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Monday, August 23, 2021


Resume     : 21st (Ke-21)
Date           : Monday, August 23rd 2021
Speaker      : Akbar Zainudin,M.M.,MJW
Topic          : "Teknik Promosi Buku "
Moderator   : Bu Kanjeng 

Everyone has a product to sell, and everyone is the marketer for their own products.

21 Jump Street, Ring a bell ? it ringed my bell, haha .. always. 21 jump Street was a movie title a serial movie about young cops, detectives handling teenage criminals, the leading actor was Johny Depp, was dead handsome, at least I thought so when I was like high school.

The class tonight is something else, there is nothing to do with the movie, but the number. Bapak Akbar Zainuddin was the speaker for this extra terrific class. our moderator Ibu Kanjeng "my role model" started introducing the speaker after Om jay closed the group as always.

" Conquering thousands of people will not show that you are a winner. But conquering yourself will tell people that you are the Emperor." 

That was how Om jay started the class, the exact courage I need to conquer my inconsistency in writing for the past few days. I got so many deadlines, I joined a volunteering job as a voice-over, and deadlines on 24th, I have not started even a single recording. Writing with Prof. Eko's script is hanging on the ground, the youtube channel is on the way to editing and the Podcast is already awaiting.

Here's a glimpse of how great tonight's speaker, I joined one of his classes a few weeks ago. I kind of personally think that Bapak Akbar is an excellent YouTuber, Public Speaker, Influencer, and motivator too. Check on his resume below

And here is that phenomenal book he wrote it's called Man Jadda Wa Jadda" it is an Arabic proverbs that is often used in Islamic education.

Related to the topic today, Book Selling Technique, Pak Akbar shared a link to his YouTube Channel titled '7 Cara Promosi Buku Biar Jadi BESTSELLER "watch the video and make sure you subscribed.

The first you should point at before you publish the book is Determining your market target, the group or community that will for sure read your book. It will be easier to map our readers, that way we can determine who will read our book. And the strategies to promote your book are discussed below :

1. Product Strategies: Product packaging must be suitable for the market target need.
Using illustration for children's books, Funky style /eyecatching for teenagers. 
2. Quality: The book's quality can also determine the price 
3. Distribution: There are two types of distribution methods; Traditional distribution and Non Traditional distribution.
  • Traditional distribution is Book store selling method
  • Non Traditional distribution: MLM, Direct Selling, Social Media, Market place
4. Promotion: Publisher and author promotion: to make people KNOW, INTERESTED, WILLING, BUY. method to promote
  • Launching - Publisher (some) , Collaborate with author
  • Book Review ( Bedah Buku ): On-Line / Off-Line
  • Seminar/ Workshop
  • Community
  • Reseller Network
  • Marketplace
  • Social Media
He emphasized that the most important thing is to develop the skill to influence people to love reading, to love books, and reading can broaden your horizon and knowledge. And creativity helps all the process.

There is a saying about creativity that I highlighted here: That being creative you can do anything, selling books, influencing people to be better also will finally give you benefit in life. We are required to be actively involved within the society , community to be able to influence people.

WAG Belajar menulis 

Moving to the Question & Answer session, the first question came from Tolitoli, and here is the recording video for the response.

Wrapping up, promotion is about building your self-brand, you are the best marketing manager for your products, it can be books, food, knowledge, skill. all you have with you is your product. So, create a self-brand then people will buy anything you sell.

Closing Statement


Sebagai catatan penutup. Sekarang ini sebagai seorang penulis, kita kalau bisa memiliki beberapa keterampilan yang akan membantu proses penjualan buku. 

Pertama, keterampilan berbicara yang baik di depan umum (public speaking). Agar pada saat kita ada acara ataupun rekaman di Medsos dan YouTube, menjadi menarik bagi calon pembaca.

Kedua, kemampuan copywriting (membuat kata menarik untuk promosi dan penjualan). Ini salah satu keterampilan paling penting untuk menjual pada Abad 21. 

Ketiga, pemanfaatan teknologi informasi. Bagaimana memanfaatkan media sosial seperti YouTube, WA, IG, Facebook, Zoom, Webex, Google Meet, dan sebagainya. Karena eranya sekarang seperti itu. Kalau kita bisa memanfaatkan dengan baik, hidup akan lebih mudah.


Dwi Pratiwi said...

Makin mantep. Keren Ms.

Umi ESSSAA said...

wow..ada yang beda malam ini, Closing Statement yang pas mantap...

azdinmama said...

Selalu lengkap, runtut..wes cocok ..jadi buku yang TAMPIL BEDA

Helwiyah said...

Kreatif bahasa dan keren Ms Phia....πŸ‘

NurhayatiNung said...

kereeennnn....closing yessπŸ‘πŸ‘

Raliyanti said...

selalu bingung mau komen apa.. soalnya selalu keren deh pokoknya

annifr said...

Pilihan huruf yg menarik dan kreatif yg terus berkembang, cakep keren ms.phia

asia nurwati said...

Ringkasan yang keren di penutup Mis

Chank said...

Semua ketrampilan yg akan membantu proses penjuslan buku sdh mba miliki, bersiap-siaplh .... πŸ‘πŸ‘

Dail Alser said...

And here is that phenomenal book he wrote it's called Man Jadda Wa Jadda" it is an Arabic proverbs that is often used in Islamic education.

always faster n the best. Video berat tapi bisa diupload ke blog ini langka. Hebat. Kren