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Friday, August 20, 2021


Resume    : 18th ( Ke-18)
Date         : Friday, August 20th 2021
Speaker    : Yulius Roma Patandean,S.Pd
Topic        : Menyusun Buku secara Sistematis 
Moderator: Dra.Sri Sugiastuti,M.Pd

Planning is the most important part of being systematic, Always plan Well to finish things systematically.

18 again is a movie starring Zach Efron a Hollywood actor that plays in many best-selling movies. And tonight class has come to the 18th meeting. As excited as I watch Zach Efron's movie, this  Belajar Menulis class made me so On cloud nine. Haha

The Star of the class tonight is Bapak Yulius Roma Patandean,S.Pd. He is an English teacher ( that excites me more ) who graduated from Universitas Kristen Indonesia in 2007 and finished his Masters's degree majoring in Education in 2021. Pak Yulius is another role model for me, from Om Jay Team. For  more information about this extraordinary teacher please check on the link 

He wrote and published many books , let me just share his books below

Guru Menulis Guru Berkarya (Penerbit Eduvation, 2020); Digital Transformation: Generasi Muda Indonesia Menghadapi Transformasi Dunia (Penerbit ANDI, 2020); Antologi Puisi Rona Korona Dalam Duka dan Ria (Penerbit Oase Pustaka, 2020); Antologi Menciptakan Pola Pembelajaran Efektif dari Rumah (Penerbit Tata Akbar, 2020); Antologi Kisah Inspiratif Sang Guru (Penerbit Pustaka Ilalang, 2020); Tetesan Di Ujung Pena (Penerbit Eduvation, 2021); dan Merajut Asa Di Badai Korona (Penerbit Gemala, 2021), Flipped Classroom: Membuat Peserta Didik Berpikir Kritis, Kreatif, Mandiri, dan Mampu Berkolaborasi dalam Pembelajaran yang Responsif (Penerbit ANDI, 2021)Metode Belajar Online: Kiat Sukses dalam Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) (YPTD 2021); Media Komputer Dalam Pembelajaran (Universitas Terbuka, 2021).

In his quite short introduction, he left a note for the participants and reading it added more passion for me maybe also for everyone in the group. Nearly cried of happiness to have the opportunity to meet such a passionate, awesome, and smart person. I Highlighted his Note since it encourages me a lot.

Before compiling the manuscript for publication, I leave a message:

Rest assured with the quality of the manuscript that has been prepared

No matter how simple our script is, it will have a special place in the hearts of its readers

Avoid feeling inferior, that the script is not good. Hold on to the principles, the existing book manuscripts are very good for publication

Thus, there will be a sense of confidence and satisfaction in making systematic editing and preparation of book manuscripts.

Besides that he is actively teaching and writing, Pak Yulius is also a Youtuber, This I have got to watch and subscribe to. He shared his Youtube video on the related topic they are explained as follows. ( You Might also want to watch the video below.

1. How to make an Index in writing books

2. The next video shared was a tutorial on how to Systematically Completing a book. Check out the video below!

3. Tutorial Video on How to create Table Of Content, Quotes, Indeks and References. Check it Out !

Pak Yulius also shared one important or ultimate trick on how he can finish writing a book. He said You only need to be FOCUS. If the target of finishing the book is on the coming week, then focus to finish it this week, and to my surprise, he said that the trick is also Prof.Eko's trick. maximizing your weekend to write!

The strategy in writing a book he used is an anti-mainstream method. First, He never writes or makes the Title and Subtitle before writing. He thinks that it will confine his mind in writing, he just starts to write as many as he can after getting the topic. 

Chapters and Sub Chapters also made on the editing process, he emphasized to save pictures collection that is related to the topic on the phone memory since pictures are his master information. I would say he is n extraordinary writer with An innovative mind who has to be highly respected and look up to.

The explanation was also a bit short but worthed. Participants need to dig more information on the topic from his Youtube Channel. He explained a lot in detail on how to start writing and to create systematic book writing. NEVER GIVE UP !!! is the message I got from this class.

On the Q & A session Bu Helwiyah, The passionate lady I also Look up to. asked the first question. 

Mau nanya

1. Bagaimana  cara menjaga konsistensi dalam menulis?
Maklumlah  emak emak banyak tugas domestik

2. Apa kendala  yang bang Roma temui dalam proses menulis hingga jadi buku dan apa solusinya?


Teruntuk: Helwiyah, Bekasi

1. Bagaimana  cara menjaga konsistensi dalam menulis?

Sebagai guru, apalagi masa pandemi, pekerjaan tiada habisnya. Konsistensi saya pelihara dengan menyiapkan hari khusus untuk menulis, fokus di hari Minggu untuk menyatukan percikan tulisan, jika kepepet waktu untuk penyelesaian naskah , maka saya mengedit, menambah dan melengkapi naskah setiap malam. Sejak saya mengikuti pelatihan ini, jam tidur saya paling cepat jam 11 malam Waktu Indonesia Tengah. 😁

2. Apa kendala  yang bang Roma temui dalam proses menulis hingga jadi buku dan apa solusinya?

Kendala utama adalah *Manajemen Waktu. Solusinya adalah memisahkan waktu antara bekerja, kegiatan masyarakat dan kuliah. Jangan pernah menunda untuk menuliskan ide untuk naskah buku jika sudah muncul di pikiran. Minimal simpan di handphone. 

Semoga membantu. Terima kasih. πŸ™πŸ˜Š 

 Wrapping up the meeting, I got a new spirit tonight, The Speaker, Pak Yulius has triggered my passion to write more and put new ideas in a book. I can be as good as him in writing books someday, that's my goal for sure. Being systematic is about making a perfect plan with a strong will in making the plan to live. Plan perfect, concept action, Action more. !


Wawan Hermawan said...

Saya banyak belajar dari ms phia...

Dwi Pratiwi said...

Gaya mantap. Isi keren.

annifr said...

Luar biasa menawan sekali sukses selalu

Helwiyah said...

Selalunda ide kreatif ....IT terlatih

Dail Alser said...

Salut. Lengkap dan Kren. Cepat lagi. Layak go internasional....

asia nurwati said...

Wes lah pokok-e wes lengkap Mis

saiful basroni said...


Raliyanti said...

ms. phia... always cool...

NurhayatiNung said...

No coment dach...juosss ...some think itπŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Lina Nuraindah said...
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Lina Nuraindah said...

Mantap. Tak sabar menanti buku solo nya sepertinya digital tool apa saja yang digunakan dalam menulis resume dalam berbahasa Inggris patut untuk dibuat sebuah tulisan. Kami tunggu ya Mas.Phia

Omma Babys said...

Amazing Moms....

Lia Yuflihah said...

Suka ...😍

Agung Pramono said...

Tulisan yang lengkap disertai video yang menarik pembaca