Malang, and Kediri areas.`

    And Mr. Bams started the class, his quotes added a fascinating meeting and brighten up the dark sky of the night with a huge smile across my face.
 Sebelum menerima materi, silahkan siapkan diri untuk bisa lebih nyaman di malam ini.

Mohon ijin kepada seisi rumah, malam ini sedang belajar. Kalau harus pegang gawai pun kita semua sedang belajar πŸ™πŸ‡²πŸ‡¨πŸ’ͺπŸ‘πŸ™‚
 Bagi yang belum memberikan senyuman terbaik untuk seisi rumah, silahkan berikan senyuman agar semangat menggelora dalam diri serta orang-orang terkasih di sekeliling kita. 😁
Penulis Mr Bams: Siapkan minuman hangat juga cemilan yang membuat kita semakin rileks dimalam ini.

Ibu Iin was also one of the participants that conquer Prof Eko's Challenge to write a book.  And now her books have become one of Gramedia Book store's selling book list. She also conquered her fears of writing and self resentment. Her passion in writing finally has come to its destiny. The biggest question that started the idea was

Yes, the big question is IS THERE A BOOK INSIDE YOU ?  as questioned by the writer of a book titled Is there a book inside You ?. Dan Poynter. the rhetorical question has become a reference to all-rookie writers. Everyone must have experiences, knowledge, and skill within. What you need to have is a strong determination, since writing is not an easy skill, so a strong will strengthen the goals.

The main focus today is writing a non-fiction book, and there are three patterns in Non-Fiction, they are :

1. Hierarchical Pattern (Books are arranged in stages from easy to difficult or from simple to complex)Example: Textbook

2. Procedural Pattern (Books are arranged in order of process.Example: Guidebook

3. Cluster Pattern (Books are arranged point by point or item by item. This pattern is applied to books of collection of writings or collection of chapters which in this case are equivalent between chapters)

The pattern she used for her duet book with Prof Eko was the third pattern the Cluster pattern. The process itself consists of five steps :

  1. Pre Writing
  2. Draft Writing
  3. Draft Revising
  4. Manuscripts Editing
  5. Publishing
Each of the steps but she emphasized first on the Pre Writing step they are


1. Determine the theme
2. Finding ideas
3. Planning the type of writing
4. Collecting writing materials
5. Brainstorm
6. Make a list
7. Research
8. Create a Mind Map
9. Drawing up the outline
The theme can be determined only by one in a book. The themes of nonfiction books are parenting, education, motivation, etc.

Getting a topic to write will not be too difficult since the writer can use personal or other's experiences, news, imagination, reading, environment. Anything can be the topic of your writing, it can be your first idea to write.

She then explained her experiences in writing a duet book with prof Eko. She informed that in getting references for your writing will also be as easy. Her references in writing her book were from a youtube channel from Pak Yulius Roma Patandean here is the link for you to check.Yulius Roma Patandean Youtube Channel

Herein she shared a Non-Fiction Book anatomy
Book Anatomy
1. Title Page
2. Presentation Page (OPTIONAL)
3. Contents Page
4. Foreword Page (OPTIONAL, ask influential figures)
5. Foreword page
6. Acknowledgments Page (OPTIONAL)
7. Section /Chapter
8. Attachment Page (OPTIONAL)
9. Glossary Page
10. Bibliography page
11. Index Page
12. About the Author Page

 The next step is Draft writing these are how the process taken
1. Pouring the concept of writing into writing with the principle of freedom
2. Not concerned with perfection, but more on how ideas are written

The third step  is Revising the Draft you have made
1. Revise the systematics/structure of writing and presentation
2. Examine the big picture of the script.
And then The fourth step of the writing process is :

Editing manuscripts (KBBI and PUEBI)
1. Spelling
2. Grammar
3. Diction
4. Data and facts
5. Legality and norms

 KBBI online is very helpful for writers in editing manuscripts.

     The fifth or final step is to PUBLISH. publishing your writing or journal or books will be the goal for every writer. The ultimate challenge has been conquering in the process of many steps, then you have come to an end of it which is Publishing the book.

    What about writing barriers? There must be a mother and father. If you go through a smooth road without holes, you must be sleepy. So yes, you have to meet obstacles and obstacles.
Obstacles in writing
1. Time barrier
2. Barriers to creativity
3. Technical barriers
4. Goal barrier
5. Psychological barriers

Here is the slide for the five steps of Writing that the speaker explained earlier.

    On the Q & A session, I catch one question that resembles mine. so I decided to put one here. The question came from Ibu Nurhayati or Jenk Noer that's how I use to call her, an interestingly fun lady to talk with

Nur Hayati dari Yogya,
Ijin bertanya bunda:
1.Bgm cara menuangkan tema yang dipilih menjadi judul yang menarik sekaligus trend tinggi?
2. Trik menuangkan tema/judul ke dlm kerangka /draf yang sesuai alur,shg tidak keluar dr tema
mkasiih Bund πŸ™πŸ½
 Penulis Mr Bams: Silahkan Bu πŸ™πŸ™‚
Ibu Nur Hayati dari Yogya, terima kasih ibu atas pertanyaannya.
Bapak Joko Irawan, Direktur Penrbit Andi mengatakan sebelum menulis kita harus melihat trend yang terjadi di masyarakat. Aplikasi yang bisa digunakan untuk melihat fenomena tersebut adalah dengan menggunakan Google Trends.
Google Trends menggunakan kecerdasan buatan untuk merekam apa saja yang dicari orang melalui Google, apa saja yang diberitakan di Google. Hasil analisis di Google Trends bisa menjadi dasar untuk menulis.

    Wrapping up after the Q& A is that what the writer needs to focus on is the goal "publishing and be happy with the process to reach it. We are not appreciated by the title or the goals we have achieved, but rather highly praised and appreciated from the process we have passed.  Yes, Title is only a bonus, money also comes after. But what makes us who we are today, is the long process we have passed and finished.


Umi ESSSAA said...

Miss Phia, Ibu inspiratif untuk saya, selalu rapi ..the best

Ms.Phia/Pro said...

terimakasih buu. semangaaat

Dwi Pratiwi said...

Luar biasa mengalir jernih.

Dwi Pratiwi said...

Btw. I met your classmate. Rully.

Ms.Phia/Pro said...

rully ? the teacher ya bu. aah how fun send my best regards

NurhayatiNung said...

Wis pokokE....joss gandoss...keren habis dechπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Dail Alser said...

Saya td menikmati video di resume ibu. Luar biasa. Lengkap dan menambah ilmu. Bloger internasional. Karena SDH bisa di publikasikan ke semua orang diberbagai belahan dunia.

Bangga satu angkatan dgn Bu Phia.

azdinmama said...

Bu Phia, dirimu LUWAR BIASA. Wess segera TERBANG

Helwiyah said...

Woow....selalu kreatif dan menginspirasi....ganbatte....

Raliyanti said...

yess.. publishing n be happy.. our goal. can't wait for the moment..

annifr said...

Menginspirasi sekali cantik menawan

asia nurwati said...

Superrr lengkap Mis

Winda,S.Pd said...

Aku padamu Miss Phia..keren

Chank said...

Sudah....trbanglah setinggi-tingginya mba Phia, bentangkn sayap dan tetaplh seperti ini, rendah hati πŸ‘πŸ‘

Lia Yuflihah said...

Maasyaa Allah selalu keren bunda Phia tuh 😍🀩

Saya suka πŸ€—

Wawan Hermawan said...

Menyajikan tulisan yang renyah...aku suka

Ms.Phia/Pro said...

terimakasih Support nya semuaa. sukses